I've seen this advice offered a few times, that a newb arcane should take master's touch and barbarian his way through the first 5-10 levels, but it's never made sense to me. I've played through 2.5 arcane lives so far (Wiz Sorc Sorc) and the spells at level (never mind SLAs) seem perfectly adequate for completing level appropriate content.
Now, my Carnifex + Charged Gauntlets does indeed hit for some damage, but it just doesn't compare to a maximized, empowered electric loop that hits for 100-300 damage, strikes multiple targets at once, and has a crowd control effect.
Am I missing something here, or straw manning this suggestion? Full disclosure, I did skip to level 4/5 on both my sorcerer lives; is the use of a great axe something more appropriate before you get those level 2 & 3 combat spells?