I'd like to push forward something that supposed to be ready till end of 2014.
Automatic character transfer tool (https://transfers.ddo.com/) between live worlds.
I have some questions to Turbine staff.
1. When ? Any chance it will start working this year ?
2. How much ? I guess the price will drop, but I'd really like to be able to move my chars for like ~500 TP each. Current prices makes players with more chars bankrupt if they plan to move to other server completely (currently 3 char transfers cost more than 1 year subscription!)
3. Limits ? Any chance that some amount of astral shards could be transferred along with a character ? Any chance that pets would be transferred (selective) ? and Nyx unlocked rewards (FVS, 32-builds, veterans) ?
I know there is a drop in population along all the servers comparing to what we had 2/3 years ago ( http://ddoracle.com/images/serverLoadAllYears.big.png ) so there would be a real problem when players will start abandoning low-populated servers to transfer to more-populated ones. But that can be overcomed with cheaper (or even free) transfer cost (periodically ofc) to low-populated ones. Unless there is a plan to merge servers....