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  1. #1
    crazy cat lady dungan's Avatar
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    Default Ki generation with bows?


    I finally TR'd my pure ranger into a monkcher. I took Zen Archery at first level of monk and 10k stars at 6th level monk. I am not generating Ki with my longbow though. I have on robes, am centered, with light encumbrance. I do not lose Ki when I have a bow equipped but do not gain it from attacking monsters either. How do I get of more than one 10k stars?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dungan View Post

    I finally TR'd my pure ranger into a monkcher. I took Zen Archery at first level of monk and 10k stars at 6th level monk. I am not generating Ki with my longbow though. I have on robes, am centered, with light encumbrance. I do not lose Ki when I have a bow equipped but do not gain it from attacking monsters either. How do I get of more than one 10k stars?
    I've never played a monkcher, but I do know that you cannot generate ki from ranged attacks. I'm pretty sure monkchers use passive ki gen to generate ki (e.g. water stance, various items, some enhancements). I'm sure others can provide you with more specifics.
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  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Ranged atks do not regen ki, unfortunately. You do have a few options, though:
    • Henshin Contemplation rank 3: "Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 1."
    • Ninja Stealthy rank 3: "While centered and Sneaking, your passive ki regeneration is increased by 1."
    • GMoF Enlightenment rank 3 boosts your passive ki regen by 1 as well.
    • Use Master / GM Ocean stance for passive ki regen; or use Earth stance for gain-ki-on-hit effect.
    • Use Meditation between combats.
    • When all else fails, switch to melee while MS & 10K are on cooldown to recharge your ki.
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  4. #4
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    water stance for passive ki generation... or occasionally drop the bow and one-on-one with a mob or two to fill the ki bar.

    i use both methods, depending on situation... for example... mobs that would paste me that i don't wanna even touch with a ten foot pole (like EE mobs)... water stance and do the kite dance. mobs that i can handle a couple of at melee without breaking a sweat i tend to stay in mountain stance for the extra +1 crit damage on 19-20 (i have master of forms. i recommend it). bonus of mountain stance is if a mob manages to get past my AC/dodge/incorporeality/blur and hits me, i gain ki from it
    Last edited by katz; 11-14-2014 at 03:07 PM.

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  5. #5
    crazy cat lady dungan's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for the help

    Thanks for the help!

  6. #6
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    On Monkchar I'd usually charge up the ki by melee on easy trashy mobs.

    When the ki bar is good it lasts a pretty long while when your not using ToD or Stunning Fist n stuff.

    I prefer Earth Stance and I'd really rather not spend action points, twists, and such on passive ki regeneration when AP is so thin getting the offensive enhancements anyway.

    There is enough trash to melee between the tough mobs that I'd really want to range, that I didn't have a problem.
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  7. #7


    just to add--if you are looking to generate ki fast through melee, you should consider fire stance for its +1 ki on hit. If you have elegant crane, you will get bonuses for critical hits; I assume too that you have a ki bonus item like Frozen Tunic Level 16+, Spider-Spun, Sun Soul, etc or even the necklace there out of the Cannith high level quests. In this way you can stack A LOT of ki very quickly.

    Sure, if you are in Epic Elites Katz et al have the right idea in earth stance but that does not sound like your situation.

    Also note that if you are ever doing a quest with things like a portal beatdown, that is a nice time to charge up on ki--select your melee opportunities. With passive ki generation, such moments will set you up well for a long time.
    If you are really worried about getting hit, you can even use ki-generating 'special targets,' like paralyzing an isolated mob and then whacking away with paralyzing melee weapons like the envenomed blades or lootgen ones--the idea being that you are not trying to kill it quickly, but 'milk it' for lots of ki generation.
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    This was a very timely post for me as I'm finalizing my AA Ftr/Mnk/Wiz build. This helps me better understand my options.

  9. #9


    It should go without saying that you should place skill points in Concentration at every level, and wear any item to add Enhancement bonuses to it. By Level 12 and Greater Ocean Stance, your ki will balance out a bit. But for ranged attacks, training passive ki abilities is a must. WIS determines how much ki you'll hold but also determines effectiveness of Zen Archery or Ten Thousand Stars (if used).
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  10. #10
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Tier 3 Enlightenment from Grand Master of Flowers Epic Destiny if you have a 4th twist slot. If not, Tier 3 Contemplation from Henshin Mystic. Everything else will come at too high a cost such as water stance (dropping out of earth stance). Ninja Spy has a high AP cost and you have to sneak and wait for regen... annoying, but it does work.

    Most use Contemplation as they do not want to waste a twist on Enlightenment, but it is a matter of what you want to do. Also, make sure your concentration is maxed so you have a higher plateau of Ki.

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