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  1. #81
    Community Member XodousRoC's Avatar
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    Default Trouble forming parties in Khyber

    Quote Originally Posted by XodousRoC View Post
    Thanks for the updates, but it would appear I'm also having troubles in Khyber. Logged into Marketplace bank ok-->MP-->Airship-->cargohold-->main deck, all ok. Then I tried zoning to House D, and got stuck on a loading screen. I re-logged and got more of the same.
    Update: Logged into a different toon, and he zoned off the ship (not house D) and into the Orchard fine. Then my guildy tried to invite (2x) and got the msg that we couldn't form parties while zoning. I left the Orchard and got the same msg again. I tried to invite him to the same result. The zoning issue is apparently also affecting the formation of parties.

  2. #82
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    Investigating into log in, zoning, joining LFM, and other issues continues. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
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  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunzi2010 View Post
    Hello Cordovan,

    also on Thelanis, comes up with server is full timed out. cant get to the character account section. sits on loading screen saying loading character data then switches to loading subscription data.
    Hope this error report helps you guys out.

    also tried Thelanis and I can get in, move around zone in and out of tavern and bank. so IDK it looks to me like it might be related to either accounts that have been active on a particular server recently or have a lot of character data for that server as I have 23 toons on Ghallanda (half of them test builds or bank toons) and only 3 on Thelanis and Orien where I can log in with zero issues

  4. #84
    Community Member Greggers72's Avatar
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    Default not again?????


    very strange things are afoot! Seems as though I can log on to just about any other server, except Ghalanda which I actually play on. When I try logging on to my free to play account, no problems their either. Trying to log on to Ghalanda and it just sits on the "loading new game data" screen with the green text constantly swapping between loading character data & loading subscription data. After about 5 minutes of having some kind of IT fit, it throws up an error message saying the log on server is full, try again later...

    Pleae upgrade the hamsters powering the servers and it might just be time to upgrade that Comodore 64 that runs the show


    Was even able to log on to several other servers and create toons, so it seems as though Ghalanda is having some kind of hissy fit!!
    Last edited by Greggers72; 12-06-2014 at 09:24 AM.

  5. #85
    The Hatchery
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    Logged out for a bit, now I'm stuck in loading screen when trying to get back in on Ghallanda.

    EDIT: OK, killing client and logging in again helped. I wonder if I can get to Meridia now heh.
    EDIT2: Nope, still no luck going to Meridia.
    Last edited by Dandonk; 12-06-2014 at 09:25 AM.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greggers72 View Post

    very strange things are afoot! Seems as though I can log on to just about any other server, except Ghalanda which I actually play on. When I try logging on to my free to play account, no problems their either. Trying to log on to Ghalanda and it just sits on the "loading new game data" screen with the green text constantly swapping between loading character data & loading subscription data. After about 5 minutes of having some kind of IT fit, it throws up an error message saying the log on server is full, try again later...

    Pleae upgrade the hamsters powering the servers and it might just be time to upgrade that Comodore 64 that runs the show
    having same issue on ghallanda which is also my main server.

    I have a few toons on other servers and can log on to them just fine.

    Do u have a lot of characters on Ghallanda, or is it just the only one u have logged into recently before this happened?

    I have 23 characters on Ghallanda and only 3 on both Orien and Thelanis where I can log on fine, and before today I had not logged on to either of those servers for at least a few weeks maybe several months.

    Also tried logging into Ghallanda with my son's account he had not logged in for a few days and has only a few characters and of course was also not on when the problems started last nite and I am able to log in to Ghallanda just fine from his account.
    Last edited by redwindfury; 12-06-2014 at 09:27 AM.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwindfury View Post
    Do u have a lot of characters on Ghallanda, or is it just the only one u have logged into recently before this happened?

    I have 23 characters on Ghallanda and only 3 on both Orien and Thelanis where I can log on fine, and before today I had not logged on to either of those servers for at least a few weeks maybe several months.
    Alot more on Ghal than on the other servers.
    The instance change from Ebb to ES makes alot of problems for me. i always crash there. Other changes in Ebb are fine or take a bit longer.

  8. #88
    Community Member Greggers72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwindfury View Post
    having same issue on ghallanda which is also my main server.

    I have a few toons on other servers and can log on to them just fine.

    Do u have a lot of characters on Ghallanda, or is it just the only one u have logged into recently before this happened?

    I have 23 characters on Ghallanda and only 3 on both Orien and Thelanis where I can log on fine, and before today I had not logged on to either of those servers for at least a few weeks maybe several months.

    I have 25 character slots, all full though i only actually play about 5 or 6 of them... the rest are old toons I either no longer play or are used to test builds out.

  9. #89
    Community Member Pomdude's Avatar
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    Firstly have you guys never watched Gremlins. It is clear what is going on here...
    Secondly - is WOW still F2P......?
    Pom may refer to: An alternative word for the British /Polyoxymethylene, a common plastic polymer / Pompom, a decorative ball / Baby Pom, the youngest of the Fimbles /Puddle of Mudd, an American hard rock band

  10. #90
    Community Member Greggers72's Avatar
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    Have managed to log on to all servers, except poor Ghalanda and even ran a quest or two, with no load screen / zoning crashes on Thelanis...

  11. #91
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    I know its might sound totally dumb but when i try to leave or enter ES or ES content on Ghal i ALWAYS crash. With ANY of my chars. Now i will test if i can join groups with my chars on Ebb side, i know 1 of em could join an lfm in harbor, while he was on Ebb side. I read somewhere that the Halls of Heroes r missing the teleporters to the other world or they r somehow bugged.
    Sound like ES is an island right now, no1 can leave or enter. Maybe thats the reason why some ppl get the error message when trying to group up...

  12. #92
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    If it's like it has been in the past, if you close your client while stuck in a loading screen, it'll take awhile until you're able to log in again. Anywhere from a few minutes to an entire hour.

  13. #93
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    can log back in straight away, no problems with that.

  14. #94
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Game log-ins are once again available. Thank you for your patience, and we will see you in the game!
    Was this issue related to the internet issues on the east coast?

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  15. #95
    Community Member Greggers72's Avatar
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    I was on quite early this morning, around 6am so it would have been about 1am ET I was in the market place and decided to run some ee Gianthold stuff and when I zoned from the marketplace to GH the game basically hung on the load screen with the progress / loading bar showin 0 progress after about 10 minutes. I killed the client from windows task manager and tried to relog but to no avail.... And now, while I can log on to G'land from a f2p account can't log on to G'land at all on my VIP account


    My faith in the tech guys to resolve the issues are somewhat diminished when I noticed this on the log on screen:

    "Log in and Loading Screen Issues: Saturday, September 6th
    Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:03:42 +0000
    We will continue to investigate issues players are experiencing when logging in, zoning, joining LFMs, and other issues. We will update you as soon as we have more information."

    Do they even know what month it is let alone what the problem is
    Last edited by Greggers72; 12-06-2014 at 09:49 AM.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwindfury View Post
    having same issue on ghallanda which is also my main server.

    I have a few toons on other servers and can log on to them just fine.

    Do u have a lot of characters on Ghallanda, or is it just the only one u have logged into recently before this happened?

    I have 23 characters on Ghallanda and only 3 on both Orien and Thelanis where I can log on fine, and before today I had not logged on to either of those servers for at least a few weeks maybe several months.

    Also tried logging into Ghallanda with my son's account he had not logged in for a few days and has only a few characters and of course was also not on when the problems started last nite and I am able to log in to Ghallanda just fine from his account.
    Quote Originally Posted by Greggers72 View Post
    I have 25 character slots, all full though i only actually play about 5 or 6 of them... the rest are old toons I either no longer play or are used to test builds out.
    Yea I only play/work on about 2-3 of them at any time, but I have 4-5 older but still 'active' characters that I will switch back to now and then depending on what my guildies are doing. The remaining are either test builds or bank toons. Can u say hoarder/build jukie.

    I'm just now starting to vendor all the random loot gen items I stashed away that had a colorless or yellow slot or weapons with red slot on them from when they first came out and were 'uncommon' and I was saving them for crafting blanks for myself or guild.

    Now I only save 'rare' loot items like ones with a green or colorless + yellow on one item, or an item that's 'useful' and has a slot on it or weapons that are special like silver/adm/cold iron w/red slot or shields w/red slot.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greggers72 View Post
    I was on quite early this morning, around 6am so it would have been about 1am ET I was in the market place and decided to run some ee Gianthold stuff and when I zoned from the marketplace to GH the game basically hung on the load screen with the progress / loading bar showin 0 progress after about 10 minutes. I killed the client from windows task manager and tried to relog but to no avail.... And now, while I can log on to G'land from a f2p account can't log on to G'land at all on my VIP account


    My faith in the tech guys to resolve the issues are somewhat diminished when I noticed this on the log on screen:

    "Log in and Loading Screen Issues: Saturday, September 6th
    Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:03:42 +0000
    We will continue to investigate issues players are experiencing when logging in, zoning, joining LFMs, and other issues. We will update you as soon as we have more information."

    Do they even know what month it is let alone what the problem is
    I believe we were on about the same time night, guildies and I were just going into eGhosts and we all hung on loading screen. One stayed logged in and eventually zoned in to quest, the rest of us reset our clients and eventually our PC's, some of us couldn't log back on and others had too many 'issues' when we did to be able to play.

    Called it quits and went to bed, then got up today and started up with problem we are both having.

    And idk if it might be the same but my son's account that I can log into on same PC is f2P and mine is VIP, but he also has a lot less characters and had not been on for about a week.

    I decided to see if any of my guildies were on right now, and when I look in the Who list it shows all of us that locked up still on and where ever we were when we either hung or logged out last nite. and one us is actually on another toon from same acct and his old toon is still showing as logged in
    Last edited by redwindfury; 12-06-2014 at 10:17 AM. Reason: update...

  18. #98
    Community Member hunzi2010's Avatar
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    im now getting connection successful in loading screen but hanging on searching for logon server attempt 3 of 20

  19. #99
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    We will be restarting the game worlds shortly. We'll announce when the servers have reopened.
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  20. #100
    Community Member Greggers72's Avatar
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    Well at least I seem to know what the issue is now.... I logged on to Ghalanda on my free to play account and noticed that my main toon was still apparently logged in in the marketplace with the LFM I had up when I crashed zoning from the marketplace to Gianthold.... Question is, how to get the toon logged out properly???

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