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I like these ideas because they actually play with the raw materials of a barbarian:
*they hit the hardest (in melee, possibly ranged if we get creative)
*their rage makes them more formidable in combat, but sacrifice: spellcasting (including healing, which is generally most important), intelligent actions and skills; post-rage are fatigued (though not at higher levels)
*they are not strategic survivors (paladins, fighters) but hardened survivors (rangers, barbarians) that can ignore (DR) or evade (uncanny dodge) damage
I'm grateful for the barb pass being done at all, but the *raw materials* of the barb don't feel at all augmented to me.
*they don't seem to hit at all harder than classes that already have many more capabilities (paladins, bards)
*their rage is pretty much solely a liability and hardly an advantage -- this is taking into account the spectrum of casual to powergamer aims, in my opinion, as they are all generally better off as other classes
*they are NOT more survivable in terms of DR or dodging, they were merely given a big goodie bag of healing amplification and hp
Here's what would get me to play my barbarians again (or TR previous barbarians back to barbarians):
*make their damage MEANINGFUL in light of the fact that their core rage skill prevents them from being truly self-sufficient except in the case of trivial content using barb enhancement T5 heals or challenging content and using consecration healing. Because self-sufficiency is at the heart of DDO's endgame whether we like it or not, this is an important trade off.
*buff rage to be a significant boost on a baseline level.
buff rage differently in each enhancement tree
*tone down some of this healing amplification/hit point madness and make a serious effort to have barb DR and damage avoidance be meaningful in all content. The DR portion is currently close to useless once you hit level 18 quests.
Lots of people have iterated the above, which I think might clue the devs into how frustrated the player base can sometimes feel (bard and paladin changes excluded, as they were great at revitalizing those classes).
Again revisiting the concept of improving core barb mechanics in each tree, what about things like:
*for each 1/- DR gained, frenzied berserkers gain some amount of PRR. Say, coreII is 2 PRR per 1/-, core IV is 4 PRR per 1/-, and capstone is 7 PRR per 1/-, meaning a net gain of 49 PRR for a capstone FB.
*have occult slayer offer the defensive roll (per rogue special) feat as an enhancement somewhere.
have occult slayer cores offer a 10s reduction to the cooldown of uncanny dodge, so a capped occult slayer can activate it every 120s rather than every 180s
*have ravagers have a % chance to inflict stat damage for ALL HITS while raging, rather than the utter joke cooldowns of mutilate and cruel cut. If mutilate and cruel cut must be kept, then either cut their cooldowns significantly OR change them to add extra types of stat damage, or better yes, DPS (in the form of vulnerability stacks or poison damage)
Again, I think it's wonderful that any attention is being given all the classes that need help, but barbs are currently more puzzling than fun. "I have a lot of health but almost no way to get it back. My greataxe doesn't seem to hit much harder than that lutist with his rapier, or that churchman with an orb and sword. My damage reduction is ten times smaller than this kobold's glancing blow."