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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Your Part Time Guild - Wayfinder

    Wayfinder now has a new Guild with a new concept - "Your Part Time Guild" strives to be the clearinghouse Guild for the server to assist those who play full time on other servers but want to connect while on Wayfinder. This will be a great way to socialize and connect low-level characters who need to quest (especially for Favor), but also a way to come into one Guild channel and chat about all the happenings across the other servers.

    Even the leadership of this guild will be part time on the server - we are not trying to replace or compete with existing full-time Guilds on Wayfinder, but instead hope that this initiative finds ways to funnel players to appropriate Wayfinder guilds.

    Your Part Time Guild can serve as a place to initially take in new players who are dabbling in Wayfinder, but the goal is to transfer out full-time players to other guilds, so I will network with existing Wayfinder guild leaders to try and find you the right home should you decide to stay more permanently. Over time, there will be core permanent guild members who desire to stay; but this is about the server succeeding, not just the individual guild.

    Other aspects - some may simply want to start over, and play the game like they're brand new (but w/all updates), without many frills but with some friends and guild members who bring in experience from many other servers.

    Regardless, there are no activity minimums to stay in, and we don't have a rule list (yet, and don't plan on a long one - follow the EULA!). I hope this Guild helps to revive some activity and life into Wayfinder.

    For now - contact player "Kyll" in Wayfinder to get an invitation, officers soon to follow as we grow.

  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    Your Part Time Guild is now Level 12, have purchased the smallest/unlocked Airship and outfitted it with max basic buffing items that fit. Thanks to several game veterans, we're funded with Plats to help sustain plat-based Airships along the way. Shard-based purchases of ships and/or buffing items are also possible, depending on growth and needs of the guild - but I reiterate -- there are no donation nor time expectations for this guild, as one major goal is to make this as easy as can be for Wayfinder visitors and part-timers.

    If you're an existing Guild Leader on another server, please send me a PM here or mail in game if you're interested in being a guild officer. My goal is to only have Guild Leaders (on other servers) as officers, so players can effectively network to find other guilds on other servers along the way.
    Last edited by Nuclear_Elvis; 01-04-2015 at 02:31 PM.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Update: Open Recruiting, Airship Purchase, Rapid Growth

    Update: Your Part Time Guild is now level 27 and growing at a rapid pace, as we're typically the highest login count among all Guilds in Wayfinder, sometimes 10-15 players at peak. We have purchased the Kraken Airship, the largest currently available in game, and have bought all possible Amenities along the way, and also hook the legacy buffer NPCs in the Cargo Hold.

    Core mission/goals are the same: serve as a clearinghouse for part-time players in Wayfinder, even if you're just on a one-time Favor run in Wayfinder, we can help house you temporarily and provide guild buffs.

    New-to-game and Returning players: you are always welcome, and should think of this guild as a "Training Guild" for you, given our large membership that is widely ranging in levels, capable of questing from Korthos-1st version (snowy/dragon infested) to level 20. If you are new/returning, I recommend you read my Tutorial II post here:

    Guild Leaders in Wayfinder: contact me, if you haven't already. If I don't know the theme of your guild, or what type of player/members you're looking for, then I can't recommend your guild to my full-time player/members that may want a different guild on server.

    Guild Leaders on other servers outside Wayfinder: If you don't otherwise have a guild in Wayfinder for yourself, your officers, and your members; consider my guild for your organized Favor runs when on other servers. I will confirm the Guild Leader (go to your server), and then make you an officer in the guild, so that you can openly recruit in your members coming into Wayfinder.

    My main remains the same: Kyll
    Look me up when you visit Wayfinder.
    Kyll - Guild leader of Your Part Time Guild on Wayfinder server.
    -- Your Part Time Guild has over 750+ Guild Members!

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