Bank, zoning and logging off have been very slow all day now the whole server appears down. Is this the same for everyone?
Bank, zoning and logging off have been very slow all day now the whole server appears down. Is this the same for everyone?
My Main is a 19th life Scoundrel Bard Friertuck
AKA LitleJohn 2nd life wiz, Starsfan 2nd life Barbarian and Thrasiuus Epic Pally 1st life and a few iconics.
Also down for me.
Why, oh why! Orien is so unloved! I have the sweaty shakes, now I have to go do something. Don't kill my server please. I'm a pug I don't want to go to another server and be forced to join some guild of as... I was saying bring them to our fun loving server. Please bring back my server to me, to me, bring back, oh bring back, bring back Orien to me, to me. I wish the team working on this issue godspeed.
Yah its still down for me. One server going down solo is fairly rare hopefully it didn't completely melt. I'm sure as soon as Cordovan knows whats happening for sure he'll tell us what's going on if he can. Man what's that light outside in the sky maybe I'll go check that out. O its the sun how bout that. U can tell how dead Orien is by the lack of posts whining about the server being down that's a bad sign. Whah. Whah. Orien's down. Whah. Maybe that'll help.
Last edited by mkmcgw17; 11-14-2014 at 06:54 PM.
Theleb Karna
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