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  1. #1

    Smile The Intel Commando: Halfling TWF/Ranged DPS Endgame Build

    I am cross-posting this build both here and on because I plan to implement it in the next day or two and I would like maximum input first.

    Mawry Haversack, Intel Commando
    Level 28 Chaotic Good Halfling Female
    (1 Rogue / 14 Ranger / 5 Wizard / 8 Epic)

    This is a DPS build with four goals

    • Top-shelf TWF
    • As close to top-shelf ranged as remains possible
    • Healing and self-sufficiency
    • Won't embarrass me in the end game

    Abilities       Level 1         Level 28 
    Strength           10              15 
    Dexterity          12              19 
    Constitution       16              21 
    Intelligence       18              30 
    Wisdom             12              20 
    Charisma            8              13
    Mawry is a 36-point build with +3 tomes on all stats except Wisdom where she has a +4.

    All of the level ups go into INT.

    The level 28 numbers are all ungeared. Assume another 14 points of INT, and at least 10 more CON and WIS.

    Hit Points:   408 
    Spell Points: 939 
    BAB:           16
    Fortitude:     19 
    Reflex:        26 
    Will:          16
    These totals are from Ron's Character Planner, which does not include Epic Destinies, and are also ungeared. The current version of Mawry which is STR-based but otherwise similar has 750 hit points, 1050 spell points, and saves in the 40s-50s. I expect Mawry's reflex save in this version to be in the 60s.

    Mawry's AC will not be all that outstanding, nor will her PRR or MRR. On the other hand, she will have Evasion with an excellent relfex save, lots of Dodge, equipment-based miss chances like Ghostly, and always-on self buffs including Displacement.

    Skills         Level 1         Level 28
    Balance            3              40 
    Heal               5              42 
    Hide               5              41 
    Jump               4              27 
    Move Silently      5              39 
    Search             8              44 
    Spot               5              37 
    Tumble             2              29 
    Use Magic Device   1              35
    Again, ungeared. Most of the skills above will be in the 60-70s. UMD will be 44.

    Level 1 Least Dragonmark of Healing
    Level 3 Completionist
    Level 3 Extend Spell
    Level 6 Insightful Reflexes
    Level 9 Dodge
    Level 11 Mental Toughness
    Level 12 Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 15 Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Level 18 Mobility
    Level 21 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
    Level 24 Spring Attack
    Level 26 Epic Destiny: Holy Strike
    Level 27 Point Blank Shot
    Level 28 Epic Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

    Level 1 Favored Enemy: Undead
    Level 10 Favored Enemy: Giant
    Level 16 Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider

    Lots of Dodge. Lots of hit and move. Lots of critical enhancers. The Ranger levels add all of the TWF feats and the best ranged feats for free.

    Halfling Enhancements
    Dexterity x2
    Halfling Luck x3
    Jorasco Dragonmark Focus x3
    Lesser Dragonmark of Healing
    Break Out The Leeches
    Greater Dragonmark of Healing

    Arcane Archer Enhancements
    Arcane Archer
    Morphic Arrows
    Metalline Arrows
    Conjure Arrows
    Flaming Arrows
    Dispelling Shot
    Force Arrows x3
    Frost Arrows
    Wisdom x2
    Terror Arrows
    Paralyzing Arrows

    Tempest Enhancements
    Shield of Whirling Steel (Rank 1)
    Tempest (Rank 1)
    Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Acrobatic x3
    Improved Parry x3
    Haste Boost x3
    Critical Accuracy x3
    Critical Damage x3

    Harper Agent Enhancements
    Agent of Good
    Harper Enchantment
    Traveler's Toughness x3
    Strategic Combat
    Strategic Combat II

    Eldritch Knight Enhancements
    Eldritch Strike

    Ron's planner doesn't yet address Epic Destinies. Mawry already has Epic Past Lives from the Martial and Arcane spheres (3% Doublestrike and +1 Weapon enchantment) and will be working on adding more. She will probably want to live in the Unyielding Sentinel tree because it makes her virtually unkillable, with twists from Shiradi and Legendary Dreadnaught.

    - - - - - -

    So how did I do? Any ideas for improving the character? Have at me, I am thick-skinned and can take the criticism. More, I want to implement this in the next day or so and am anxious to incorporate any useful feedback that may accrue.
    Last edited by geoffhanna; 12-09-2014 at 07:46 AM.

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