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  1. #21
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    You guys just keep killing what little immersion there is destroying game lore bit by bit
    The outside of the building is about 10 foot by 20 foot and 20 foot tall. The inside is what? 4000 sq foot and 100 foot high?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    1. Transport without logging in/out to go to Eberron/FR.

    2. Statues of notable PnP heroes, authors, designers, etc with plaques that tell the story. Maybe they come to life or move around. Think Harry Potter and pictures on the walls.

    3. Move Founders Wall into the hall and spruce it up nice.

    4. Map of Eberron and FR.
    1. Hell no
    2. sounds good
    3. Yes
    4. sounds good

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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    The outside of the building is about 10 foot by 20 foot and 20 foot tall. The inside is what? 4000 sq foot and 100 foot high?
    That is within dnd lore
    Last edited by Uska; 11-17-2014 at 05:10 PM.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    The outside of the building is about 10 foot by 20 foot and 20 foot tall. The inside is what? 4000 sq foot and 100 foot high?
    You just exposed this shocking cross-fantasy narrative!
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  5. #25
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, everyone!

    As you may have seen in this weekend's release notes, for Update 24 we've made some changes to the two Hall of Heroes spaces:

    (In addition, Airship Captains will now take you to the Eberron Hall of Heroes as well).

    Why the change?
    We'd received some feedback that the Hall was not viewed as generally useful; not enough resources (vendors, etc), and what was there was... well, really far apart. This change adds some new NPCs, changes the location of a few things and should make travelling around a little bit easier.

    Why are there two copies of certain things now?
    Some people may like where the old NPC locations are, and (at least for U24) we don't have immediate plans to use that corner of the Hall.

    It would be cool if the Hall had (Insert Cool Thing Here)!
    Additional changes may not happen for U24, but if you have thoughts about things to add or ways to make this space better, or just want to tell us you like/don't like the new changes - please let us know!

    Waste of time. I think what most players wanted/expected was a simple SMALL hallway that connected Eberron to Forgotten Realms. Otherwise it's completely useless.

  6. #26
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyriasys View Post
    Waste of time. I think what most players wanted/expected was a simple SMALL hallway that connected Eberron to Forgotten Realms. Otherwise it's completely useless.

    I understand Uska's point about immersion, however, the Hall of Heroes is already irrelevant to immersion really. It is a deus ex machina, the machina in this case being it allows access to a bunch of convenience features like hub NPCs such as bankers etc, plus the reincarnation trainer and fast travel. Except, for some reason, fast travel between realms! This is a convenience location available for TP or subscription only. You are paying real money for nothing but convenience. So for the love of all that's logical why is this specific fast travel convenience not part of that?

    We know that travel between the realms isn't a technical limitation: cave of eveningstar direct to guildship for instance, or the eveningstar key.

    So just bite the bullet and put a portal between worlds there already. Better yet, just make the hall of heroes itself be one single place that exists between worlds, with an exit back to either place within, in the middle somewhere. Sustained by Elminster's smugness or something, there's plenty to go around.

    Each entrance *from* a world could be at either end and in either direction you only ever have to run to the middle. And you can get from one world to the other without logging out for no readily apparent reason.

    Everyone is happy. Just put a cross realm portal in already!
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 11-17-2014 at 02:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  7. #27
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    The Hall was great conceptually, but suffered from terrible design by committee it looks like.

    It can be gigantic -that's fine, but the things players need should be clustered in one place. Immersion is great until you need to get to stuff over and over. Then immersion sucks.

    I would take one floor in one section, and dedicate it to actual usefulness. I would eliminate the planar flavors of the Halls and combine them into one. The Hall should be a nexus -there shouldn't be multiple versions of it.

    The number one requested feature is the only one that makes it worth 895 turbine points. We need gateways to Eberron and the Forgotten Realms in the same hall. What we have now is worth 0 turbine points. I am amongst the legion that feel absolutely ripped off by what I bought, not realizing that there would be no connection between the worlds via the Hall (logging off and back on does not count).

    With the Hall combined, you suddenly have a great way to introduce travel to Greyhawke. The Hall as a nexus just lets you drop a gateway into another realm of existance. Those of us that paid 895 get to use the Forgotten Realms gateway and everyone can use the other gateways. There is nothing else of significant value in there anyway. It's not like we can't find Fate Spinners and general vendors in any of the worlds we visit.

    TL : DR; combine the halls, cluster the amenities, PROVIDE GATEWAYS TO ALL THE WORLDS.

    Edit: Actually I don't care about the 895 TP. I just want the hall to be useful. Everyone should be able to travel anywhere after they complete the appropriate flagging.
    Last edited by Katie_Seaglen; 11-17-2014 at 02:34 PM.

  8. #28
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    I was away from the game when the Hall of Heroes was introduced. I've wandered around in there a couple of times, and then pretty quickly wandered back out. I was just more underwhelmed and confused than anything. What was it supposed to be for then? What is supposed to be for now? How are these changes going to make it more useful for that purpose?

  9. #29
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Until I can use the hall of heroes to switch from ebberon to faerun without logging out and in, and without having to complete the U13 quests, it will be useless to me.

    I want to use the hall of heroes to be able to access faerun heroic content during TR lives. Especially the content that is a lower level than the u13 chain.

  10. #30
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    It took you that long to realize that place was useless? :|

    Sorry, wasn't trying to be rude, I'm just a little baffled.

    As for improvements: just fuse both instances of the Hall together, and put both an Eberron door and an ES door at the entrance, it would make that place way better. Needing to log out to do anything with that place is completely unattractive with the current excessive load times and memory leaks.

    At least that way it could justify the price.

  11. #31
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    1. No it wouldnt
    Reason being your prejudice of all things Realm.

    Yeah we already know.

    Remember that is what the Halls was advertised as and originally intended to be.

    Logging in and out to change from Eberron to Forgonrealms using the halls in more immersion killing.

    There is absolutely no reason once the rift existed that the 2 worlds can't be convientently connected.

    Face it Uska. Forgotten Realms is here and it is not going away no matter how much you dump on every single feature that has anything to do with Forgotten Realms.

  12. #32
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    [QUOTE=Hafeal;5477039]I agree with this, I never understood the whole 2 Halls thing. Even for what they did requiring a logout to change worlds, just have 2 portals and make one inactive depending on where you were coming from.

    Would have been cool if this was a place found in the Demonweb with an occassional random monster passing through - but through some Swiss like peace keeping, no fighting allowed.

    2) How about a vendor who allows the exchange of any collectable in the game?

    3) Per my suggestion on the PC for guild ships, how about a library with a map you can view of any explorer area? Or the old monster stories which should be part of the MM but aren't.

    4) I haven't looked in a while, but there should be a vendor selling every pot, scroll and spell component in the game without haven't to go all over. Granted, some guilds have this, many don't.

    This would totally get me in there... I hate running all over with those collectables and the mapps woudl be great!

  13. #33
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabbler View Post
    You could add a copy of the Gygax and Arneson memorials. Clicking on the memorial would offer to transport you to the regular one out in the world.

    Yes, and 100x make it a direct link rather than the login/logout.. Also while you're at it, pull in those guys from the Marketplace so they do their laser light show inside..
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  14. #34
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    Last edited by Uska; 11-17-2014 at 05:22 PM.

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  15. #35
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I noticed doors with 'icons' over them relative to events. Are these per design? Are they meant for Lamannia only? I saw a pirate flag, a pumpkin and a shiny disk. I am guessing cove, mabar, and risia.

    If these are meant to go live, will they be a way to do the event areas anytime of the year?

  16. #36
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I noticed doors with 'icons' over them relative to events. Are these per design? Are they meant for Lamannia only? I saw a pirate flag, a pumpkin and a shiny disk. I am guessing cove, mabar, and risia.

    If these are meant to go live, will they be a way to do the event areas anytime of the year?
    I believe you could teleport to the location of those events, or that was the intent. I do not think the were WAI for some time, although they were fixed not too long ago I thought. As so few players use the Halls for teleportation, I doubt anyone uses them regularly for that purpose, even if functional, as they are not easily accessed.
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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I noticed doors with 'icons' over them relative to events. Are these per design? Are they meant for Lamannia only? I saw a pirate flag, a pumpkin and a shiny disk. I am guessing cove, mabar, and risia.

    If these are meant to go live, will they be a way to do the event areas anytime of the year?
    Those are already available on the live server. They only work when the events are active. (or at least that is my understanding)

  18. #38
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    Cool Sigil

    This may be a stupid question, but couldn't the Hall simply be part of Sigil? That would solve all the continuity errors and actually add to immersion, as well as opening the door to Athas, Greyhawk, Kara Tur, etc. The artwork would have to be changed, and I realize that takes time, but I personally believe that this would be good for the game.

  19. #39
    The Hatchery
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    The Halls will be absolutely *useless* until they're *convenient*.

    How to make them convenient? As so many people have said, and with a few additions I haven't seen:

    1) Make them smaller. They weren't built by giants!
    2) Make them one - situate the hall in the Demonweb, with stable pathways.
    3) Make it a transport nexus - have a way to get to any practically zone in the game. Stormreach Teleporter, doorways to 3BC, Ataraxia, Vale, GH, Reaver's Refuge, Amrath, etc on one end. Doorways to Eveningstar Marketplace, Estar Cavern, Wheloon, the other end of the Estar bridge (near Storm Horns/Thunderholme) at the other end. Guild portal at both ends. Basically any place that already features a transport to of some sort, with a couple of "convenience" extras (actually, just the one across the Estar bridge...)
    3a) Forget teleporting from the ship; give everyone with access to it a feat (a FEAT, mind you, not an item!) that allows transport there, every 10 minutes. Cooldown to start *after* transport. Alternatively, make the feat an hour and rework the Eveningstar Key to be HoH transport with a 10 minute cooldown.
    4) Every vendor possible. At each end *or* in the center. Hirelings, scroll components, potions, scrolls, bolts - if it's for sale anywhere, it's for sale in the Hall of Heroes. And don't have one guy selling L1 Divine stuff, and another selling L2 Divine stuff - give all the divine stuff to one guy, all the arcane stuff to another.
    5) Festival vendors, year-round. You may not be able to earn the ings except in special times, but you should be able to spend them anytime. Let me buy Mabar wraps for my brand-new monk that I just rolled up, even though it's December. I don't want to wait until October! (Yes, this happened to me, because I got the monk class a week after Mabar ended the first time). Put 'em near the doorways to the events. Extra bonus if there's a bank nearby.

    A guild transport to the Eberron HoH is nice... but it's really rather pointless, because there's nothing there worth going to that you can't get to much more conveniently *except* the Reincarnation Grove. Not even the FR HoH. Until and unless you make it convenient, it's going to remain a barren wasteland and a bone of contention for everybody who bought it.
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  20. #40
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Put an airship tower and teleporter right next to the Auctioneer in Eveningstar, then let me go straight to Eveningstar from my Airship Captain, any Stormreach teleporter, or using the Teleport spell (after completing the relevant quest chain). Rip out all access points to the Hall of Heroes and repurpose the space as a dungeon. Why all these convoluted travel requirements? Lore? *laughs* Make something up!

    Adventurer: Hello, Haywire. Why did you build a new airship tower and teleporter in the middle of your foundry? I thought you liked your privacy.

    Haywire: Ah! These are a gift for you, my friend!

    Adventurer: Really? You shouldn't have. No. Really. You shouldn't have.

    Haywire! No, no! Let me explain. As you well know from your recent adventures, a planar rift recently developed between our world and a far away plane, allowing travel between those places. It is a long walk, my friend, and I do not enjoy walking. So, I had an idea. You see, by creating a pair of spatially locked astral beacons in close proximity, then moving them apart while taking care not to violate Bigby's Law of Planar Transience Degradation, it becomes possible to move a Cannith Teleporter directly from our realm to a remote planar location, while maintaining an active link to all local teleporters!

    Adventurer: Ah... Okay...

    Haywire: Now, all I need do is fire up this Cannith planar energy modulation generator, turn these knobs, adjust for planar crossdrift variances, and... POOF!

    Adventurer: Haywire! What did you do! You just vaporized my useless airship tower and teleporter! You know how much I hate disintegrate spells!

    Haywire: *laughs* No, no, my friend. Again, you do not understand. I have relocated your airship tower and teleporter to the central square of the place called Eveningstar. You can now travel back and forth between Stormreach and Eveningstar using your airship or any teleporter.

    Adventurer: Haywire... You... GENIUS! YES! YES! Now, about that defense for Disintegrate spells I asked for...

    Haywire: I am still working on that.


    Gandolfminster: What ye frodo is THAT???

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