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Thread: Save my build?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Question Save my build?

    Hey guys, after a 4 year break I'm back and I need some help. Clearly things have changed, and a probably made some bad choices along the way, but my monk (12 monk, 2 fighter, Path of balance) needs some help. Think you can save it?

    Once upon a time I followed a build to get where I am now. Ill lay out what I have and Id really appreciate anyone who could help me with either the future path or changing what I have. I could just reroll, but this character is the highest I've ever gotten, which goes to show that re-rolling is unsavory.
    (I can't get the screenshots to post here so I'll just type it)

    STR:24 HP:226
    Dex:26 Armor class: 35
    Con:17 Fort:23
    Int:8 Reflx:22
    WIS:21 Will:17
    Cha:8 BAB 11/14

    This is where I think I have a problem, I never got stunning fist, strike, etc and have primarily used flame and wind stance. feats to note are:

    deflect arrows
    Improved crit bludg
    Power Crit
    Self sufficient

    I list these because they seem the most controversial, as well as the ones i could possible trade to fred if it came to that. So, what do you think? Should I go on? Is there a point? What do I need to do to save him?


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by 11Lonewolf11 View Post
    Hey guys, after a 4 year break I'm back and I need some help. Clearly things have changed, and a probably made some bad choices along the way, but my monk (12 monk, 2 fighter, Path of balance) needs some help. Think you can save it?

    Once upon a time I followed a build to get where I am now. Ill lay out what I have and Id really appreciate anyone who could help me with either the future path or changing what I have. I could just reroll, but this character is the highest I've ever gotten, which goes to show that re-rolling is unsavory.
    (I can't get the screenshots to post here so I'll just type it)

    STR:24 HP:226
    Dex:26 Armor class: 35
    Con:17 Fort:23
    Int:8 Reflx:22
    WIS:21 Will:17
    Cha:8 BAB 11/14

    This is where I think I have a problem, I never got stunning fist, strike, etc and have primarily used flame and wind stance. feats to note are:

    deflect arrows
    Improved crit bludg
    Power Crit
    Self sufficient

    I list these because they seem the most controversial, as well as the ones i could possible trade to fred if it came to that. So, what do you think? Should I go on? Is there a point? What do I need to do to save him?

    Can you list all your feats? Sometimes trading with Fred can only exchange certain feats not others, depending on the level you took them.
    Pretty much Power critical and self sufficient are the ones you would want to swap out; I am curious what else you have for feats. Stunning fist would be nice to have; stances are auto-granted now.
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  3. #3
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    Default Feat List

    Complete Feat List:

    AC bonus
    abundant step
    adept of forms
    curse of the void
    defensive fighting
    deflect arrows
    diamond body
    exotic weapon prof
    fast move
    flurry of blows
    heavy armor
    heroic durability
    improved crit- bludgeoning
    improved evasion
    improved heroic durability
    ki lawful
    ki magic
    light armor
    luck of heroes
    master of forms
    medium armor
    moment of clarity
    fists of light
    power crit
    purity of body
    self sufficient
    shield prof
    simple weapon
    slow fall
    tower shield
    two weapon fighting
    weapon focus, bludgeoning
    wholeness of body

    I hope this was helpful and not just you making me type a bunch =P

    Im considering acceptng my wonky build, trying to build even more dodge/miss chance and buy a lot of riposte items. Sounds like fun
    Last edited by 11Lonewolf11; 11-21-2014 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #4
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    Tower,shield is a wasted feat you can't be centered and you lose evasion

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Tower,shield is a wasted feat you can't be centered and you lose evasion
    he got that auto granted from the 2 fighter levels.

    @op, 16monk/2fighter/2x can be a really strong unarmed split. (my own monk is a Bladeforged 16/monk/2fighter/2wiz).
    Last edited by fTdOmen; 11-21-2014 at 07:33 PM.

  6. #6
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    @Omen, why 2 Wiz? I like the Idea though because I'm already on it lol. Why not 18 mnk 2 fightr?

  7. #7
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    My monk has 2 wiz, because my race is bladeforged. Wiz let me pick up mental toughness, which gives an extra 6 uses of reconstruct per rest, and a small chance for my reconstructs to critical hit. Additionally Eldritch knight has a cleave attack, 1% double strike, and provides a moderate boost to my PRR.

    If you're a fleshy race, then Favored soul may be a good idea, it'll let you qualify for Empower Heal (useful when you get into epic levels) and let you pick up Divine might without using a twist.

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Lonewolf11 View Post
    Complete Feat List:


    I hope this was helpful and not just you making me type a bunch =P

    Im considering acceptng my wonky build, trying to build even more dodge/miss chance and buy a lot of riposte items. Sounds like fun
    These look like the feats you've actually chosen thus far:

    deflect arrows
    improved crit- bludgeoning
    luck of heroes
    fists of light
    power crit
    self sufficient
    two weapon fighting
    weapon focus, bludgeoning

    The rest are auto granted.

    You need to pick up Improved two weapon fighting / Greater two weapon fighting. Each two weapon fighting feat gives a 20% chance to get an off hand attack for every main hand attack you make. currently you have a 40% chance rather than an 80% chance, that's a huge difference in overall damage.

    See the monk guide in my signature, it might help you out a little bit, meanwhile, I'd do the following.

    deflect arrows
    improved crit- bludgeoning
    two weapon fighting
    fists of light

    luck of heroes. Swap for > Power Attack (I'm assuming this is a monk bonus)
    power crit. Swap for > Cleave (i'm assuming this is a fighter bonus)
    self sufficient. Swap for > Stunning fist (I'm assuming this is a monk bonus)
    weapon focus, bludgeoning. Swap for > Great Cleave (I'm assuming this is a fighter bonus)

    It looks like you haven't yet used all your feat slots, but the problem I've got giving you advise is that I can't be certain what feats you picked up as monk bonus feats or fighter bonus feats, or what order you got your feats in. I've tried to advise swaps that will keep you covered as far as monk bonus / fighter bonus feats go, but you can't blindly follow my advice here, as without the context of level order it may well be wrong.

    Level order when you picked up your feats will matter, but In all honesty, this is a lot of feats to swap, I think you'll be better served LR'ing or Starting from scratch on an Iconic.
    Last edited by fTdOmen; 11-21-2014 at 07:53 PM.

  8. #8
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    Wow thanks, thats all really good advice and Ill totally check out the guide. Thank you very much!

  9. #9
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    he got that auto granted from the 2 fighter levels.

    @op, 16monk/2fighter/2x can be a really strong unarmed split. (my own monk is a Bladeforged 16/monk/2fighter/2wiz).

    Beware the Sleepeater

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