hello I'm looking for an updated monk that is 32pt build Im VIP I'm looking for halfling, elf, or human as the race.
no tomes available
Thank you
hello I'm looking for an updated monk that is 32pt build Im VIP I'm looking for halfling, elf, or human as the race.
no tomes available
Thank you
thank you for your answer i should of stated i was trying to not multiclass
What kind of monk do you want? You said you want pure, but there are many styles of monk, even pure. There's unarmed, shortsword/kama two-weapon fighting or single-weapon fighting, two-handed quarterstaff, or shuriken thrower. You can even use the henshin mystic spell-like abilities, although those are probably not enough on their own.
I personally prefer human for the heal amp and damage boost, or dwarf for the extra tactics dc's (not a fan of robot monks, but bladeforged and warforged also get those tactics, and bf can self-heal). However, with your lack of tomes, you might be better with elf or halfling for the bonus dex. Unarmed and two weapon fighting monks want to hit 17 dex (base + level ups + tomes) for improved and greater twf.
If you want a quarterstaff monk, I'd probably go human and splash 2 rogue for thief acrobatics (+15% q-staff attack speed), a better quick strike (25% double-strike for 10 seconds. Henshin mystic also has this attack, but has a longer cool-down), and haste boost.
For unarmed/twf, you want to hit 17 dex. You can probably get away with 16 starting dex and hope you get a +1 tome by the time you need it, or use a level up for dex if you don't pull a tome. Where you put the rest of your stats depends on your preferences and the build.
Starting with 14 con is usually a pretty easy decision for a build that wants a lot of stats like monks do.
Strength vs wisdom is your main decision for an unarmed build. More strength means more damage, more wisdom means a higher stunning fist dc and easier access to monk epic feats. I prefer to start with 14 str and 16+ wis with level ups into wis, but you can reverse that if you don't care as much about stuns or the epic feats, or even completely dump wisdom.
If you have extra stat points, you can pump int for some more skill points.
If you want a shuriken or kama/shortsword build, you can dump strength and pump dex instead, as you can get dex to attack and damage with those weapons from the ninja spy tree.
For feats, you want the 3 weapon style feats, improved critical, stunning fist (if unarmed), and precision and/or power attack. If you're going for a shuriken build, you want to take point blank shot, precision, quick draw, rapid shot, precise shot, improved precise shot, improved crit, shuriken expertise, and 10k stars. That leaves 1-6 free heroic feats. There are a lot of good choices: Cleave and great cleave, dodge, deflect arrows, whirlwind attack (although it has a lot of pre-requisites), improved sunder, some of the ranged feats for a bit of ranged dps...
This build plays a bit differently(with enhancement pass), but it was my first character to 20 and I had a blast.
you'll run into a slight issue without tomes, but that will probably be fixed when you hit 20.
str 14
dex 16->1 lvl up @ 4(or +1 tome if possible)
con 14
int 8
wis 16-> rest of level ups(+2 tome by lvl 24, if possible. Vorpal Strikes is a fun feat)
cha 8
lvl 1 twf, stunning fist, dodge(or dragonmark)
lvl 2 PA
lvl 3 cleave
lvl 6 Great Cleave, improved Sunder
lvl 9 improved TWF
lvl 12 improved critical bludgeon
lvl 15 greater TWF
lvl 18 choice
lvl 21 If you have the tomes for 23 wisdom, vorpal strikes, otherwise, Overwhelming critical
lvl 24 vorpal strikes(or improved martial arts)
26-28, you can pick your own.
for leveling, get shadow veil in the ninja spy tree first(@6)
Then fill out the Shintao tree, getting all the strikes for Kukan Do, all the other t5(skip the rise of the phoenix, definitely not worth it), 10% offhand strike, and all the cores(41pts @20)
Then you'll want human for healing amp and for stats(or improved Dragonmark)
Fill out ninja spy for sense weakness( you'll be stunning people like crazy)
I read that you are not trying to MC, but the problem with Monks like Favor Souls is they have two many stats to have to keep up with not to need tomes or even a 36pt build. Sure, they are adaptable, and they're ok, but not great. I was asking this question in your place two years ago. While fist builds with a touch of ninja are uber fun if done right, a suitable all around suggestion would be 15 monk/5 rogue stick build. You don't have to do traps b/c I doubt you'll have the points after lvl 15 or so to keep it up in epics, but I can't say that for sure b/c I'm not in a builder. However, 15 monk will give you pretty much all the nice things monks get, and 5 rogue will net you the +1x crit for staffs, which is a must have on a staff build. Rogue also allows you to dex to hit/dmg with staff. Only one stat to deal with, dex, and it helps you be a little more survivable. at least 15 str 16 dex 14 con 14 wis for starters, but there better ways to play with it probably. 13 str is needed for power attack and 15 for THF. You can't get the improved and Greater THF w/o a +2 tome, which is what you run into a twf build, but either sacrificing a lvl up or having to buy a tome.
I'm possibly a little bit late, but check out the guide in my signature.