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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Revamp Blood Rage on items

    Blood rage on items as of right now has always been bad and needs a revision.
    BLOOD RAGE: Effect: When hit, wearer randomly gain short-duration strength and constitution buffs, followed by lethargy which reduces melee and ranged attack speed by -25%. All bonuses and penalties fully stack with everything.

    There are three levels of the rage:

    Level one lasts for twelve seconds and improves your strength and constitution by two.
    Level two lasts for six seconds and improves your strength and constitution by two (for a total of four).
    Finally, level three lasts for three seconds and improves your strength and constitution by two (for a total of six).

    The first rage acquired is always the level one, when it fades, it turns into level two. When level two fades, it becomes level three. To acquire a rage, you need to be hit.

    So to acquire all three levels of rage, you need to first get level one rage, allow it to fade to level two, get hit again, let the level two rage become level three and the new level one to level two and then get hit again. Chances of the rage to trigger on hit are estimated at around 50 to 80%.

    When the rage fades, it turns into lethargy which lowers your melee and ranged attacking speed by 25%. This fatigue lasts 12 seconds. There is absolutely no way to prevent or remove this effect, you WILL suffer from it if you wear an item with the blood rage effect. (Tested after U19)

    Bugs: Prevents all spellcasting, clicky use and entering a barbarian rage. Bonus applies if you are already enraged

    I was thinking it should be as follows:

    10% - 15% proc on hit to gain +2 bonus to str and con, attack speed 5%. (lasts for 20 secs.)(stacks to 4 times)

    Any thoughts about it is welcome.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jan 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by XxJFGxX View Post
    Bugs: Prevents all spellcasting, clicky use and entering a barbarian rage. Bonus applies if you are already enraged
    It is intentional that Blood Rage has effects not listed in the description: it was introduced for a dungeon where all the loot had hidden penalties.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabbler View Post
    It is intentional that Blood Rage has effects not listed in the description: it was introduced for a dungeon where all the loot had hidden penalties.
    Pretty sure it is a long forgotten bug. If it is or it isn't blood rage should be changed to be more useful.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default I think the Key is in the Title

    Blood Rage.

    Barbarians & their Barbarian Rage, they lose their spellcasting ability, not sure about how their clicky usage is affected.

    Madstone Rage prevents all spellcasting and item usage except potions, including SLA healing.

    I think Blood Rage is working just fine, unless it was indicted somewhere it wasn't WAI and I missed that bit.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BadSandwitch View Post
    Blood Rage.

    Barbarians & their Barbarian Rage, they lose their spellcasting ability, not sure about how their clicky usage is affected.

    Madstone Rage prevents all spellcasting and item usage except potions, including SLA healing.

    I think Blood Rage is working just fine, unless it was indicted somewhere it wasn't WAI and I missed that bit.

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