Since update 24, I cannot launch the game. The login screen conmes up but displays the words "Installing Pre-Reqs" and hangs there before giving me the list of servers and login fields.
Any tips?
Since update 24, I cannot launch the game. The login screen conmes up but displays the words "Installing Pre-Reqs" and hangs there before giving me the list of servers and login fields.
Any tips?
This is usually a pretty easy fix. Bring up your launcher and click on that downward facing arrow in the top right corner. From there go into Options, then click on the Proxy tab. Select the icon next to "No Proxy" and then click okay at the bottom. Your launcher should basically close out and reopen and then progress past the installing pre-reqs point the next time you log in!
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Mine does the same. I have the launcher set to load when windows boots. It hangs at installing pre-reqs. The fix that works for me is I click on the top right X to close the launcher, dismiss the windows "it crashed" dialog, and re-start the launcher. It work fine after that, at least for me.
Some think I'm a pain in the neck. Others have a lower opinion.
I've tried that too. I can;t get in to the game at all, either using the normal launcher or the pre-loader. I've even reset all the settings in the launcher to default and it still hangs. Getting a bit frustrated now as I have not been able to play for 2 weeks. Turbine have not replied to my bug report either.
This has been happening to me too since thee Hotfix earlier this week. I have tried both the suggestions here and it makes no difference. Please help...
I ran the TurbineLauncher.exe as "administrator" and it told me a .dll file was missing.
I hunted out the file on the internet and downloaded it to my /windows/system32 folder. I had then to download another 3 files but TurbineLauncher now works.
For me the files were:
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice. I gave up and reinstalled...twice. Now it works. No idea what was wrong. Luckily I have a new laptop and it only took an hour or so. With my old one it would have taken waaaaay longer than that and I don't think I would have bothered, to be honest.
Just to provide a complete picture I'll add my 2 cents. I was doing Necro 3 Tomb of the Tormented and just crawling through as I was pretty well soloing it and was ill equipped as a Pally without much effective casting capabilities nor trapping. A Cleric joined the LFM finally and (Big thank you to Lorele on Orien) he gave me some insight into how to work the mazes. I kept lagging out for a minute here and there and I would keep my partner informed. I have never really known if these lag spikes were because of the game or if it was something on my side. Finally one of these lag spikes dropped me entirely and I was not able to log on with my PC even after rebooting a couple times. It just hung on the "installing pre-reqs" screen. I found some threads on the subject here and tried a couple things to no avail.
Finally I was able to log on through my laptop after having to wait for the latest update to load and lo and behold Lorele was still hanging in there. That was about a 15 minute wait. As far as connectivity was concerned the fact that my laptop could log in and my PC couldn't didn't make sense but I just got to finishing things up as we were at the third maze and close to the end. With my squinting at the small screen, my hotkeys all messed on the laptop and timing being slightly out from when I was on the PC it was taking some time and Lorele had to go unfortunately. I kept at it and about 20 minutes later did get through for a nice XP reward and feeling a little bad that the player who helped me through there could not share in the spoils.
Afterwards I logged out and took a good look at the connectivity matter. It turned out that my wifi internet connection was somehow fine for my laptop but spotty with my PC. This has clarified a number of connectivity issues for me on my side which I will look into with my internet provider. I guess the message is before dropping blame on the game, make sure that connections on your side are all good. This can include running the game on an optimal system, lag problems improved dramatically for me when I switched from playing the game on my previous laptop to a new PC speced for gaming.
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