lol your are happy have champion for remnat lol (happy for you)
sorry i don't want champion or have choice !
i don't need remnant
think all player was not completionist or 3xcompletionist, and you don't represent all the player, when, i don't represent all player

but i constat server lfm decrease player decrease and champion don't help it's hemoragique
and think why player begin leave ddo in mass and i think i do same
(and know new player don't rest longer now in ddo !!! why !!! because you have CHAMPION and they don't want play normal all the time , do you understand !!!!)
i do this message because i like ddo and don't want do what all player leave and leave in silence, i contribu try help ddo come back and work that all
bye elitiste player hope for constructive message for help ddo not die thank you