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Just going to reiterate my points from the other thread, than I'm done with this, looks like break time from DDO for me. I'm a 7 heroic tr character, and have never done an epic tr, so I have almost no PRR or MRR. I run solo and groups on Elite, and am pretty well geared for under epic content.(No I don't do EE content, I found it too difficult, yes there are a lot of us out here that do) Was running various sands quests yesterday, and in 2 different dungeons, I was one shotted. I'm a sorc with 268 hps(yes I could get more, but I'm a sorc, why should I be concentrating on HPS). In Raid the vulkrum, a hatchling crown was doing roughly 138 damage a hit, the boss of the dungeon was doing about 34. I still don't see a world where that makes any kind of sense.
So basically I can no longer run elite without a group. This now means I am waiting sometimes an hour or more to try to find a group where I get at most 3 quests with them in before they disband, or I can choose to break my streak, run hard quests, which yes I find insanely easy, and redo the same quests over and over and over again in order to get enough xp in order to level. This obviously sounds like a ton of fun.
All your mid range players who are playing even a remotely squishy they are losing virtually all of there solo ability. Because of course hires work so well at well... anything, so your dead before they even attempt to try healing you. Basically all it takes is one group to run up to me, I don't see the crown in time, and I'm dead before I know what's happening, the hireling follows almost immediately after words, and I just wasted the last 20 minutes of a dungeon. Yes elite dungeons should have a fail chance, and I have died / wiped on heroic elite before. But that doesn't mean I should be dying in a single shot! This is a **** idea which is trying to make the game more difficult for the 10% top end people, who are largely unaffected by this anyway. Us more regular players, we'll get to enjoy our time standing around doing nothing, while trying to get a group.