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  1. #1
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default Orien 2014 Christmas and New Years Giveaway!

    (Alt. Thread can be found here-

    What it is

    Hi all! Guerric/Carrianne from the Forever Knights of Orien here. As many of you know, in the past Olathural, a former member of our guild, would hold an annual Thanksgiving giveaway. The purpose of the event was to create a place, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, where people could all donate from their abundance items which they do not need to others who might be able to use them! While Ola doesn't seem to be around much anymore (as far as I know), I thought the same spirit of giving would apply to Christmas as well, and am here to make sure the tradition carries on.

    When it will take place

    The event will take place on Saturday, December 27, at 2pm EST.

    Where it will take place

    The event will take place on the third deck of the Knightwind, the flagship of the Forever Knights of Orien. Participants will be teleported to the ship from raid parties formed via the LFM panel. I will have alt toons and hopefully a few other players to assist me with this.

    How it works

    To participate in the event, there are two simple requirements. First, you must be a player on the Orien server. Secondly, you must donate at least one item to be rolled off at the event. The greater the donations, the more happy people at the end! All donations will be sent via in-game mail to my alt account event toon, Christmasy Elf. Christmasy will collect donations which will be organized and rolled off in an orderly fashion over the couple of hours that the event will last. If you get the high roll on an item, you win it! And that without the hassle of grinding quests to get the opportunity.

    What can be donated/won?

    Pretty much anything that can be passed from one player to another! Some ideas are listed by category below-

    1) Unique Items- Pretty much any quest item which someone might want could make a good donation. Builds and gearstyles vary, and one toon's trash is another's teasure! I already have a few unique ee items and such that others have donated in the past to these events, and I hope that we'll have a lot more for this one!

    2) Sets of crafting mats- Many players are still grinding away at greensteel, alchemical, and thunderforged items (including me!), and sets of mats are always helpful. In addition to these, other items such as tapestry piece sets, sets of tome or shield pieces from necro 4, black stones from Haunted Halls, sets of dragonscales of various colors, sets of adamatine ore, and many other things can be of use!

    3) Ownership certificates- While I've never had much use for them, many are avid pet collectors. As such, if you're like me or already have a pet, pass the love on and donate!

    4) Utility items- Everyone has uses for Raid Bypass Timers, Jeweler's toolkits, Mirrors of Glammering, Augments of Many Kinds, Unbound Bags of Many Things, and any other items I might be forgetting. I already have a few of these to put up for roll at the event, but the more, the merrier!

    5) Character Improvements- Everyone needs stat and skill tomes, and if your toon can't use it, there is a good chance someone else's can!

    6) Point Codes- I already have for the event 10 500 Turbine Point codes to roll off for the event (thanks to Cordovan), as well as a Shadowfell Key, a MoTu key, a Half-Orc pack key, a Druid Key, and a Starter Pack key to roll off from my own collection. If you are especially generous, feel free to donate point codes, game time, or other such things.

    7) Sweet Money!- While many vets seem to have endless supplies of plat, all of us need it, and for some it is a huge help. Feel free to donate money! You can send this to Christmasy or PM me here or on Carrianne for a direct transfer of lump sums.

    How can I help?

    Great question! The best way to help is by donating to the event. Even if you can't make it to the event or don't need anything, please don't hesitate to make donations! I may also need an assistant or two to help with forming groups and auctioning off the items, so if you want to help, please send me a PM here via the forums.

    Special Thanks

    Special Thanks to Olathural, for creating this event and hosting it and similar events two years in a row. Thanks also to Cordovan for supporting it and donating the point codes. Another thanks to Zeelee for a slough of generous opening donations!

    Other than that, an early Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope to see you there!

    UPDATE (12/24)- Post #14 now contains a full list of prizes for roll at the event.
    Last edited by Leclaire1; 12-24-2014 at 08:36 AM. Reason: Updated with more information.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sounds like fun! I love giveaways.

  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Thank you for organizing this, nicely done!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  4. #4
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sounds like a blast!

    I totally don't know if I'll be around to participate on the 27th, but I'll for sure send off some dragon scales and such! We mail items directly to Christmasy, correct?
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeoLionxxx View Post
    I totally don't know if I'll be around to participate on the 27th, but I'll for sure send off some dragon scales and such! We mail items directly to Christmasy, correct?
    Yep! Thanks for the donations, and I do hope to see you there.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  6. #6
    Community Member Teh_Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    So, to resume, someone is finally willing to give me their stuff?

  7. #7
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    I wish my bard could cast disco balls on airships so that we could have a sweet party with pixel effects!
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  8. #8
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    I wish my bard could cast disco balls on airships so that we could have a sweet party with pixel effects!
    We do have a dance hall on the fourth deck. Maybe I could move things around.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  9. #9
    Community Member Arkathan's Avatar
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    As of the time of this post, Christmasy's mailbox is full... Could not donate.
    Will try again later.

  10. #10
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkathan View Post
    As of the time of this post, Christmasy's mailbox is full... Could not donate.
    Will try again later.
    Thanks Ark! I cleared it out earlier so you should be good. I forgot to delete the old messages after pulling the donations. In case this happens again the backup toon to mail to is Fianny, who is on that same account.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  11. #11
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    I'll see if I can toss you a few more stuff.

    In loving memory of Ollie - you shall be missed, bud.

  12. #12
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kumagnificent View Post
    I'll see if I can toss you a few more stuff.

    In loving memory of Ollie - you shall be missed, bud.
    Thanks! Ola left a great legacy in these events and in his leadership of raids and TR groups. We will honor that memory!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  13. #13
    Community Member Grandern_Marn's Avatar
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    It'll be 4am here but I'll try to be there!
    Start cross server trading and profit!
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  14. #14
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default Donations So far

    We've been getting a steady stream of donations to roll off at the event, and I thought I'd put a partial update, which I can add to as we go along-

    1) Mats and Such

    We have lots of goodies in this category. We have plenty of dragon scales of all colors, good quantities of all shroud mats, and decent amounts of thunderforged mats as well. Additionally, thanks to Zeelee, we have a full set each of tome and shield pieces from the necropolis, as well as sets of tapestries as well.

    2) Unique Items

    EE Gloves of the Master Illusionist, EE Skullduggery Kit (Speed Version), EE Jeweled Cloak, EE Thunderstorm Crescent, EE Death’s Locket, EE Belt of the Seven Ideals, EE Fell Shiv, EE The Mountain’s Fist, EE Goatskin Boots (Fire Version), EE Ghost-waking Cloak, EE Arkat’s Cord, EE Dream Visor, EE Shadowsight, EE Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy, EE Prison Break, EE Prisoner’s Manacles (Con +9 Version), EE Wizard’s Orb (Magnetism Version), EE Corruption of Nature, EE Shade’s Hood (Cold Version).

    EH Prismatic Cloak, Violet, EH Magistrate’s Sceptre (Sundering Version), EH Allegiance, EH Silver Ingot Arcanum, EH Adamantine Knuckles, EH Giantcraft Siberys Compass, EH Mantle of the Dragonfriend, EH Ironwood Khopesh (x2), EH Jeweled Cloak.

    Dagan’s Mallet (x2), Spider-Spun Caparison, Deathwyrm Cloak (x2), Sacrificial Dagger, EN Nether Grasps (x2), EN Glorious Dawn, EN Forester’s Brush Hook, EN Elemental Fury, EN Shield of the Morning, EN Adamantine Knuckles, Archaic Device, EN Helm of the Blue Dragon (Ins Int Version), Seal of House Szind (Cha +7 Version), Seal of House Dun’Robar (Tendon Slice Version), Hide of the Goristro (Ins Dex Version), EN Jeweled Cloak, EN Frostbite Blade, EN Whisperchain, Embrace of the Spider Queen (Ins Con Version).

    Devout Handwraps, Beholder Optic Nerves, HE Shades Hood (Acid Version), HE Guidance of Shar, The Mad Lute, HE The Morning Star, HH Nether Orb (Enchant Version), HN Goatskin Boots (Speed Version), Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger, Mace of Smiting, Sun Blade, Threnalian War Blade (x2), Insurection, Luck Blade, Ring of Troll’s Regeneration, HE Adamantine Knuckles, HE The Mountain’s Fist, HE Skullsmasher, HE Axe of Adaxus, HN Ring of the Djinn, HE Crystalline Sceptre, HE Jeweled Cloak, HE Branch of Vile Curses, Scarab of Spell Absoprtion, Dwarven Thrower.

    3) Ownership Certificates

    So far we have Tropical Water Elemental, Grey Tabby, and Tan-Stripe Pseudodragon (thanks to Everso) certificates to be rolled off at the event!

    4) Utility Items

    We have lots of augments available for roll including one or two of pretty much all the rare augments, such as the meteoric star ruby. We also have well over 100 Raid Bypass Timers which have been donated by various parties, a good supply of large bags, and some jeweler's toolkits.

    5) Character Improvements

    There are plenty of ability and skill tomes for the lower levels, and a few high level ones.

    6) Codes/Content

    We have-

    a) 500 Turbine Point Codes (10)
    b) A Menace of the Underdark Code
    c) A Shadowfell Conspiracy Code
    d) A Half Orc Code
    e) A Druid Code
    f) A Starter Pack Code

    7) Money!

    I'll put up at least 100k plat to start. Others might throw in as well.
    Last edited by Leclaire1; 12-24-2014 at 08:33 AM.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  15. #15
    Community Member Tholgrin_Stoneforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leclaire1 View Post
    We've been getting a steady stream of donations to roll off at the event, and I thought I'd put a partial update, which I can add to as we go along-
    I'll see what I can scrummage up and send some stuff your way!
    Orien Toons: Aapex Predator | Adipostal | Bholgrin Stoneforge | Felldar | Gorruk Boulderbreaker | Khail Ironfist | Kiljoen Lorebringer | Madfinger Runewarden | Mattok Shalefinder | Tholgrin Stoneforge | Tubbho Lard | Uldwena Skyreaver | Uldwin Skyreaver | Varjek Lorebringer | Walreign Aggron | Whall | Whong Fei Hung | (and a couple more...)

  16. #16
    Community Member susiedupfer's Avatar
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    Let me know on Zizie if you need more tome and shield parts. I think I have a couple more sets spread around the toons.
    Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zeleste, Zeeby

  17. #17
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by susiedupfer View Post
    Let me know on Zizie if you need more tome and shield parts. I think I have a couple more sets spread around the toons.
    If you don't need them then sure! It might be best to send them to Guerric this time though, as he'll be able to hold them better in the containers. Christmasy is getting loaded up!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  18. #18
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default Updates

    Updated the OP and Prize listings with the option to donate plat to be rolled off. Can't believe I forgot about that option.

    Also, if you tried to donate and Christmasy's box was full, she should be clear again. Also, backup donation toons are Fianny, Glimner, Scrollshop, and Carrianne.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  19. #19
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    Can I still participate? If so I'm going to donate something right away.

    EDIT: Donations sent.
    Last edited by Asar; 12-22-2014 at 02:59 PM.

  20. #20
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Updated Prize List with unique items, a new cosmetic pet, and an update to our RTB count.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

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