If you can't handle Elite, try Hard; if you can't handle Hard, try Normal.
There's 4 levels of difficulties in the quests, they are not meant to be 'Automatic Completion on Highest difficulty setting'.
This is an issue that appeared with MotU and the Epic Destinies and got compounded with Shadowfail.
It is getting fixed ( finally ). Even if I disagree with how it is being fixed ( crowned meatballs with inflated HPs), it is getting fixed, and that's good.
as I pointed in another thread : DDO used to be unforgiving, even in the starter area ( now Crystal Cove ) where you could die as a rogue from a blowing trap box in your intro quest.
While I do not want it back to that time ( It was really painful, and life expectancy of a permadeath character was numbered in hours ), I want it to be more difficult that what it is right now.
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
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I didn't notice anything ridiculous over the weekend regarding Champions, though seeing some 600ish HP harbor mobs was kinda stupid.
BUT . . . here's where Champions are a dumb idea . . . is they are random. Random is bad in that though they won't necessarily break every encounter, they can potentially break ANY encounter.
Should a level 18 quest give a mob the potential to one-shot an 800 HP level 25 character? No, it shouldn't. Throw in a random "champion" - and we all know how well "random" worked on during Feather's reign as loot/systems czar - and now the encounter is broken.
Random just plain sucks for this reason.
Yes the game was is too easy.
Too much power creep from stuff like monk splashes and over powered paladins and bards made it this way.
Better solution is the nerf what was buffed too much. Or leave things be and give an across the board buff to all mobs in EE
Champions were the wrong way to fix this.
Random sucks. Random has too much potential to break stuff.
Random mucks up carefully crafted encounters.
Mobs more dangerous than bosses is dumb.
Bosses and orange names already were the champions.
Trash mobs one-shotting people is dumb.
Devs knowing the cause of the one-shotting and not coming out as telling the players this was a bug so we don't foam at the mouth at each other is disappointing.
Champion rats is dumb.
Champion boxes and rocks is dumber than champion rats.
leveling is a chore that many just want to get over with.
Challenge us with a real end game.
Challenge us when at cap.
Give us a reason to actually stay at cap other than we're bored of TRing.
Give us this Mythic difficulty you hint at, with a LOOT grind and not an XP grind.
Stop adding dynamics to this game to balance stuff in epics that breaks heroics.
This is the Monkey-Boy manifesto, you all should put it in your signatures.
And most of all . . . with the holidays upon us could some of you people try being a little bit nicer to people who simply disagree with you?
Not sure why my post was deleted, but I'll reply to you. I don't mind randomness, it keeps you a little bit more "on your toes"... And I personally don't agree with the idea that a lower quest cannot pose a threat to a higher level character. I haven't tried the new quests yet, but I'll make sure to give it a shot soon.. and if they will be too though for me I'll seek help with an LFM.
One more helpful thing is tactics.. Using CC, stuns or just use the environment at your advantage can save you more than having thousands of HP.
But I agree with your (and many others) idea of a new difficulty. Something that might not even be worth for xp or loot, but simply fun, challenge and bragging rights...
Zibok, Zibo, Zibow, ZibahCannith
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New player here,
Random is awesome
Champions are fun
Getting killed is not a big deal
Looking forward to randomly placed traps someday and random mobs :P
It does matter. For all I know you're here complaining about something when you could have done something about. Further more, was there only one champion? A champion and a bunch of trash? A couple champions? "I got one shot and won't provide any details about what happened so that I can learn from the experience" does not engender a lot of empathy.
Ah, I see. You want the game to be so easy that you don't actually have a risk of dying. Dre and I got our rears kicked by champions. Hard. We sat down together, figured out what we did wrong, and kicked them back. And stopped dying at all levels. It just took a little effort on our part, and now we're back to steamrolling the mobs.
I Don't have to, I play in a static 28 point no gear semi-permadeath group on Wayfinder. And we're still stomping things. Because we pay attention to the dungeon, we watch for the crowns, and we formulate strategies to deal with the champions. And we have a great time doing it. And when I was actually new, I died all the time. And every time I did, I learned something new, that eventually led me to the point when I stopped dying.
New players won't know the difference. THey'll come and ask vets 'how do I get around this'. Already am seeing it in advice channels, my help channel, and general channels across the board.
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
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Why do you NEED something in return? There are already other difficulty, so you could still play them. And as someone else said spiraling down with power creep isn't the solution. I think having a "nightmare" kind of difficulty that might even be a once-and-done kinda thing, just to have fun, might be a good idea. Not every difficulty/quest must be farmed (for xp or loot). It would probably be even more meaningful than having speed runs and time records for completion...
Zibok, Zibo, Zibow, ZibahCannith
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
I don't need to imagine EE champions, I have faced them and they are TOUGH... as they should be. If you solo WGU EE now you have EARNED it. It is great that Elite means something again - at least a little bit.
Quests are less boring and predictable now. This is a good thing. What is the fun and challenge in just gathering mobs and then cleaving when you have enough? Try using some tactics instead of whining that the game is too hard for you when playing Elite difficulty.
Learn. Adapt. Get better.
~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~~ Bobthesponge Squarethepants ~ Whaleoil Beef Hooked~~Ascent~
Sometimes it is not the arrow but the archer who is at fault.
If you are lvl 25 and getting 1 shotted in a lvl 18 quest - even with an astounding 800 HP - then there is something wrong with you. Your build sucks or your playstyle sucks or you forgot to put DW on or something else I didn't mention. No PRR? No MRR? Get some and try again.
You may have even rolled a 1. Stuff happens. Deal with it or play on Normal difficulty until you get better.
~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~~ Bobthesponge Squarethepants ~ Whaleoil Beef Hooked~~Ascent~