All Haiku courtesy of Kayerith: RAID HAIKU!!: Velah isn't scared//we are killing the zombies//Dahliya is mean? <> Running for the hound!//making babbies fight mommy!//Michael Vick Approved <> Do you trust the shroud?//We must fight Harry two times//bring D-R Breakers <> Race haiku!!: Rusties eat war-forged//I laugh at their suffering//the screams are funny <> War-forged have no souls//batteries not included//save your receipt please <> Toaster surfing haiku!!: Jumping in the air//warforged crowding below me//I cannot get down!!! <> Confusion claims me!//which gender has facial hair?//male or female dwarves? <> It cannot be true! // a dwarf with no beard appears!//ABOMINATION!!
i just wish it would auto log me in and text my phone when its fixed![]()
Cordovan updated post one.
UPDATE: Game logins are currently unavailable. We are investigating, and will keep you updated.
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
Same here - Cannith.
Losing my last chance to run guild raid before completionist TR - superb timing!
Tip of the day: "When pugging, never enter a quest you can't solo..."
This is the 3rd day I have tried to log on since Friday...****es me off that I pay for this and can't get on when I want...Same error as everyone.
Not Again
I suppose this is turbines newest attempt to stop duping - locking everyone out of the game. If you cant log in you cant dupe. Win for the Dev team!
Seems to me that ddo is getting very good at braking while trying to fix lol, do we know a cause of the issue yet? seems like with EVERY update we catch a backlash of problems here lately. Starting to think U24 will be even worse. I don't see the point in adding more quests, more everything with a new update but cant fix old problems, seems to me somebody needs money lol
It would call it an "age of entitlement" unfortunately. I can understand a person's frustration but complaining for credits doesn't help. Sometimes you just have to accept it and go with the flow. If I was this disgrunted about the service, I would simply end my subscription and move on. But that's just me, and I haven't reached that point.
I don't get how people that screw up so much are able to keep their jobs. If it was me in the regular sector I would be out on my kiester. Having enough trouble keeping people in the game and finding new players without all these errors. I can understand with the array going down stuff like that happens, but this is fixable. And saying it is happening to some like it's not a game wide problem is disingenuous.
Beyond frustrated.
All Haiku courtesy of Kayerith: RAID HAIKU!!: Velah isn't scared//we are killing the zombies//Dahliya is mean? <> Running for the hound!//making babbies fight mommy!//Michael Vick Approved <> Do you trust the shroud?//We must fight Harry two times//bring D-R Breakers <> Race haiku!!: Rusties eat war-forged//I laugh at their suffering//the screams are funny <> War-forged have no souls//batteries not included//save your receipt please <> Toaster surfing haiku!!: Jumping in the air//warforged crowding below me//I cannot get down!!! <> Confusion claims me!//which gender has facial hair?//male or female dwarves? <> It cannot be true! // a dwarf with no beard appears!//ABOMINATION!!
Entitlement probably isn't the best word to use. A lot of us pay for this service. If my cable was out for a week, I'd call and I'd **** sure be credited and/or offered something.
Turbine would likely get less of these types of posts if we could get something more than the bullcrap line of we're looking into why a few people can't log in. Just say the server's down, we have no idea what's going on, and we'll update you when we can. Sorry for the inconvenience.
A little customer service goes a long way.
I am assuming that there are at least some very competent folks at Turbine who aspire to and do good work. But the performance issues of late are really causing me to wonder if they are not an endangered species.... I hope that when DDO does in fact close its doors, that those responsible for endlessly stepping on the same rake, dont get jobs where actual public safety is involved. I would suggest government be a good place to start, maybe The Department of Redundancy Department?...or the ever increasingly powerful Department of Obfuscation And Incompetence.
I guess I'll just listen to music or something.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.