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  1. #1
    Community Member Gorthazien's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

    Angry 12bard/6fighter/2rogue PDK Swashbuckler. Tweak my Bard!

    I read over several swashbuckler posts and really didn't find a build I was looking for laid right out to work with, so thought I'd post one. Looking to tweak this build to perfection! Any advice is appreciated...

    Feat change. Tx N-Octurn
    Stats redistributed under advice from unbongwah
    Went with 2 Rogue at 19. Could have went 1 Rogue later in levels for greater skills impact.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.23.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 True Neutral Purple Dragon Knight Male
    (6 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 12 Bard \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 392
    Spell Points: 837 
    BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
    Fortitude: 13
    Reflex: 22
    Will: 20
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength             10                    13
    Dexterity            13                    16
    Constitution         15                    19
    Intelligence         12                    16
    Wisdom                8                    11
    Charisma             17                    30
    Tomes Used
    +3 Tome of Strength
    +3 Tome of Dexterity
    +3 Tome of Constitution
    +4 Tome of Intelligence
    +3 Tome of Wisdom
    +3 Tome of Charisma
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               3                    34
    Bluff                 3                    18
    Concentration         2                    36
    Diplomacy             3                    18
    Disable Device        n/a                  12
    Haggle                3                    18
    Heal                 -1                     8
    Hide                  1                    11
    Intimidate            7                    38
    Jump                  4                    26
    Listen               -1                     8
    Move Silently         1                    11
    Open Lock             n/a                  12
    Perform               n/a                  47
    Repair                1                    11
    Search                2                    26
    Spellcraft            1                    11
    Spot                  0                    25
    Swim                  0                     9
    Tumble                n/a                  12
    Use Magic Device      n/a                  39
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Precision
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Single Weapon Fighting
    Level 2 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Remove Fear
    Level 3 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 4 (Bard)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Spell (1): Focusing Chant
    Level 5 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Hypnotism
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Shield Mastery
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Level 8 (Bard)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Spell (2): Invisibility
    Spell (2): Blur
    Level 9 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Spell (1): Merfolk's Blessing
    Spell (2): Suggestion
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Single Weapon Fighting
    Level 11 (Bard)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
    Level 13 (Bard)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Single Weapon Fighting
    Level 15 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Shield Mastery
    Spell (3): Displacement
    Level 16 (Bard)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Level 17 (Bard)
    Spell (3): Haste
    Spell (4): Freedom of Movement
    Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds
    Level 18 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Magical Training
    Spell (4): Dimension Door
    Level 19 (Rogue)
    Level 20 (Bard)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Overwhelming Critical
    Level 22 (Epic)
    Level 23 (Epic)
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Bulwark of Defense
    Level 25 (Epic)
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Epic Skill Focus (Arcane +5 Perform)
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Epic Reflexes
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Ability Raise: CHA
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Hellball
    Not really sure if Concentration is needed to cast Heal, Res, and Resto scrolls with Quicken on? Gorth can use those scrolls at a rather low level though due to his high Charisma. Enhancements seem to be pretty open to flavor in this build. I went with max swashy and defense...

    PDK 5ap
    Swashbuckler 39ap
    Stalwart 14ap
    Warchanter 14ap
    Spellsinger 8ap

    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Human Versatility: Saves Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Human Adaptability: Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Purple Dragon Knight - Cormyrean Knight Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Confidence (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Swashbuckling (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Uncanny Dodge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - On Your Toes (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - On Your Toes (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - On Your Toes (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Tavern Shanties (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Fast Movement (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Sword Dance (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Action Boost: Doublestrike (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Action Boost: Doublestrike (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Action Boost: Doublestrike (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Elegant Footwork (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Skirmisher (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Resonant Arms (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Battering Barrage (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Battering Barrage (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Coupe De Grace (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Second Skin (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Second Skin (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Second Skin (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Swashbuckler (Brd) - Exploit Weakness (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Toughness (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Stalwart Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Resilient Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Resilient Defense (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Resilient Defense (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Defense Boost (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Defense Boost (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Defense Boost (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Durable Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Durable Defense (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Durable Defense (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Tenacious Defense (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Tenacious Defense (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Stalwart Defender (Ftr) - Tenacious Defense (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Skaldic Constitution (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Song of Heroism (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Rough and Ready (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Rough and Ready (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Rough and Ready (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Focused (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Focused (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Arcane Shield Chant (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Arcane Shield Chant (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Arcane Shield Chant (Rank 3)
    Enhanncement: Warchanter (Brd) - Ironskin Chant (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Ironskin Chant (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warchanter (Brd) - Ironskin Chant (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Spellsinger (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Lingering Songs (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Lingering Songs (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Lingering Songs (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Charlatan (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Spellsinger (Brd) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 3)

    Tweak my Bard!

    SIDENOTE: If looking for Evasion to start off with, I'd recommend Rogue levels at 8 and 12(adjusting feats accordingly). The PDK starting gear is pretty decent, so just pick up a buckler, short sword, and some light armor to begin your reign of total domination!
    Last edited by Gorthazien; 12-05-2014 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Seeking Perfection!

  2. #2
    Community Member N-0cturn's Avatar
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    Jul 2010



    Just some thoughts:

    - If you don't plan to spent more that 20 AP in the stalwart tree I would go 15 bard / 3 Fighter 2 Rogue. You get access to Inspire Excellence, more SP and lvl 5 Spells.
    - You don't have to take the Magical Training feat - 3 AP in Magical Studies (SS T1) will grant you the feat.
    - Luck of Heroes seems like a filler - Bulwark of Defense would be better (or Inspire Excellence)
    - Your stat distribution is not effective. If you start with 14 Dex, 14 Int and 15 Cha, and put all level ups points in Cha you will end up with +1 Dex, +2 Int and the same Charisma.

    I find it a bit hard to recommend a specific stat distribution, because it depends on play-style and gear of the character. Personally I went with 18 Cha, 16 Con and 16 Int (would be 14 Int on a 32p build) and got insightful reflexes. This is because I like to have plenty of skill points and it helps with gear options.

    Here are some thoughts on this:

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Since you're going CHA-based PDK, I'm inferring you plan to use short swords. I'm also inferring you plan to go for Dashing Scoundrel, since you didn't take the Shield Mastery feats.

    I don't understand why you started INT 10, then put 2 lvl-up pts into it. If you want higher INT for more skill pts, you should just start with higher base INT - take it from CON or STR - so you can put all your lvl-ups into CHA.
    Quote Originally Posted by N-0cturn View Post
    - If you don't plan to spent more that 20 AP in the stalwart tree I would go 15 bard / 3 Fighter 2 Rogue. You get access to Inspire Excellence, more SP and lvl 5 Spells.
    Agreed: if you're not going to T4 bonuses (Swift Defense, 2nd Gtr Defensive stance bonuses), 15/3/2 is a better split. The only downside is giving up two feats, but you have some weak / filler feats already.
    - You don't have to take the Magical Training feat - 3 AP in Magical Studies (SS T1) will grant you the feat.
    - Luck of Heroes seems like a filler - Bulwark of Defense would be better (or Inspire Excellence)
    Also agreed.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member Gorthazien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Since you're going CHA-based PDK, I'm inferring you plan to use short swords. I'm also inferring you plan to go for Dashing Scoundrel, since you didn't take the Shield Mastery feats.

    I don't understand why you started INT 10, then put 2 lvl-up pts into it. If you want higher INT for more skill pts, you should just start with higher base INT - take it from CON or STR - so you can put all your lvl-ups into CHA.

    Agreed: if you're not going to T4 bonuses (Swift Defense, 2nd Gtr Defensive stance bonuses), 15/3/2 is a better split. The only downside is giving up two feats, but you have some weak / filler feats already.

    Also agreed.
    Definitely using short swords! The Shield Mastery feats are there. I went with +2 INT at levels where they synced with the +4 tome for extra skill points. I'm sure I want those extra two feats, so I'll stick with 12/6/2 and work it out.
    Last edited by Gorthazien; 11-28-2014 at 12:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gorthazien's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by N-0cturn View Post

    Just some thoughts:

    - If you don't plan to spent more that 20 AP in the stalwart tree I would go 15 bard / 3 Fighter 2 Rogue. You get access to Inspire Excellence, more SP and lvl 5 Spells.
    - You don't have to take the Magical Training feat - 3 AP in Magical Studies (SS T1) will grant you the feat.
    - Luck of Heroes seems like a filler - Bulwark of Defense would be better (or Inspire Excellence)
    - Your stat distribution is not effective. If you start with 14 Dex, 14 Int and 15 Cha, and put all level ups points in Cha you will end up with +1 Dex, +2 Int and the same Charisma.

    I find it a bit hard to recommend a specific stat distribution, because it depends on play-style and gear of the character. Personally I went with 18 Cha, 16 Con and 16 Int (would be 14 Int on a 32p build) and got insightful reflexes. This is because I like to have plenty of skill points and it helps with gear options.

    Here are some thoughts on this:
    My AP points are wrapped up pretty tight(see OP edit). Bulwark of Defense is the better choice. Tx!

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Can you just list your feats rather than use the convoluted builder output that scatters them all over?

  7. #7
    Community Member Gorthazien's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

    Thumbs down Uh no?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
    Can you just list your feats rather than use the convoluted builder output that scatters them all over?
    Wouldn't have much room for my Enhancement list then, but tx for the input

  8. #8
    Community Member Gorthazien's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

    Cool Nearly Perfect!

    As Gorth rapidly nears PERFECTION, a question that remains is the optimal gear setup:

    Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass (Tier 3) & Magestar
    Epic Swashbuckler (Tier 3) and/or Kobold Admiral's Tiller (Epic 3BC)
    Iron Mitts (Epic 3BC)
    Epic Chord of Reprisals
    Epic Eye of the Beholder
    Epic Ethereal Bracers
    Necklace of Mystic Eidolons
    Shadowscale Armor: Shadow Killer
    Thunder-Forged Weapons & Mutineer's Blade for some Jack Jibbers farming!
    Cannith Crafted +5 Wounding Short Sword of Puncturing (Red Aug slot)
    Epic Elyd Edge if I can ever get me hands on that Seal...ARRRGH!!

    Just a few that are readily available for Gorth
    Last edited by Gorthazien; 11-29-2014 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Epic Elyd Edge!
    Zathien: Epic Repeater Rogue
    Gorthazien: PDK Swashbuckler seeking Perfection!!

  9. #9
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Just a thought. Evasion isn't as great as it used to be. Expecially when you have a crapton of hp which heavy armor and SD tree offers. I have about the same build and after switching and using enhancments getting the warchanter and swashy stuff and SD, you get get dodge a good ways up even on heavy. I mean just with ur basic gear your looking at 57% dmg reduction and thats without all the goodies from necro 4 epic.

    Unless you were going for traps or a stick build, id switch those rog for maybe cleric. Get some insightful str going on.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  10. #10
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    Expecially when you have a crapton of hp which heavy armor and SD tree offers.
    If you want a THF or TWF bard, WC w/med/hvy armor becomes an option, but not on a Swashie. Swashbuckling requires light armor (or robes); fortunately, gtr defensive bonuses apply with a shield in your offhand.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #11
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    If you want a THF or TWF bard, WC w/med/hvy armor becomes an option, but not on a Swashie. Swashbuckling requires light armor (or robes); fortunately, gtr defensive bonuses apply with a shield in your offhand.
    ya I just totally missed the swash thing lol. Even though it was in the title.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

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