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Ok il give a example where this mechanics is actually coming from.
Since i played that game alot, and i mean i got a wizz and a monk fully engeared before last patch i can clearly say that i kind know how this mechanic works.
You get in options a button that adds scaling.
Its set to be 1 at default so any player that plays the game plays at 1.
You have diff modes, with last one being really tough aka you can really die easy when you fight trash spawns.
Players complained as the game was beat in couple days.
They added tweaks here and there.
Champ monsters have special iteration added on them which scaled with difficulty and on inferno they had up to 4-5 special attributes added to them.
When you play hardcore aka mode where you have 1 life alone aka what they call permadeath here, and get a lag spike since game is online and meet 1 champ mob with bad suffixes, you get 1 shot.
Noone complained it was to hard.
People who couldnt do it, just didnt play it.
Others settled to lower difficulty.
Now after many people completed hardcore inferno, blizzard figured, hey fellas, we need to cater those players more so lets do something crazy.
You know that button?
WHere default is set to 1?
Well they made it so that you can move the thingy as you wish up to 10.
And 10 meant the regular first mob on normal could ko you np.
Noone complained, everyone had the option to scale as they wish.
Now the wonderful thing since blizzard is a smart company.
THey know that challenge should come with reward and to get to super efficiency on scale of 10 you would need to grind gear, so they made checks of what gear can drop on what difficulty.
Champions in diablo 3, drop multiple magic items on higher difficulty scaled by number of champions you kill scaled by scale you play on.
You get like 5 stacks which reset after logout after every champion kill that increase your chance to get extra gold, extra loot etc.
In diablo3 the reason why you pursuit hardest challenge is to
a)have fun
b)get better gear
c)be able to play on hareder challenge
Which made the game have a good replayability.
You need to add some reward for extreme challenges that is only available to pepople who execute the quest perfectly on hardest difficulty.
Otherwise there is no point in doing so.
I myself am not against no reward, but ONLY if the mobs stay in all elite epic content.
I WILL BE against it if they add a checkbox and no reason at all to play with champ monsters.
Shineys are the reason why people play the game, even if its a nonnoticable special shiney.
A fragment of something that can be made into something that can buff you up for 10 seconds.
Good enough, if it proved to me that i completed this super hard encounter, good enough for me.
In ddo getting gear now compared to premotu is laughable ammount of easy button couple quests on normal runs.
It should never happen in a mmo to be at that point.
ANd this is coming from someone who played alot of mmos in different styles.
Ddo has the poorest reason to strive toward epic past lifes and completionst and toward progress overall if we know they will just add some ultra crazy buff again.
/example holy sword, monk stances, dodge, prr, mrr, mortal fear, balanced attacks, blitz, furyshooting
etc etc,
If they want to make a proper game, why dont they just look at other popular games and try to do what those do?