Well I finally finished up triple completionist last night (got my completionist back in December 2011). It was a long journey filled with fun. I'd like to thank my guild leader, TR partner and good friend Castagir (Matt) for putting up with me and my daily play plans. Along the way I've played with quite a few people on the server, but there were a few that I played with more (Dangered, Loulani, Hartof....). Our guild (The Fighting Clowns) got smaller along the way and we seemed to not keep on any new recruits, but a few of the old timers are still there. Through all of these lives, I've accumulated nearly 54 million renown and our guild hit level 169 right before I hit triple (I always take renown from quest completions and saga's).
Still have some things to do on Bjriand, 31 more guild levels, 4 more iconics, 13 more epics and then I'll heroic tr once more to level 1 and complete everything (slayers, monster manual, elite favor).
Again, I would like to thank everyone for helping out when I needed it.