Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
I don't think they do - unless you honestly think casual is good for anyone who has solved the "how do I move my guy?" question, or that Normal will challenge and retain a player, or that a person in Starter Gear on Started Island would think fighting a 600+ HP undead constitutes fun times.
Clearly, if this happens at all, then it is a bug.

Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
If the Devs "don't envision new players playing on Hard or Elite" then they don't understand what happens in this game at all and haven't, apparently, even looked at the LFMs for the last few years.
Perhaps they see this as a problem?

Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
I applaud the effort of trying to do something as a cure but I honestly think the current Champion system violates the "first do no harm" theory of curing stuff.
Any change is going to provoke rage quit threats, always has, always will.

Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
Champions can be good and we should keep them but they don't belong everywhere.
Not in rat mazes,
Not for Coyle or against Coyle.
Not on Starter Island.
If you are not equipped for a quest on elite, you should not be running that quest on elite.

Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
There are glaring and obvious flaws in this system that are likely to affect people who will never come to the forums to complain but simply click "uninstall" and try one of the other 6 F2P games they were going to try before picking one to stick with.
Though true I would hazard that for the great majority of folks in this category they do not even get to see a champion. Heck, they cannot even open hard/elite!

Quote Originally Posted by phillymiket View Post
So no. There is still not four viable difficulty levels. LFMs are still foe Elite. The game is still unbalanced. Not addressed.
Good start though.
Take what is good, change what is bad, try again, keep trying, eventually the game gets fixed.

But I guess you are right. They tried. That's something and gives me hope.
Only time will tell as to whether these changes open up the spread of LFMs, but as you identify, they are thinking about it. As to whether the game is unbalanced I suppose that depends on what you think balance is...