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  1. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Cool Hm, but isn't it far more fun when you actually have to think about it before jumping

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsythief View Post
    So I've been away for 10 months, playing a few other games. Came back just before update 24 hit, and had a blast finishing my wizard off to level 20 to TR, just as u24 landed.

    Since then I've just died and died and died.

    I've been playing this game for 4 years, and our guild is at level 57. We have never had any ship buffs, partly from principle, and partly because we've never needed them. Until now. It's been about the only way to mitigate some of the constant dying, but it certainly hasn't stopped it. I would sincerely hope that the game is not going to be balanced on the assumption that you have ship buffs, because surely a lot of newbies won't have them.

    As an example of this idiocy, just now we started on Venn's Trail, (the third of the Waterworks chain.) Two of us at level 6 running the quest on elite. We cleared both sides to unlock the central shaft; I dropped over the edge into the shaft, came out the bottom and floated towards one of the walkways. As soon as I land:

    And as I only have 98 HP as a level 6 Bard, and I was down a few from engaging a couple of melee's when I landed:

    All in around a second, and far faster than I could cast any sort of heal.

    It's gone waaaay beyond funny, and as the title says, I'm sick of it.
    Sorry, but isn't it far more fun when you actually have to think about it before jumping down a shaft into a room full of casters, throwers and melee? Try to think back to the first couple of times you played it, when it actually mattered to you what you were doing. Are you sure it was not more interesting than just enjoying a bit of banter on voice while you guys storm the dungeon?

    Yes, I have also had moments when I suddenly realized that lower lvl quests weren't just a cakewalk I could do without even having to think about it (like kobold shaman champs hitting for 38+78 electric damage with rebound) But I embraced it as a positive and a wake up from "grind" and "farming".
    Last edited by Nascoe; 12-14-2014 at 11:10 AM.

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