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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Buying ALL augments and other items!!!

    I'm collecting all types of augments, lvl 1-28 and of any rarity. I prefer to buy in bulk but will buy any amount you have even if its just one or two.

    As for the other items I'm after:

    Collectibles- pretty much anything except prayer beads
    Large bags- I will buy all types.
    Scrolls- Dimensional door, trap the soul, summon monster ix, blade barrier, wall of fire, flame turret, silver weapons, deadly weapon, death ward.
    Companions- all types
    Tomes- I'll buy skill and ability tomes just let me know what you have.
    Lavender hair dye- I'm after a lot of them.

    Send me a tell or mail in game to themaaku, let me know what you have and how much you're wanting and we will haggle from there.

    I also have raid timers that I will trade for items i'm after or even sell them.
    Last edited by maaku; 12-01-2014 at 04:35 PM.

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