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  1. #1

    Smile The Intel Commando: Halfling TWF/Ranged DPS Endgame Build

    I am cross-posting this build both here and on because I plan to implement it in the next day or two and I would like maximum input first.

    Mawry Haversack, Intel Commando
    Level 28 Chaotic Good Halfling Female
    (1 Rogue / 14 Ranger / 5 Wizard / 8 Epic)

    This is a DPS build with four goals

    • Top-shelf TWF
    • As close to top-shelf ranged as remains possible
    • Healing and self-sufficiency
    • Won't embarrass me in the end game

    Abilities       Level 1         Level 28 
    Strength           10              15 
    Dexterity          12              19 
    Constitution       16              21 
    Intelligence       18              30 
    Wisdom             12              20 
    Charisma            8              13
    Mawry is a 36-point build with +3 tomes on all stats except Wisdom where she has a +4.

    All of the level ups go into INT.

    The level 28 numbers are all ungeared. Assume another 14 points of INT, and at least 10 more CON and WIS.

    Hit Points:   408 
    Spell Points: 939 
    BAB:           16
    Fortitude:     19 
    Reflex:        26 
    Will:          16
    These totals are from Ron's Character Planner, which does not include Epic Destinies, and are also ungeared. The current version of Mawry which is STR-based but otherwise similar has 750 hit points, 1050 spell points, and saves in the 40s-50s. I expect Mawry's reflex save in this version to be in the 60s.

    Mawry's AC will not be all that outstanding, nor will her PRR or MRR. On the other hand, she will have Evasion with an excellent relfex save, lots of Dodge, equipment-based miss chances like Ghostly, and always-on self buffs including Displacement.

    Skills         Level 1         Level 28
    Balance            3              40 
    Heal               5              42 
    Hide               5              41 
    Jump               4              27 
    Move Silently      5              39 
    Search             8              44 
    Spot               5              37 
    Tumble             2              29 
    Use Magic Device   1              35
    Again, ungeared. Most of the skills above will be in the 60-70s. UMD will be 44.

    Level 1 Least Dragonmark of Healing
    Level 3 Completionist
    Level 3 Extend Spell
    Level 6 Insightful Reflexes
    Level 9 Dodge
    Level 11 Mental Toughness
    Level 12 Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 15 Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Level 18 Mobility
    Level 21 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
    Level 24 Spring Attack
    Level 26 Epic Destiny: Holy Strike
    Level 27 Point Blank Shot
    Level 28 Epic Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

    Level 1 Favored Enemy: Undead
    Level 10 Favored Enemy: Giant
    Level 16 Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider

    Lots of Dodge. Lots of hit and move. Lots of critical enhancers. The Ranger levels add all of the TWF feats and the best ranged feats for free.

    Halfling Enhancements
    Dexterity x2
    Halfling Luck x3
    Jorasco Dragonmark Focus x3
    Lesser Dragonmark of Healing
    Break Out The Leeches
    Greater Dragonmark of Healing

    Arcane Archer Enhancements
    Arcane Archer
    Morphic Arrows
    Metalline Arrows
    Conjure Arrows
    Flaming Arrows
    Dispelling Shot
    Force Arrows x3
    Frost Arrows
    Wisdom x2
    Terror Arrows
    Paralyzing Arrows

    Tempest Enhancements
    Shield of Whirling Steel (Rank 1)
    Tempest (Rank 1)
    Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Acrobatic x3
    Improved Parry x3
    Haste Boost x3
    Critical Accuracy x3
    Critical Damage x3

    Harper Agent Enhancements
    Agent of Good
    Harper Enchantment
    Traveler's Toughness x3
    Strategic Combat
    Strategic Combat II

    Eldritch Knight Enhancements
    Eldritch Strike

    Ron's planner doesn't yet address Epic Destinies. Mawry already has Epic Past Lives from the Martial and Arcane spheres (3% Doublestrike and +1 Weapon enchantment) and will be working on adding more. She will probably want to live in the Unyielding Sentinel tree because it makes her virtually unkillable, with twists from Shiradi and Legendary Dreadnaught.

    - - - - - -

    So how did I do? Any ideas for improving the character? Have at me, I am thick-skinned and can take the criticism. More, I want to implement this in the next day or so and am anxious to incorporate any useful feedback that may accrue.
    Last edited by geoffhanna; 12-09-2014 at 06:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Apart from novelty, is there any particular reason to go INT-based on this build? Why so much STR & WIS? I think your feats need some work; in particular, I don't see Power Atk or Precision (should have one of those); and why no Empower Heal? Those seem more useful than, say, Mobility & Spring Atk.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Apart from novelty, is there any particular reason to go INT-based on this build? Why so much STR & WIS? I think your feats need some work; in particular, I don't see Power Atk or Precision (should have one of those); and why no Empower Heal? Those seem more useful than, say, Mobility & Spring Atk.
    INT is to maximize ranged damage. And melee too, at the same time, and skills, and reflex saves.
    STR may be too high. I am so used to needing STR I just put some there out if habit. A base of 6 plus Completionist plus tome is enough to carry her gear. Free points! Nice catch, thanks!
    WIS is for saves and spell points. I'd add more if I could (and now I can ).

    Feats: mobility and spring attack are for Dodge more than anything else. Do you think I don't need that much Dodge? Or have smother idea how i could get it? Or just think the extra DPS justifies the trade-off regardless?

  4. #4


    Hi, what does 5 wizard bring to the table? It will significantly lower your BAB which affects ranged RoF more than anything else
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  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Alternate proposal:

    Halfling rgr 12 / wiz 5 / pal 3
    Stats: 6 / 12 / 16 / 18 / 8 / 15 or thereabouts
    Feats (heroic): Least DM (1), Precision (3), Dodge (6), Imp Crit:Pierce (9), IC:Ranged (12), Emp Heal (15), Insightful Reflexes (18)
    Feats (wiz): Maximize and Extend or Empower
    Feats (epic): Overwhelming Crit (21), Completionist (24), Point Blank Shot (27) or whatever you want
    Feats (ED): PTWF (26), pick from First Blood, Elusive Target, or Hellball

    Leveling order doesn't matter too much, except you can't take more than 2 wiz lvls before lvl 9 (otherwise your BAB is too low for IC) and you need to hit rgr 8 by lvl 15 to take Emp Heal (or swap it with Insightful Reflexes)

    Enhancements: 36 APs into Tempest (Dance of Death & 100% offhand), 12 APs into halfling (Gtr DM), 12 APs into Harper (KtA+SC), 6 AP into Sacred D. (+25 PRR), and possibly 13 APs into EK (Imp Mage Armor & Shield, Arcane Barrier, +3% doublestrike), with 1 AP left over for DWS.

    The pal 3 splash provides a big boost to survivability (defensive stance & Div Grace); if you do make Unyielding Sentinel your primary ED, you can use your LoHs to power Light the Dark, which is a nice AoE heal. [Ftr instead of pally trades DG & LoH for 2 more feats.] A heavier investment in EK also yields survivability gains: +10% AC, +10 PRR, and Arcane Barrier.

    Since you're going INT-based, you may also want to experiment with Draconic Incarnation; Energy Burst would be a fun Twist to have in any ED.

    I would also experiment with using med/hvy armor: you'll lose Evasion and cap your Dodge bonus; but the gains in PRR/MRR may be worth it.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 12-10-2014 at 08:45 AM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    I agree with unbongwah, 12/5/3 is a better split you might talk me into 3 rogue over paladin but paladin is the better choice. IMO ranger has cut of points at 6, 12, 15, and 18. 14 for CSW might be worth it but you have the halfling DM instead i think?

    For what its worth (comparison at the very least even if that's worth nothing) my current ranger is an 18/1/1 Ranger/Arti/Fighter who does every thing you want but in my opinion better.

    Stats		Base	Gear & Buffs
    STR		18		50
    CON		14		37
    DEX		15		36
    INT		14		36
    WIS		08		29
    CHA		08		19
    HBF: Toughness
    L01: Point Blank Shot
    L03: Exotic Weapon Khopesh
    L06: Precsion
    L09: IC:Slashing
    L12: IC:Ranged
    L15: Maximize
    F01: IC: Piercing
    L18: Quicken
    L21: Overwhelming Critical
    L24: Combat Archery
    L27: Epic Damage Reduction

    03 AP Human
    Human Versatility: Damage Boost
    Improved Recovery
    11 AP Stalker
    Far Shot
    Sneak Attack
    Called Shot: Sniper Shot
    Increased Empathy
    Versatile Empathy
    37 AP Tempest
    Shield of Whirling Steel
    Improved Parry
    Improved Reaction
    Graceful Death
    The Growing Storm
    Deflect Arrows
    Whirling Blades IV
    Dance of Death
    Action Boost: Sprint Boost
    04 AP Kensei
    Kensei Focus
    Action Boost: Haste Boost
    25 AP Harper
    Agent of Good I
    Harper Enchantment
    Magical Endurance (Rank 2 only)
    Know Your Foe
    Vigor of Life I
    Traveler's Toughness (Rank 2 only)
    Versatile Adept III
    Know the Angles
    Strategic Combat II

    I use heavy armor, and have less care for reflex save do to PRR/MRR

  7. #7
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    he only does halflings

  8. #8
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    he only does halflings
    I know like i said its a point of comparison, also not that hard to convert over.

  9. #9
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    he only does halflings
    Phrasing - BOOM!
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #10
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Phrasing - BOOM!

    let me try again.

    he only plays with halflings.

    First one was unintentional

    second i couldn't resist


  11. #11
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Not sure I get the whole INT thing, but I guess it works, since you can make it work with Reflex save (with a feat) and for to-hit and damage (with enhancements). You do miss out on any chance for tactical feats though... and I notice you're not taking "Know the Angles" harper enhancement which basically gives you Divine Might except with INT... You really should fit that in if you're going INT-based, and Harper-based anyway.

    My big question is why wizard?

    My main was a halfling ranger/wizard for a long time (11/5 back when the cap was 16), and I found the synergy worked very well back then... Self-cast haste and displacement and blur and shield and invisibility was very nice on a melee character...

    And for a new player, that might still be a good combo...

    But for a vet player, I'd expect you to have Haste and Displacement clickables from the Shroud, plus clickables for every other low-level wizard buff spell you might want... which pretty much make the iconic melee/wizard of D&D lore pretty pointless (Shame on you devs!)

    Also, you really should get Empower Heal, and Maximize, so that your halfling dragonmarks hit harder (and get a devotion item, and put some skill points in Heal).

    I do like 12 ranger levels (I'm a halfling 12/4/4 ranger/fighter/paladin), but there's a lot of different options in those remaining 8 levels.

    I've been halfling for 8 years and I really like the healing dragonmarks, but they are much more limited than just using Epic Destinies to heal yourself... I still stick with them, because my main has been a halfling TWF evasion melee with the healing dragonmarks for 8 years now, and that's his core identity... I've TRed into different classes (I've been more fighter, more rogue, more monk, in the past, but he's always been TWF evasion melee with the healing dragonmarks - oh and he's always had at least 6 levels of ranger for manyshot and the TWF feats)

    I'm rather happy about being mostly ranger again, since that's how he started.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 12-09-2014 at 03:15 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  12. #12


    I know your goal was TWF, but 7 bard levels get you displacement. What about a mix that utilizes SWF and thrown weapons? Srry this would completely change your approach but I can see the various elements having more synergy. Right now 5 wiz just to get displacement seems costly. Maybe bard/ranger/fighter and use deepwood line on high-crit throwing weapons like the nightforge one? IDK. I know Critzilla by Tilomere works with this.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  13. #13


    Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone! I responded in general in this post.

    But I wanted to respond specifically to a couple of comments:

    @Grailhawke: Dude, you are why I went Ranger 14! Because of your impassioned defense of the need for CSW to supplement Halfling DM

    @Saekee: interesting idea, definitely, but that is a whole other build and not this one at all.

    @Thrudh: Apparently we have a lot in common, you are describing Mawry's past lives on the way to completionist perfectly.

    Thanks again everyone!

  14. #14
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone! I responded in general in this post.

    But I wanted to respond specifically to a couple of comments:

    @Grailhawke: Dude, you are why I went Ranger 14! Because of your impassioned defense of the need for CSW to supplement Halfling DM
    My bad though you went at it for FOM lol if you have CSW loaded I say go with it still.

  15. #15


    I have also tried to come up with wizard levels in a build to get displacement. I am running a 6 monk/7 wiz/ 7 rogue dex build melee with perma tensers since none of the other tier 5s are attractive. I may do tier 5 assassin if I can pull a second EMG shard (monks are centered with it).
    The whole EK tree strikes me as defensive since the cleaves eat up too many spellpoints
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  16. #16
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    he only does halflings
    Don't judge.

  17. #17
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Regarding the build itself . . . just build some displacement clickies and go pure ranger.

  18. #18
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    I responded in general in this post.
    I thought that (armor) or (evasion) were basically two differing ways to achieve the same result , but I haven’t played an Armor character in EE since the Armor Up changes went live; maybe armor is now clearly the superior choice?
    They're different forms of defense: Evasion + high Reflex saves provides a way of avoiding dmg from anything with a Reflex save (i.e., traps & spells); while PRR/MRR provides dmg reduction on (almost) anything which hits you. You can read the wiki page for more, but a simple comparison at lvl 28 (presuming Div Power or Tensers to max BAB):

    lt armor: 15 + (28 / 2) + 2 = 31 PRR (~23% dmg reduction)
    hvy armor: 45 + 28 + 6 = 79 PRR (~44% dmg reduction)

    So right off the bat, hvy armor provides almost double the dmg reduction of lt armor; though that gap narrows with additional PRR from gear etc. I think the max combined PRR bonus you can get from gear is +55, though that includes a Planar Focus of Prowess which req's using a CitW weapon. So best-case scenario on the build I posted upthread, let's say +55 PRR from gear, +10 PRR from Imp Parry, +10 PRR from Imp Shield, and +25 PRR from defensive stance.

    lt armor: 31 + 55 + 10 + 10 + 25 = 131 PRR (~56.5% dmg reduction)
    hvy armor: 79 + 55 + 10 + 10 + 25 = 179 PRR (~64% dmg reduction)

    Unyielding Sentinel in Unbreakable stance would be another +30 PRR, which would be ~61.5% vs ~67.5%. So it is still possible to achieve high PRR in lt armor, but as you can see it takes a considerable investment, which involves sacrifices elsewhere.

    MRR is another matter, though, because for some reason a lot of PRR bonuses don't boost MRR as well; it's also designed to favor hvy & tower shields, which is part of why we're seeing a resurgence in classic S&B builds. [The other part is the DPS gains from pally & Vanguard, ofc.]

    tl;dr summary: Evasion is still a good way of avoiding a lot of spell dmg (provided your Reflex saves are high enough, ofc), but it doesn't do a thing for physical dmg nor non-Reflex-based spells. PRR/MRR mitigates dmg from almost everything; and a hvy-armor wearer gets better protection with less effort than a lt-armor wearer. As an added incentive, Shadow Striker is only available on med or hvy Shadowscale armor; and Shadow Guardian is only available on hvy armor.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    They're different forms of defense: Evasion + high Reflex saves provides a way of avoiding dmg from anything with a Reflex save (i.e., traps & spells); while PRR/MRR provides dmg reduction on (almost) anything which hits you. You can read the wiki page for more, but a simple comparison at lvl 28 (presuming Div Power or Tensers to max BAB):

    lt armor: 15 + (28 / 2) + 2 = 31 PRR (~23% dmg reduction)
    hvy armor: 45 + 28 + 6 = 79 PRR (~44% dmg reduction)

    So right off the bat, hvy armor provides almost double the dmg reduction of lt armor; though that gap narrows with additional PRR from gear etc. I think the max combined PRR bonus you can get from gear is +55, though that includes a Planar Focus of Prowess which req's using a CitW weapon. So best-case scenario on the build I posted upthread, let's say +55 PRR from gear, +10 PRR from Imp Parry, +10 PRR from Imp Shield, and +25 PRR from defensive stance.

    lt armor: 31 + 55 + 10 + 10 + 25 = 131 PRR (~56.5% dmg reduction)
    hvy armor: 79 + 55 + 10 + 10 + 25 = 179 PRR (~64% dmg reduction)

    Unyielding Sentinel in Unbreakable stance would be another +30 PRR, which would be ~61.5% vs ~67.5%. So it is still possible to achieve high PRR in lt armor, but as you can see it takes a considerable investment, which involves sacrifices elsewhere.

    MRR is another matter, though, because for some reason a lot of PRR bonuses don't boost MRR as well; it's also designed to favor hvy & tower shields, which is part of why we're seeing a resurgence in classic S&B builds. [The other part is the DPS gains from pally & Vanguard, ofc.]

    tl;dr summary: Evasion is still a good way of avoiding a lot of spell dmg (provided your Reflex saves are high enough, ofc), but it doesn't do a thing for physical dmg nor non-Reflex-based spells. PRR/MRR mitigates dmg from almost everything; and a hvy-armor wearer gets better protection with less effort than a lt-armor wearer. As an added incentive, Shadow Striker is only available on med or hvy Shadowscale armor; and Shadow Guardian is only available on hvy armor.
    Thank you for the thoughtful reply. It is most appreciated.

    I was hoping to get more physical damage mitigation through Dodge, Ghostly, Blur, and Displacement. I think only Dodge is less effective or less available in armor? But it is quite a but less effective.

    A semi-related question: I assumed that none of the Shadow Strike attributes stacked with anything, and were therefore not very useful. Is that incorrect?

  20. #20
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    I was hoping to get more physical damage mitigation through Dodge, Ghostly, Blur, and Displacement. I think only Dodge is less effective or less available in armor? But it is quite a but less effective.
    Investing in miss chances like AC, Dodge, concealment, Incorporeality, etc. is dmg avoidance; investing in PRR/MRR is dmg reduction. The problem is no matter how high you get your miss chance (and you will eventually hit a point of diminishing returns), you're still gonna be hit occasionally; and in EEs you're gonna be hit hard. So to a lot of folks, it is a more cost-effective investment of resources to go for high dmg reduction via hvy armor etc. to soak up the hits, letting you focus your build resources into moar DPS or higher DCs or whatever.
    A semi-related question: I assumed that none of the Shadow Strike attributes stacked with anything, and were therefore not very useful. Is that incorrect?
    Melee & ranged alacrity are enhancement bonuses, so they don't stack with Haste spell; but Haste is +15% atk speed and Shadow Striker has Ranged Alacrity 20%, a +5% increase. I think the only way to get higher is fully charged Fatal Harrier (+25%). Meanwhile the 3% doublestrike bonus is Profane; the only other profane DS bonus is Shadow Training IV from Shadowdancer, I think.

    I suspect for at least certain combat scenarios, flawless black dragonhide is better DPS for Armor Piercing and Relentless Fury; and you can get 3% doublestrike from Draconic Ferocity. But Shadowscale has a bunch of survivability benefits too (Ghostly, 130% Fort, Deathblock).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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