I have an heroic Ottos box that I want to trade for a epic ottos box. Also willing to just trade the XP stone.
I have an heroic Ottos box that I want to trade for a epic ottos box. Also willing to just trade the XP stone.
I could trade stones. Logging on now, hit me up if you see me.
Main: Zodaroth - heroic & epic completionist pure dwarven warlock
Alts: Zodynkar (caster), Zodirkeal (archer), Zodinn (lab rat)
---- Death N Taxes -------------------------------------------------------Argo -----
pm sent
Proud Officer of Reaper Casual
ok, got my epic stones so, thank you all who traded and no more trades currently.
Ok, so someone posted a cheap heroic ottos box in the ASH but no epic ones there lately. So I could trade one more heroic box or stone for an epic one.
Or alternatively if someone wants I could trade a full old style(level 7-16) ottos box to an epic stone.
So any of the following would work for me:
my heroic 2 million xp stone -> epic stone
my new style ottos box(2 millon xp) -> epic ottos box
My old style ottos box(7-16) -> epic stone
Last edited by luvirini; 01-07-2015 at 08:01 AM.
Alright got my trade again so no more trades currently.