No, it's not.
If the game got too easy because the devs buffed some classes too much, those classes should have taken a nerf. I'm sorry, none of this bard/babarian/paladin buffing would have been needed if the broken power of certain splash-builds was addressed. Nerf what's OP, don't buff so much you break the game worse.
If certain systems got too powerful (PRR/MRR, I'm looking at you) for EPICS and the powers that be didn't want to nerf them an across the board 10-20% damage increase IN EPICS would have been better than adding mobs the one-shot people in the harbor.
1,600 HP mobs in level 6 Heroic quests is insane.
Speaking of which what's the most HP anyone has seen on a trash mob so far? We saw a 95,000 HP hill giant in EE Lines of supply, somebody has to have that beat.