GP Sale Value: 6,000 XP Value: 1,000
When donned, this garment polymorphs
the user into a gargoyle, with effect as the
polymorph self spell. No command word is
used. Items carried are absorbed within the
gargoyle form, unusable. Immunities, flying
ability, and all other gargoyle characteristics
are bestowed. Armor Class is likewise
altered, but is modified by the user's true
Dexterity, magical effects, and protective
devices worn or carried (but excluding modifications
from armor and shield).
The cloak's effects may be produced up to
a maximum of three times per day. The
polymorph occurs within 1 segment after
the cloak is donned, without the sparkling
lights usually accompanying a polymorph.
After the first full turn of use, there is a 10%
chance per turn (cumulative) of the wearer
being mentally changed into a gargoyle as
well. If this occurs, the user either attacks or
flies off (just as would a real gargoyle). Only
a wish or death can then return the victim to
normal form.
The cloak is easily damaged by any edged
weapon, fire, and other hazards. If the
wearer takes 20 or more points of damage
from such attacks, consider the cloak
destroyed. The cloak may be repaired magically
(via limited wish or similar enchantment)
but not by normal means.
As a final note, other cloaks of polymorphing
may be found. Each is designed to
change the user into one specific creature.
Each confers benefits and hazards in the
manner given above—a full polymorph self
(lacking only the spell's curative effects),
with the given chance of permanent mental
change as well.
GP Sale Value: 90,000 XP Value: 18,000
(plus scabbard value: 35,000 gp)
This hefty steel broadsword bears a mighty
enchantment. It was originally fashioned
for a demigod of elsewhen, and eventually
passed into the WORLD OF
GREYHAWK™ Setting. It served well for a
short time, all too soon falling into the
hands of the minions of Chaotic Evil. It has
been in their grasp for a decade or more,
resting in hiding in the Temple of Elemental
Evil, guarded by the worst of elemental
grues. Fragarach means "The Answerer."
The sword is of Chaotic Good alignment.
Any Lawful creature trying to grasp it takes
1-6 points of damage and falls senseless for
1-10 rounds. A Neutral creature holding it
takes only 1-3 points and swoons for 1-4
rounds. In evil hands, Fragarach has no "to
hit" bonus whatsoever; in Chaotic Neutral
hands, it will strike but one opponent per
round. The sword functions perfectly only
for a Chaotic Good user. In such hands, its
+ 4 bonus always operates, and it will strike.
GP Sale Value: 50,000 XP Value: 10,000
(plus scabbard: 16,000 gp)
When Fragarach first came to this world, it
received immediate attention and quick
renown; so much so, in fact, that six other
swords like it were forged and enchanted.
These are lesser weapons, of course, and
their alignments vary. Each has a + 2 bonus
(and cannot hit opponents struck only by
+ 3 or better weapons). On a natural "to
hit" roll of 1, no bonus applies; on a natural
20, like their predecessor, the bonus is doubled
(to + 4). These lesser swords are identified
by the differing gems set in guard and
pommel. They are reported to be amethyst,
aquamarine, garnet, peridot, topaz, and
tourmaline stones, with combined value of
about 24,000 gp per weapon, 16,000 gp per
scabbard. These weapons are named Rebutter,
Scather, Replier, Retorter, Squelcher,
and Back-Talker, in honor of Fragarach.
GP Sale Value: 25,000 XP Value: 5,000
This copper-bound box is two feet wide and
tall, and three feet long. Invisible runes are
scribed upon its front; these reveal four
command words. The first shrinks the box
to a twelfth of normal size, with all contents
likewise becoming minute. The weight of
the shrunken chest, empty or filled, is 30
pounds. The second word causes the chest
(if of normal size) to function as one upon
which a Leomund's secret chest spell has
been placed (but with no smaller replica
necessary!). The third word causes the box
to return to full size or normal place, as
applicable. The fourth word causes growth
to quadruple dimensions, with sides, top,
and bottom of one foot thickness, huge copper
bands, and a weight of 1,200 pounds.
GP Sale Value: 10,000 XP Value: 6,000
Quite similar to its cousin, the ever- popular
wand of wonder, this item produces strange
and unpredictable results for users of any
class or type. The exact effect produced in
any single use is determined by a random
1d100 roll, with reference to the following
chart. The wand uses 1 charge per function.
It may not be recharged. Allow saving
throws wherever applicable, vs. wands
unless the effect suggests another category.
The wand performs at 6th level of experience,
as is normal for such devices, and all
physical changes produced (growths, polymorphs,
etc.) are dispellable at normal
GP Sale Value: 4,000
XP Value: 800 (per pouch)
These apparently normal leather or cloth
pouches are found in groups of 3-6 (1d4 + 2)
attached to a belt. Each pouch can hold 100
gp (or ten pounds weight) as if it were but 1
gp (or a tenth of a pound). However, nothing
larger than 1 x 2 x 3 inches can fit into
a pocket, and the maximum cubic volume
capacity for a pocket is 3 x 6 x 12 inches.
(Thus, vials of holy water would easily fit,
but a dagger or wand would not, in most
Left out Orb of Golden Death and it's gems.