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  1. #1
    Community Member zichant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Renegade is recruiting 2-3 very active, skilled and experienced players!

    About us:

    Formerly known as “The Synergy”, Renegade has undergone a lot of changes in the last few months. With a new leader and small guild bonus, we are progressing through the levels at a steady pace. We are currently level 92, and trying to get to level 100 as fast as possible (so we can upgrade the ship and use the XP amenity that we’ve been saving for ). We are a small group of friends who quest/raid together when possible, but our small active player base can make it difficult to fill a group.

    Many of us have characters in heroic levels as well as a few sitting in epic levels, working on end game content and epic TRs. Although a couple of us prefer to spend our time on DDO levelling TRs through heroic levels, we always have characters in epic levels so grouping within the guild should not be a concern.

    We do not currently have a set raid night, but this is something I would like to reinstate once we get a couple more people.

    Our playstyles differ, but to sum it all up it would be: slightly zergy but going after worthwhile optionals and ransack/conquest when the quest xp makes it worth it.

    What we are looking for:

    • 2 or 3 players who are mature, very active, skilled and experienced (would love to welcome in a small group of a couple friends who already run together regularly).

    • Players that are team players but not handholders, and don’t need their ‘hand held’. We are looking for players that are self-sufficient.

    A few ground rules:

    • Be respectful and polite when pugging and when dealing with other members of the guild. Any poor behaviour on your part will not be tolerated as it can give our guild a ‘bad name’ and make it difficult for others in the guild to get into a party, and rude behaviour can be bad for the DDO community as a whole.

    • No cheating! That includes duplicating, using exploits and glitches/bugs intentionally.

    • Each individual recruit must bring all of their characters from that same account into the guild. To keep our account size as low as possible, each individual is only permitted to have 1 account in the guild.

    I would prefer to quest with applicants before inviting them, to ensure that it is the right fit for both parties. Please send me a private message or reply below if you have any questions!
    Last edited by zichant; 11-30-2014 at 05:51 AM.
    Cannith: Endelda, Denela, Bachman, Bachette, Nouvela, Haines and Weeboe! Guild leader of Renegade on Cannith.

  2. #2
    Community Member zichant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    We are now level 93 and still looking for a couple people to join us!

    Edit: We have hit level 100 and now have the Signet airship and 5% xp amenity! Still open to recruiting a couple more people.
    Last edited by zichant; 01-25-2015 at 05:32 AM.
    Cannith: Endelda, Denela, Bachman, Bachette, Nouvela, Haines and Weeboe! Guild leader of Renegade on Cannith.

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