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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Offering help, advice and other information if you need

    I am from the guild Pay It Forward and probably different play times to some people but l am also open to helping if anyone needs it, even if you just need advice or to discuss different builds or etr's as l have done all the etr's and l am working my way through my lives.
    My main toon is Akajin and l also have capped crafting so even if you just need a shard or item made l can help with that and l also know ways to farm xp.

    I can even help walk you through if you need to make a build for a purpose as some people like to make a toon just for one purpose or another so l am always open to helping in that regard too.
    I am currently working through my lives doing ITR's so l am always going from 15-28 so if you need help in those levels and l am not your level yet it won't be long before l am. You can message me here through a PM, leave a comment in this thread or look for me in game and send me a tell there and l will reply when l can
    Main toon-Akajin Other toon/s-Firajin, Skillmonkeyi
    Currently pursuing my lives on Skillmonkeyi(Currently 8th life) and going for Triple/True Completionist but l am always happy to help if you need it as l am also a capped crafter

  2. #2
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Nice of you

    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Mithavenger View Post
    I am from the guild Pay It Forward and probably different play times to some people but l am also open to helping if anyone needs it, even if you just need advice or to discuss different builds or etr's as l have done all the etr's and l am working my way through my lives.
    My main toon is Akajin and l also have capped crafting so even if you just need a shard or item made l can help with that and l also know ways to farm xp.

    I can even help walk you through if you need to make a build for a purpose as some people like to make a toon just for one purpose or another so l am always open to helping in that regard too.
    I am currently working through my lives doing ITR's so l am always going from 15-28 so if you need help in those levels and l am not your level yet it won't be long before l am. You can message me here through a PM, leave a comment in this thread or look for me in game and send me a tell there and l will reply when l can
    i have been playing on cannith for a couple of years now on and off. i too had the idea of doing the triple completionist if i live that long. my main toon is snitz on cannith, i have 3 lives as a ranger with 2 epic tr's and went on too the iconic chr base pally with 2 fighter levels. was wondering if when i complete 2 more lives with this toon if that will count as lives towards my triple completionist or because it is an iconic toon if it will not. i like the sarlona world, nice people and love my guild, not to mention a lot less lag here. i have a level 28 horc on cannith that i wud like to move to move here to sarlona, (6 pally, 12 fighter, 2 monk. as i was loking at the forums and saw ur post i also saw where i cud transfer toons from one server to another. with the list of toons they showed me i cud transfer i did not see me horc, his name is fafnirr. i wud like to bring him over ans possibly my main snitz but am having trouble. i have been off ddo for around 6 months and before i had to leave i was told i had to pay 25 bucks to transfer. the forum i was reading ddnt mention any cash. do u have any info that may give me some help or should i call doo

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by snitz View Post
    i have been playing on cannith for a couple of years now on and off. i too had the idea of doing the triple completionist if i live that long. my main toon is snitz on cannith, i have 3 lives as a ranger with 2 epic tr's and went on too the iconic chr base pally with 2 fighter levels. was wondering if when i complete 2 more lives with this toon if that will count as lives towards my triple completionist or because it is an iconic toon if it will not. i like the sarlona world, nice people and love my guild, not to mention a lot less lag here. i have a level 28 horc on cannith that i wud like to move to move here to sarlona, (6 pally, 12 fighter, 2 monk. as i was loking at the forums and saw ur post i also saw where i cud transfer toons from one server to another. with the list of toons they showed me i cud transfer i did not see me horc, his name is fafnirr. i wud like to bring him over ans possibly my main snitz but am having trouble. i have been off ddo for around 6 months and before i had to leave i was told i had to pay 25 bucks to transfer. the forum i was reading ddnt mention any cash. do u have any info that may give me some help or should i call doo
    For something like this you might want to call turbine and to answer your question regarding Itr's, yes the heroic lives you do in those iconic lives count toward it just as it would if you did a heroic life but the differene being you need to be level 28 to tr an iconic toon. I myself only use iconics now to do my lives and l have been since my 7th life and l am now on my 31st life. I am not sure if there is a cost involved for server transfers as l have only been a Sarlona player myself and l will stay on that server
    Main toon-Akajin Other toon/s-Firajin, Skillmonkeyi
    Currently pursuing my lives on Skillmonkeyi(Currently 8th life) and going for Triple/True Completionist but l am always happy to help if you need it as l am also a capped crafter

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Info on character transfers. It is a paid service.

    (Do not use the broken link under the Community banner which still falsely claims the service to be unavailable.)
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

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