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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    -Epic Resplendent Runearm should have Lifeshield, yellow augment slot, and should be +150 spellpower

    Argh. C'mon Turbine. Let your runearm light shine. SHINE.

  2. #102
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    No it's cool, I'll slot water breathing in that yellow and use the rune arm to go explore off the coast of Three Barrel. I will use its mighty radiance to illuminate the coral reefs and local sea life for some Cousteau like documentary.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    No it's cool, I'll slot water breathing in that yellow and use the rune arm to go explore off the coast of Three Barrel. I will use its mighty radiance to illuminate the coral reefs and local sea life for some Cousteau like documentary.
    I won't lie, that sounds terrific and I look forward to watching it once it is done.

    Also the runearms will have a light damage imbue, and the level 18 will be changed to a tier 5 charge.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    I won't lie, that sounds terrific and I look forward to watching it once it is done.

    Also the runearms will have a light damage imbue, and the level 18 will be changed to a tier 5 charge.
    Awesome, I'm prodding in good fun, appreciate you taking it that way and for the additional info - truth be told it's still not very exciting to me as it seems like it could be (c'mon now, the item name and description cries out for at least a 'Radiant Weapons' effect on epic), but with ToEE coming up I probably wont stay angst ridden over this not-so-shiny for too long...

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    There were some bugs/missing effects with the items as seen on Lamannia.

    All items are bound to account

    -Stone Wall damage should be 1d10 and have a red augment slot
    -Epic Stone Wall damage should be 2d10
    -Blazing Sun should have +6 Wisdom, Epic/Mythic Blazing Sun should have +11 Wisdom
    -Blazing Sun should have +90 Radiance and Devotion
    -Resplendent Runearm should have Lifeshield and a yellow augment slot
    -Epic Resplendent Runearm should have Lifeshield, yellow augment slot, and should be +150 spellpower
    -Bone Crusher should have +6 Dex, Epic/Mythic should have +11 Dex
    Please get staff to focus on item creation that is unique and fun and Xoriat appropriate which gets us coming back to the quests. None of the offerings I see have come close. Read: not needing to be more powerful or less powerful, but useful or fun (Crazy and Zany) in lvl26 quests and useful or fun (Crazy and Zany) in lvl30 quests. Please!
    Last edited by Kamode_Corebasher; 11-17-2014 at 01:41 PM. Reason: adding the words Crazy and Zany

  6. #106
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    All items are bound to account
    Man, seriously. Look, the last pack with anything trade-able was March 10 (U21). Its going on 9+ months and now 3 packs with nothing anyone can buy or sell, item wise. Is this to force people to buy the pack to get the items? Because it also forces people to personally farm everything, which can be a real drag with your drop rates. Ive had to vendor untold numbers of orchard items I dont need, and still dont have enough of a few I do. Its terrible. Can you do BTAoE or something? I can appreciate wanting to pass items to alts or whatever as you level, but trading is part of an mmo. If this pack doesnt have anything, by the time U25 hits itll be over a year with nothing anyone can trade. Any chance we can address this issue?

  7. #107
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbqzor View Post
    Man, seriously. Look, the last pack with anything trade-able was March 10 (U21). Its going on 9+ months and now 3 packs with nothing anyone can buy or sell, item wise. Is this to force people to buy the pack to get the items? Because it also forces people to personally farm everything, which can be a real drag with your drop rates. Ive had to vendor untold numbers of orchard items I dont need, and still dont have enough of a few I do. Its terrible. Can you do BTAoE or something? I can appreciate wanting to pass items to alts or whatever as you level, but trading is part of an mmo. If this pack doesnt have anything, by the time U25 hits itll be over a year with nothing anyone can trade. Any chance we can address this issue?
    Nothing new to sell or trade the economy is stagnent.

  8. #108
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Double post
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 11-17-2014 at 03:19 PM.

  9. #109
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    In case it wasn't asked already, is there 4 Wisdom Mythic version of the goggles ?
    Lolz, bta again ? You guys MUST have noticed booming activity in the marketplace forums by now. Or same old stuff ( like epic GH which is freaking ancient now ) on asah ?

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  10. #110
    Community Member ToastyFred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamode_Corebasher View Post
    Please get staff to focus on item creation that is unique and fun and Xoriat appropriate which gets us coming back to the quests. None of the offerings I see have come close. Read: not needing to be more powerful or less powerful, but useful or fun (Crazy and Zany) in lvl26 quests and useful or fun (Crazy and Zany) in lvl30 quests. Please!

    Please be a little more creative.

  11. #111
    Community Member FlaviusMaximus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artagon View Post
    I find that Arcane armor to be extremely lack-luster. Who exactly is it aimed at?
    Assassins, characters that dip into the Harper tree, some Bards. It appears to be a niche item but I can think of some uses for it.

  12. #112
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    Xoriat items have a tradition in DDO. In every quest they've come from, the ones that weren't just looted by Xoriat mobs from adventurers who failed to best them (Levik's Bracers and Levik's Defender, particularly) all were a case of 'powerful, but something is wrong here'. Like Insanity, the big honking greatsword that drops your dex because it's so big and unwieldy, but does wisdom damage, and makes mobs go nuts. Polycurse Daggers, with their plethora of assassin-wonderfuls...and their ardent desire to curse you constantly. Beholder Plate, telekinetically slamming attackers to the ground, while letting your attacks project antimagic...but fair odds that if you get hit, you're gonna get Exhausted, even if warforged.

    They've all been like that. Something really good...with a drawback. I'm not seeing any of that here. There's no crazy. It's like these things are just kinda...there, rather than touched by, or from, Xoriat.

  13. #113
    Community Member brzytki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlaviusMaximus View Post
    Assassins, characters that dip into the Harper tree, some Bards. It appears to be a niche item but I can think of some uses for it.
    I'm sorry but with 12 MDB it's really underwhelming both for assassins and bards.
    Quote Originally Posted by Absolute-Omniscience View Post
    Did Einstein solo eLoB without pots or what?
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  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    Also the runearms will have a light damage imbue, and the level 18 will be changed to a tier 5 charge.
    I've been lobbying for a long time that the approach to runearm design be changed....if you're just going to make runearms different by their damage type, then there's always going to be a BiS at-level. Therefore, you're either introducing a runearm that's obsolete (or at best a temporary filler item till you get the BiS) or you've made something else obsolete.

    Rather, I think runearms should provide some novel utility functionality rather than simply changing the imbue damage type and the geometry of the blast. Think outside the box. Artificers should have a toolbox of RAs that they use for different reasons in different quests and situations or different builds. Healing Burst runearm. Runearms that provide buffs or auras while charged, but don't blast. Maybe an unresistable CC effect (ie Slow, reduced effect for bosses) while you keep it charged and "locked" on a target. Something that provides a basic change to gameplay, not just another little additive DPS boost to throw on the pile.

    Honestly, Lifeshield isn't enough of an effect to make me want to slot it on its own. I don't think there's very many existing affixes you could even put on a runearm that would make me want to slot something there over, say, Glass Cannon just for the pure DPS.

  15. #115
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Rather, I think runearms should provide some novel utility functionality rather than simply changing the imbue damage type and the geometry of the blast. Think outside the box. Artificers should have a toolbox of RAs that they use for different reasons in different quests and situations or different builds. Healing Burst runearm. Runearms that provide buffs or auras while charged, but don't blast. Maybe an unresistable CC effect (ie Slow, reduced effect for bosses) while you keep it charged and "locked" on a target. Something that provides a basic change to gameplay, not just another little additive DPS boost to throw on the pile.
    I actually like that idea a lot.

    Like - Tractor Beam - Pulls a mob toward you, and holds it in front of you. Charge tier determines DC and duration. Like many CC effects, the victim gets recurring checks to escape (STR in this case).
    Repulsor - Pushes mobs away from you, and dazes them - PBAoE - DC on the daze based on charge tier as standard.
    Repair Beam - Patches up warforged or your dog (or other friendly Repairable)
    Oxidizer - Like a sort of Deconstruct on your arm! Constructs beware!
    Xoriat's Blessing - Ranged AoE - Applies the Frenzy effect from Insanity. Enjoy the chaos, hope they don't notice you!
    The Gatestone - Summons an outsider from a random plane. CR based on charge tier and level. Chance that evil outsiders attack you unless you have Protection from Evil running. Small chance of powerful named summons. All summons are short duration (1 minute per charge tier). If a Marut is summoned, and there are undead in your party, it is automatically hostile.
    Glittering Glory - It's a Glitterdust projector! Annoy people with feeble graphics cards! Be beloved by rogues! Cripple enemy DPS!
    The Beat - It's a dancing machine! Assaults a target with Otto's Resistable Dance!
    Chronoinhibitor - It's that Slow effect, just given a name!
    Chronodestabilizer - A sustained beam effect, draining charge as it goes, doing untyped or bane damage to anything it hits...except undead, constructs, and true outsiders...remember the sliver of time's effect on Sully? Yeah. Use on immortals is pointless, time means nothing to them.
    The Queen's Caress - Dare you use it? Wild Magic generator.
    Mystra's Wrath - Spellfire cannon - while charged, generates old-style spell absorb equal to charge tier. Only recharges absorb by recharging runearm. As it eats one charge of absorb per spell level, cannot absorb anything above level 5.
    Imaskari Perimeter Defense System - Quell. That's right, it Quells things.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by fmalfeas View Post
    I actually like that idea a lot.

    Like - Tractor Beam - Pulls a mob toward you, and holds it in front of you. Charge tier determines DC and duration. Like many CC effects, the victim gets recurring checks to escape (STR in this case).
    Repulsor - Pushes mobs away from you, and dazes them - PBAoE - DC on the daze based on charge tier as standard.
    Repair Beam - Patches up warforged or your dog (or other friendly Repairable)
    Oxidizer - Like a sort of Deconstruct on your arm! Constructs beware!
    Xoriat's Blessing - Ranged AoE - Applies the Frenzy effect from Insanity. Enjoy the chaos, hope they don't notice you!
    The Gatestone - Summons an outsider from a random plane. CR based on charge tier and level. Chance that evil outsiders attack you unless you have Protection from Evil running. Small chance of powerful named summons. All summons are short duration (1 minute per charge tier). If a Marut is summoned, and there are undead in your party, it is automatically hostile.
    Glittering Glory - It's a Glitterdust projector! Annoy people with feeble graphics cards! Be beloved by rogues! Cripple enemy DPS!
    The Beat - It's a dancing machine! Assaults a target with Otto's Resistable Dance!
    Chronoinhibitor - It's that Slow effect, just given a name!
    Chronodestabilizer - A sustained beam effect, draining charge as it goes, doing untyped or bane damage to anything it hits...except undead, constructs, and true outsiders...remember the sliver of time's effect on Sully? Yeah. Use on immortals is pointless, time means nothing to them.
    The Queen's Caress - Dare you use it? Wild Magic generator.
    Mystra's Wrath - Spellfire cannon - while charged, generates old-style spell absorb equal to charge tier. Only recharges absorb by recharging runearm. As it eats one charge of absorb per spell level, cannot absorb anything above level 5.
    Imaskari Perimeter Defense System - Quell. That's right, it Quells things.
    Quote Originally Posted by fmalfeas View Post
    Xoriat items have a tradition in DDO. In every quest they've come from, the ones that weren't just looted by Xoriat mobs from adventurers who failed to best them (Levik's Bracers and Levik's Defender, particularly) all were a case of 'powerful, but something is wrong here'. Like Insanity, the big honking greatsword that drops your dex because it's so big and unwieldy, but does wisdom damage, and makes mobs go nuts. Polycurse Daggers, with their plethora of assassin-wonderfuls...and their ardent desire to curse you constantly. Beholder Plate, telekinetically slamming attackers to the ground, while letting your attacks project antimagic...but fair odds that if you get hit, you're gonna get Exhausted, even if warforged.

    They've all been like that. Something really good...with a drawback. I'm not seeing any of that here. There's no crazy. It's like these things are just kinda...there, rather than touched by, or from, Xoriat.
    This is like I pointed out earlier in the thread and needs reiteration. Heart of Madness needs to be a part of the item feature.
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  17. #117
    Community Member LongshotBro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I've been lobbying for a long time that the approach to runearm design be changed....if you're just going to make runearms different by their damage type, then there's always going to be a BiS at-level. Therefore, you're either introducing a runearm that's obsolete (or at best a temporary filler item till you get the BiS) or you've made something else obsolete.

    Rather, I think runearms should provide some novel utility functionality rather than simply changing the imbue damage type and the geometry of the blast. Think outside the box. Artificers should have a toolbox of RAs that they use for different reasons in different quests and situations or different builds. Healing Burst runearm. Runearms that provide buffs or auras while charged, but don't blast. Maybe an unresistable CC effect (ie Slow, reduced effect for bosses) while you keep it charged and "locked" on a target. Something that provides a basic change to gameplay, not just another little additive DPS boost to throw on the pile.

    Honestly, Lifeshield isn't enough of an effect to make me want to slot it on its own. I don't think there's very many existing affixes you could even put on a runearm that would make me want to slot something there over, say, Glass Cannon just for the pure DPS.

    what an awesome idea!
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  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I've been lobbying for a long time that the approach to runearm design be changed....if you're just going to make runearms different by their damage type, then there's always going to be a BiS at-level. Therefore, you're either introducing a runearm that's obsolete (or at best a temporary filler item till you get the BiS) or you've made something else obsolete.

    Rather, I think runearms should provide some novel utility functionality rather than simply changing the imbue damage type and the geometry of the blast. Think outside the box. Artificers should have a toolbox of RAs that they use for different reasons in different quests and situations or different builds. Healing Burst runearm. Runearms that provide buffs or auras while charged, but don't blast. Maybe an unresistable CC effect (ie Slow, reduced effect for bosses) while you keep it charged and "locked" on a target. Something that provides a basic change to gameplay, not just another little additive DPS boost to throw on the pile.

    Honestly, Lifeshield isn't enough of an effect to make me want to slot it on its own. I don't think there's very many existing affixes you could even put on a runearm that would make me want to slot something there over, say, Glass Cannon just for the pure DPS.
    Excellent ideas!


  19. #119
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I've been lobbying for a long time that the approach to runearm design be changed....if you're just going to make runearms different by their damage type, then there's always going to be a BiS at-level. Therefore, you're either introducing a runearm that's obsolete (or at best a temporary filler item till you get the BiS) or you've made something else obsolete.

    Rather, I think runearms should provide some novel utility functionality rather than simply changing the imbue damage type and the geometry of the blast. Think outside the box. Artificers should have a toolbox of RAs that they use for different reasons in different quests and situations or different builds. Healing Burst runearm. Runearms that provide buffs or auras while charged, but don't blast. Maybe an unresistable CC effect (ie Slow, reduced effect for bosses) while you keep it charged and "locked" on a target. Something that provides a basic change to gameplay, not just another little additive DPS boost to throw on the pile.

    Honestly, Lifeshield isn't enough of an effect to make me want to slot it on its own. I don't think there's very many existing affixes you could even put on a runearm that would make me want to slot something there over, say, Glass Cannon just for the pure DPS.
    I'm with it.

    Thou I wouldn't mind just seeing some decent passive bonuses on the Runearms independent of the charge.

    Resplendent has been compared to Tiras splendor.

    For me the passives on Tiras blows resplendent out of the water.

  20. #120
    Community Member FlaviusMaximus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brzytki View Post
    I'm sorry but with 12 MDB it's really underwhelming both for assassins and bards.
    Depends if your character is Dex based or if you care about AC. My Assassin is Int based so the MDB obviously isn't a concern.

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