To bad for whatever suit made up that rule, I am a legal man myself ...I assume that it is contractually disallowed to create another ways of traveling between the realms than those agreed at the time of update 14.But ... it would not be necessary to create a new way ...The Eberron Hall Of heroes could contain a portal to the breach inside the harbor cavern. Vice versa, the Forgotten Realms Hall could contain a portal to the breach inside the Eveningstar cavern.This portal would not be a "teleport" portal like found in many quests but a literal gateway in place and time. So a player could walk through it without having to load a new area. From a programming point of view, the portal and breach in the Hall together would act like a "copy" of the Eveningstar/harbor breach, but it is not actually a copy: from a lore point of view it is the very same breach - as the portal right before the breach is a gateway to transport the player.Not following me? Compare it to the game Portal, where blue and orange portals could be created by the player to act as gateway. The breach in the Eveningstar cavern could be compared to spot X that the player has to get to to finish the level in Portal - reach X to move on to the next part of the game, with a loading screen.So: the player's goal is to reach spot X. There are 2 ways to get there: either walk a crapload of stairs. This would correspond to walking from the Hall of Heroes or anywhere else in the game to the breach inside for example the Eveningstar cavern.The second way would be to create a blue portal on the wall right next to where you stand and create an orange portal at spot X. Through the blue portal you can see X and you can walk through it without pause or discomfort, ready to finish the level right away.The same can be applied in DDO: a portal in the Hall Of Heroes ("blue portal") connecting to a portal right in front of the breach ("orange portal").Result: In the Halls, the adventurer could see the corresponding breach with some lightshow around it to illustrate the presence of the portal (something artificer-y in Eberron and some magic effect in FR). Using it would result in using the breach in the harbor and Eveningstar without pause or discomfort.Add some extra teleport locations to the breach itself and voil?*, lots of peeps happy.