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  1. #41
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    The Halls will be absolutely *useless* until they're *convenient*.

    How to make them convenient? As so many people have said, and with a few additions I haven't seen:

    1) Make them smaller. They weren't built by giants!
    2) Make them one - situate the hall in the Demonweb, with stable pathways.
    3) Make it a transport nexus - have a way to get to any practically zone in the game. Stormreach Teleporter, doorways to 3BC, Ataraxia, Vale, GH, Reaver's Refuge, Amrath, etc on one end. Doorways to Eveningstar Marketplace, Estar Cavern, Wheloon, the other end of the Estar bridge (near Storm Horns/Thunderholme) at the other end. Guild portal at both ends. Basically any place that already features a transport to of some sort, with a couple of "convenience" extras (actually, just the one across the Estar bridge...)
    3a) Forget teleporting from the ship; give everyone with access to it a feat (a FEAT, mind you, not an item!) that allows transport there, every 10 minutes. Cooldown to start *after* transport. Alternatively, make the feat an hour and rework the Eveningstar Key to be HoH transport with a 10 minute cooldown.
    4) Every vendor possible. At each end *or* in the center. Hirelings, scroll components, potions, scrolls, bolts - if it's for sale anywhere, it's for sale in the Hall of Heroes. And don't have one guy selling L1 Divine stuff, and another selling L2 Divine stuff - give all the divine stuff to one guy, all the arcane stuff to another.
    5) Festival vendors, year-round. You may not be able to earn the ings except in special times, but you should be able to spend them anytime. Let me buy Mabar wraps for my brand-new monk that I just rolled up, even though it's December. I don't want to wait until October! (Yes, this happened to me, because I got the monk class a week after Mabar ended the first time). Put 'em near the doorways to the events. Extra bonus if there's a bank nearby.

    A guild transport to the Eberron HoH is nice... but it's really rather pointless, because there's nothing there worth going to that you can't get to much more conveniently *except* the Reincarnation Grove. Not even the FR HoH. Until and unless you make it convenient, it's going to remain a barren wasteland and a bone of contention for everybody who bought it.

    Otherwise, useless thread about useless changes to a useless game feature. Spend your time more wisely devs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

  2. #42
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    Default They actually do work already

    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I noticed doors with 'icons' over them relative to events. Are these per design? Are they meant for Lamannia only? I saw a pirate flag, a pumpkin and a shiny disk. I am guessing cove, mabar, and risia.

    If these are meant to go live, will they be a way to do the event areas anytime of the year?
    Those do already work, provided the event is on - in Ebberon it brings you to the start of the Risia jumps, to the treasure island for CC and to Dalara's for Mabar. In FR it brings you to the start of the festivult, not sure if there is any other (or does the CC one work from there too, not sure?).

    I do agree with the great idea to include the list of founders in the halls somewhere and a miniature of the Gygax and Anderson ones with a teleport to the areas would be great as well, both thematically and functionally.

    And I would really think adding the event trade in persons to the Hall of Heroes would help make them usefull. Especially a Mabar one to let us trade in the leftover motes etc we had because it ended before time not to ever return (yes, I had just farmed up, and had wanted to trade in next day :-(, pretty sure there is many of us), but the other ones would be very nice too, to enable us to trade in with leasure.
    Last edited by Nascoe; 11-18-2014 at 02:52 AM. Reason: added info about vendors

  3. #43
    Community Member Vanhooger's Avatar
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    Default Just few easy change

    - Leave the size as it is, doesn't matter(waste of time making it smaller), just put all the nice stuff next to each other
    - Add Stormreach Teleport
    - Add Eberron & Evening portal next to each other
    - Add all the trainers, epic included
    - Add all vendors
    - Add Airship Teleport
    - Bank, Auction, Mail Reincarnation groove next to the above mentioned stuff(they already there)

    Kind of Lammania Dojo.

    Then if you like any silly thing with statue I really don't care, use the rest of useless space the way you want.

    If you make those change I think almost everybody want to have the Hall of Heroes.

    There are 2 ways to fix that:

    - Make the Hall worth 795 TP or refund player that have already bought it.

    Last edited by Vanhooger; 11-18-2014 at 06:40 AM.
    Triple Heroic & Epic completionist. Eroic : 42/42 - Epic : 36/36 - Iconic : 12/12.

  4. #44
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    It would be cool

    1) If a player could travel directly from Eberron to Forgoten Realms & visa virsa.
    This is easily the most requested feature for the Hall; your feedback is heard loud and clear. However, behind-the-scenes things have prevented us from adding something like this to the Hall of Heroes, as much as we'd like to. It's not something we can add for U24, but we'll be looking into it for the future, as it's something we know players want.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanhooger View Post
    just put all the nice stuff next to each other
    - Add Stormreach Teleport
    - Add Eberron & Evening portal next to each other
    - Add all the trainers, epic included
    - Add all vendors
    - Add Airship Teleport
    - Bank, Auction, Mail Reincarnation groove next to the above mentioned stuff(they already there)
    Stuff in bold has been added in U24 (or, if it was already in the Hall, moved closer to the other things). We may be able to add more Trainers and types of Vendors in the future, several of you mentioned Spell Components, Potions, and Scrolls.

    Quote Originally Posted by DANTEIL View Post
    I was away from the game when the Hall of Heroes was introduced. I've wandered around in there a couple of times, and then pretty quickly wandered back out. I was just more underwhelmed and confused than anything. What was it supposed to be for then? What is supposed to be for now? How are these changes going to make it more useful for that purpose?
    The purpose was to be sort of a 'hub' space, making getting around easier. In its current incarnation, it has the opposite effect; that's part of why we've moved things around and added a lot more accessibility to things (Airship/Stormreach Teleporter options in Eberron, teleport destinations in the Forgotten Realms) for U24.

    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post

    Otherwise, useless thread about useless changes to a useless game feature. Spend your time more wisely devs.
    This is a good example of a non-constructive post. If you don't like a feature, or even feel like you won't use it after the changes, feel free to say it; telling the devs their time is wasted for making improvements to the game helps no one. At worst, it's incendiary antagonism, which is counterproductive to getting what you want here.

    Thanks for the feedback so far, folks! Lots of good ideas here, definitely keep 'em coming. If you haven't checked out the U24 changes on Lamannia yet, I'd encourage you to do so and to let us know what you think of the changes there.


  5. #45
    The Hatchery Fefnir_2011's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Stuff in bold has been added in U24 (or, if it was already in the Hall, moved closer to the other things). We may be able to add more Trainers and types of Vendors in the future, several of you mentioned Spell Components, Potions, and Scrolls.
    If you are going to add more vendors to the Hall of Heroes, will you pretty please add vendors for spellpower pots? It'd be nice to have an all-in-one spot to buy these instead of having to zip around town.
    Honkin • Diaari • Baz • Shankiee • Tranzcend • Diaana • Diaarti

  6. #46
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    In my opinion, the Hall of Hero's is too big. The artwork is great, and pretty neat to look at, but other than my first stroll through the place, I never go there other than to TR or teleport a first lifer to FR before they have a key.

    I beleive if the place were smaller and laid out more similar to the Dojo on Lamania with useful NPC's/portals in a smaller more centrally located room, it would get more use. I guess it's too late to go back and redesign the place.

    Steelstar...please don't let these morons bait you. You guys do great work and most of us appreciate it.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  7. #47
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post

    Otherwise, useless thread about useless changes to a useless game feature. Spend your time more wisely devs.

    If you really think this thread is useless...feel free not to make a useless contribution.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  8. #48
    Community Member Jefro's Avatar
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    Past life imbue. Bonuses are only for those that have the feat of certain past life. Could sell it as a potion or crunch a certain item to give an item a imbue similar to Stone of Change recipes. If this sort of imbue available only in at hall of heroes it be similar to having to have sharavath pack to have the favor potions.

    Also Dreaming Dark quest keeps track of what raids a character has completed, perhaps have a similar NPC bard to say the same about the character when they enter for flavor
    I love you Abbot♥

  9. #49
    Community Member btolson's Avatar
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    Agreed with others that the Hall is just too huge. Shift the entrances if you can so that it is not such a hike, or else create an intra-Hall-teleporter at the entrances, with destinations for each exit (eberron, FR, and the grove), and to wherever else is useful.

  10. #50
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    The purpose was to be sort of a 'hub' space, making getting around easier.
    So you made a 'hub' that leads no where? ..How does that work?

    Also, every time we ask for an easier way to travel to the to Forgotten Realms you answer that "behind-the-scenes things have prevented us from adding something like this". What are those behind the scene things? Surely the game can handle it, is it legal reasons? Did WotC allow you to use the FR ONLY if you made it tedious to travel there?
    Last edited by Ovrad; 11-18-2014 at 11:26 AM.

  11. #51


    other cool ideas for NEW PLAYERS:
    1) a map room where complete maps appear of explorer areas. Yeah, I use the wiki too but this would be internal to the game
    2) a lore element--click on the statue and here a lecture about particular race, creature, etc. Include halflings alongside other beasts.
    3) armory element-- like lore above. Imagine a weapon master that shows stregnths and weaknesses of, say, shortswords
    4) a beastiary--like 2 but a zoo. Look in fish tank at Beholder (no worries, 1-way glass) with further tips on how to deal with it. I would put here also a Medusa, undead room, succubus, Ice flenser--what else?

    These could be fun and educational
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  12. #52
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovrad View Post
    So you made a 'hub' that leads no where? ..How does that work?

    Also, every time we ask for an easier way to travel to the to Forgotten Realms you answer that "behind-the-scenes things have prevented us from adding something like this". What are those behind the scene things? Surely the game can handle it, is it legal reasons? Did WotC allow you to use the FR ONLY if you made it tedious to travel there?

    Based on some comments the Devs made back in 2012....WOTC required that there was a logical story (Lore) that would allow travel between Eberron and FR. I believe that WOTC put some big restrictions on Turbine regarding this. I am guessing that anything related to travel between the 2 planes must be approved by WOTC before we can see it in DDO.

    I don't think Turbine is trolling us here...their hands are tied.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  13. #53
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This is easily the most requested feature for the Hall; your feedback is heard loud and clear. However, behind-the-scenes things have prevented us from adding something like this to the Hall of Heroes, as much as we'd like to. It's not something we can add for U24, but we'll be looking into it for the future, as it's something we know players want.

    Stuff in bold has been added in U24 (or, if it was already in the Hall, moved closer to the other things). We may be able to add more Trainers and types of Vendors in the future, several of you mentioned Spell Components, Potions, and Scrolls.

    The purpose was to be sort of a 'hub' space, making getting around easier. In its current incarnation, it has the opposite effect; that's part of why we've moved things around and added a lot more accessibility to things (Airship/Stormreach Teleporter options in Eberron, teleport destinations in the Forgotten Realms) for U24.

    This is a good example of a non-constructive post. If you don't like a feature, or even feel like you won't use it after the changes, feel free to say it; telling the devs their time is wasted for making improvements to the game helps no one. At worst, it's incendiary antagonism, which is counterproductive to getting what you want here.

    Thanks for the feedback so far, folks! Lots of good ideas here, definitely keep 'em coming. If you haven't checked out the U24 changes on Lamannia yet, I'd encourage you to do so and to let us know what you think of the changes there.

    It would definitely be nice if the hall had scroll vendors so you had somewhere besides the portable hole to buy casting components. Or maybe a gate to the hole from the hall.

  14. #54
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This is easily the most requested feature for the Hall; your feedback is heard loud and clear. However, behind-the-scenes things have prevented us from adding something like this to the Hall of Heroes, as much as we'd like to. It's not something we can add for U24, but we'll be looking into it for the future, as it's something we know players want.

    Stuff in bold has been added in U24 (or, if it was already in the Hall, moved closer to the other things). We may be able to add more Trainers and types of Vendors in the future, several of you mentioned Spell Components, Potions, and Scrolls.

    The purpose was to be sort of a 'hub' space, making getting around easier. In its current incarnation, it has the opposite effect; that's part of why we've moved things around and added a lot more accessibility to things (Airship/Stormreach Teleporter options in Eberron, teleport destinations in the Forgotten Realms) for U24.

    This is a good example of a non-constructive post. If you don't like a feature, or even feel like you won't use it after the changes, feel free to say it; telling the devs their time is wasted for making improvements to the game helps no one. At worst, it's incendiary antagonism, which is counterproductive to getting what you want here.

    Thanks for the feedback so far, folks! Lots of good ideas here, definitely keep 'em coming. If you haven't checked out the U24 changes on Lamannia yet, I'd encourage you to do so and to let us know what you think of the changes there.

    as for the teleport function without logging out you guys already have it in game. stuff like say restless isles or the captain near the airship for reavers refuge. They ask you if you talked to people etc. so why can't you instead have it check to see if they own hall of heroes. way i see it working if it works then teleport just like normal. if not it will tell you don't have access and you can become vip or visit the ddo store.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This is a good example of a non-constructive post. If you don't like a feature, or even feel like you won't use it after the changes, feel free to say it; telling the devs their time is wasted for making improvements to the game helps no one. At worst, it's incendiary antagonism, which is counterproductive to getting what you want here.
    Asking nicely over and over for turbine to work on things such as monster manuals or cannith crafting or reversing the butchery of random gen loot (frostproof of Listening 20) or providing an endgame has not worked. no one has asked hundreds of times for the hero halls to get improvements have they?

    seems to me that logically if people never say anything about whats clearly a waste of time for fear of offending you guys, that you'll keep right on wasting time on things that arenot necessarilly needed. With so many things that could be recieving attention that players beg for over and over for years it often seems like tubines priorities are not well directed. hundreds beg for cannith crafting improvements but we get prettyier ship amenetys, hundreds ask for big random dungeons but we get air ship combat, hundreds ask for a real endgame but we get level 25 packs.

    sometimes unwanted criticism is valid criticism

    one things is of a certainty begging has not worked, but yet here we are trying to tell you there are better uses of manhours. hundreds of requests for the old costmetic kits to be put back into the store using the new cosmetic slot form factor have gone unheeded. No one asked for pretty new ship buff stations down below desks where almost no one ever goes, but a lot of people have asked for improvements to the old epic shard and seal system. No one asked for an three barrel cove pack to be made epic and then not even added to end game, we asked for Shroud a whole lot though. All that work on three barrel cove seems like a waste, lots of players said so. giant hold quests are way more popular still probably 10 to 1 more groups, seems we were right?

    From out here it seems like we should probably be more critical not less. ghostbane at least got you guys to partially undo the wreckage even if it took a mob of angry players. yeah it took a lot of people being pretty unkind to turbine about their priorities to get them to budge on that issue. so yeah it looks a lot more likely to get something done than polite requests.
    Last edited by Honestinjin; 11-18-2014 at 04:42 PM.

  16. #56


    It would be cool if the hall had 7 statues each with a special buff (like ship buff) that worked only on its predetermined day of the weak. The buff would be minor--really oriented towards new players, like +1 acid touch, +1 undead bane, etc--stacking
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  17. #57
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    We may be able to add more Trainers and types of Vendors in the future, several of you mentioned Spell Components, Potions, and Scrolls.
    Couldn't you simply move the Trainers by the Leaky Dinghy in the Harbour to the Hall of Heroes - We do now have 2 sets of Trainers in the Harbour after all.

  18. #58
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    The best thing you could do is the simplest; make it clear which door goes where.

    I have it straight at this point but the first few times I had to go through the Halls I was confused and ran around like a fool.

    Put a sign on the doors at least that you can see before you run all the way over there.

    It shows why, in the real world, you need someone who knows how human traffic flows looking at your space in addition to the artist types to make the space look pretty.

    Beyond labeling the doors, you need to redesign where they are.

    Make a "Business End" of the Halls that has the Reincarnation Booth and all the needed doors right next to each other

    Make the whole rest of the Halls the display and flavor stuff that players can look at if they wish.

    The Halls seem as if they are designed to "force a tour" which can lead to user frustrations on repeat visits and have the opposite effect, with regard to appreciating the designers' work, than you intended.

    TL : DR

    The place does look really good. I just don't feel like taking the tour every single time.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  19. #59
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    Default A gamers fantasy might be convenience. A gamers fantasy world might be something else

    One stop shopping vs. locally grown ( in multiple diverse localities ).

    I know its DDO and not DnD......And "everyone" has run "every" quest, raid, event, explorer/wilderness area, and challenge a ZILLION times......

    There are SO many things to gather/prepare/repair/bank/sell/buy/buff/craft/cosmetically modify/screenshot/mail to a buddy as a joke/etc......What is gamer to do?!?

    A real dungeon master would not make the adventurers life "convenient" or an adventuring world "consumer friendly".

    An online game might be different. Does it actually NEED to be?

    Fun, fun, where is that fun?

    It was here when the game started...when we expected to run to different house zones to get our equipment/arms/potions/spell components/buffs/and later mail/banking/auction/etc. Before...even...guild airships!

    The Hall of Heroes (at first) looked (to me) to be more like a museum than a convenience store.

    Selling "lottery tickets" there won't make DDO more memorable to anyone.

    This also requires balance.


  20. #60
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This is a good example of a non-constructive post. If you don't like a feature, or even feel like you won't use it after the changes, feel free to say it; telling the devs their time is wasted for making improvements to the game helps no one. At worst, it's incendiary antagonism, which is counterproductive to getting what you want here.
    Yup, you could take my post as snarky and counterproductive if you choose, but really it was not. Counterproductive is wasting dev time and resources trying to Frankenstein the HoH into some semblance of usefulness after failing to deliver it as promised as a Eberron/E* hub. Look closely at what the other posters here are suggesting as what you'd call "constructive" feedback. It's all just more patchwork on top of the existing waste of space/code/bandwidth/whatever... If you're unable to make it be what it was meant to be, then adding vendors and teleports and whatnot is never going to make it worth the 895TP, and in now way counts as "improving the game" as you put it. Adding NEW, never before seen features like Event Crafters/Barters might be something, or (miracle of miracles) PLAYER HOUSING, then yeah, sure, go ahead and start coding. But seriously, of all the projects that have been started and subsequently abandoned, that REMAIN abandoned, the HoH is so far down on most of our priority lists as to be all but forgotten.
    LrdSilverhand had some good suggestions, that's why I agreed with it and added my support. Wasting time on fluff I don't agree with and said as much. No Troll intended.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
    ...when the worst thing that happens when you make a mistake at your job is someone complains on the internet, you probably care a little less!

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