I saw very few complaints about EE being too hard. The majority of complaints are HE HH and EH related, and IMO any complaint of EE being too hard is silly anyway its the top of the difficulty ladder. It SHOULD be where people go for a challenge.
But the question still stands.. why add a new system when there is an existing system to do what you want. It seems odd that in order to balance difficulty they would create an entirely new system rather than use the difficulty system thats in place. Did they just want to add this new system and used difficulty balance as a reason?
Has DDO code gotten to the point that its easier to add a new system than it is to adjust an existing one, and even if so How would they expect to balance random buffs on random monsters on 4 different difficulty levels while using the same code for all? I mean the whole situation just boggles the mind as far as i'm concerned.