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  1. #41
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post…-and-beyond

    I am sure there will be some, but what would you like to see added?
    The game needs some low level epic light shields now that they nerf'd evasion. The stormhorns one gives me fits as it flashes the sunburst proc every few seconds and i think i'm in a strobe light. Alternatives from 20-27... none...
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  2. #42
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    With the whole ooze motif going, some more crystalline weapons & shields, maybe even a crystalline armour would be nice.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  3. #43
    Community Member
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    after giving this some thought there is only one item i would like to see,

    medium armor
    +4 insightful wisdom
    +4 insightful constituation

    this i personaly would like to see on medium armour for my druid, this way
    it cant be used on monks so i see no problem for the devs not to be able to do

    your friend sil
    Last edited by silinteresting; 11-20-2014 at 07:28 AM.

  4. #44
    Community Member LordArkan's Avatar
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    Fragarach and Scather are both musts, and the game can always use more named bastard swords anyway.
    Imperium Sacrum, Thelanis
    If you aren't playing with others, you're just playing with yourself.
    Aachener Arcanabot Bayerische Burgundian Etaijin Hannoverian Holsteinian Koelner Liladrache Pzkpfwiiil Savoyer Schlesien Silesian Tyrolean Westphalian

  5. #45
    2015 DDO Players Council MangLord's Avatar
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    Shard of the Planes Light Pick ml25
    +7 (2.5)2d3 19-20x4
    Pierce, Magic, Adamantine, Byeshk, Cold Iron, Crystal, Silver
    Crystal (Hardness:100/Durability:130)
    Force Burst
    Resonance +114
    Curse of Extraplanar Resonance (this weapon vibrates on a frequency that causes the user's hand to feel like it has fallen asleep over time, causing a -2 Curse penalty to CHA, Attack and Reflex saves when the item is equipped.)
    Red Augment Slot

    A perfect crystal shard bound to a crude wooden haft, this weapon looks to be of an age beyond recorded history. The crystal itself is a flawless, perfect shard free of inclusion or flaw, nearly glass-like. It doesn't seem to be a natural mineral at all, and seems to vibrate on a frequency that makes the wielder feel uncomfortable after a couple minutes, with their arm going numb after holding the weapon for any length longer than a few seconds.
    Last edited by MangLord; 11-22-2014 at 07:41 AM.
    Ferial *Halek *Shankwelle on Argonnessen
    Officer of The Order of the Emerald Claw

  6. #46
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Since they are converting tabletop to DDO, like them to do the same with the actual named loot that is in ToEE;
    GP Sale Value: 6,000 XP Value: 1,000
    When donned, this garment polymorphs
    the user into a gargoyle, with effect as the
    polymorph self spell. No command word is
    used. Items carried are absorbed within the
    gargoyle form, unusable. Immunities, flying
    ability, and all other gargoyle characteristics
    are bestowed. Armor Class is likewise
    altered, but is modified by the user's true
    Dexterity, magical effects, and protective
    devices worn or carried (but excluding modifications
    from armor and shield).
    The cloak's effects may be produced up to
    a maximum of three times per day. The
    polymorph occurs within 1 segment after
    the cloak is donned, without the sparkling
    lights usually accompanying a polymorph.
    After the first full turn of use, there is a 10%
    chance per turn (cumulative) of the wearer
    being mentally changed into a gargoyle as
    well. If this occurs, the user either attacks or
    flies off (just as would a real gargoyle). Only
    a wish or death can then return the victim to
    normal form.
    The cloak is easily damaged by any edged
    weapon, fire, and other hazards. If the
    wearer takes 20 or more points of damage
    from such attacks, consider the cloak
    destroyed. The cloak may be repaired magically
    (via limited wish or similar enchantment)
    but not by normal means.
    As a final note, other cloaks of polymorphing
    may be found. Each is designed to
    change the user into one specific creature.
    Each confers benefits and hazards in the
    manner given above—a full polymorph self
    (lacking only the spell's curative effects),
    with the given chance of permanent mental
    change as well.
    GP Sale Value: 90,000 XP Value: 18,000
    (plus scabbard value: 35,000 gp)
    This hefty steel broadsword bears a mighty
    enchantment. It was originally fashioned
    for a demigod of elsewhen, and eventually
    passed into the WORLD OF
    GREYHAWK™ Setting. It served well for a
    short time, all too soon falling into the
    hands of the minions of Chaotic Evil. It has
    been in their grasp for a decade or more,
    resting in hiding in the Temple of Elemental
    Evil, guarded by the worst of elemental
    grues. Fragarach means "The Answerer."
    The sword is of Chaotic Good alignment.
    Any Lawful creature trying to grasp it takes
    1-6 points of damage and falls senseless for
    1-10 rounds. A Neutral creature holding it
    takes only 1-3 points and swoons for 1-4
    rounds. In evil hands, Fragarach has no "to
    hit" bonus whatsoever; in Chaotic Neutral
    hands, it will strike but one opponent per
    round. The sword functions perfectly only
    for a Chaotic Good user. In such hands, its
    + 4 bonus always operates, and it will strike.
    GP Sale Value: 50,000 XP Value: 10,000
    (plus scabbard: 16,000 gp)
    When Fragarach first came to this world, it
    received immediate attention and quick
    renown; so much so, in fact, that six other
    swords like it were forged and enchanted.
    These are lesser weapons, of course, and
    their alignments vary. Each has a + 2 bonus
    (and cannot hit opponents struck only by
    + 3 or better weapons). On a natural "to
    hit" roll of 1, no bonus applies; on a natural
    20, like their predecessor, the bonus is doubled
    (to + 4). These lesser swords are identified
    by the differing gems set in guard and
    pommel. They are reported to be amethyst,
    aquamarine, garnet, peridot, topaz, and
    tourmaline stones, with combined value of
    about 24,000 gp per weapon, 16,000 gp per
    scabbard. These weapons are named Rebutter,
    Scather, Replier, Retorter, Squelcher,
    and Back-Talker, in honor of Fragarach.
    GP Sale Value: 25,000 XP Value: 5,000
    This copper-bound box is two feet wide and
    tall, and three feet long. Invisible runes are
    scribed upon its front; these reveal four
    command words. The first shrinks the box
    to a twelfth of normal size, with all contents
    likewise becoming minute. The weight of
    the shrunken chest, empty or filled, is 30
    pounds. The second word causes the chest
    (if of normal size) to function as one upon
    which a Leomund's secret chest spell has
    been placed (but with no smaller replica
    necessary!). The third word causes the box
    to return to full size or normal place, as
    applicable. The fourth word causes growth
    to quadruple dimensions, with sides, top,
    and bottom of one foot thickness, huge copper
    bands, and a weight of 1,200 pounds.
    GP Sale Value: 10,000 XP Value: 6,000
    Quite similar to its cousin, the ever- popular
    wand of wonder, this item produces strange
    and unpredictable results for users of any
    class or type. The exact effect produced in
    any single use is determined by a random
    1d100 roll, with reference to the following
    chart. The wand uses 1 charge per function.
    It may not be recharged. Allow saving
    throws wherever applicable, vs. wands
    unless the effect suggests another category.
    The wand performs at 6th level of experience,
    as is normal for such devices, and all
    physical changes produced (growths, polymorphs,
    etc.) are dispellable at normal
    GP Sale Value: 4,000
    XP Value: 800 (per pouch)
    These apparently normal leather or cloth
    pouches are found in groups of 3-6 (1d4 + 2)
    attached to a belt. Each pouch can hold 100
    gp (or ten pounds weight) as if it were but 1
    gp (or a tenth of a pound). However, nothing
    larger than 1 x 2 x 3 inches can fit into
    a pocket, and the maximum cubic volume 
    capacity for a pocket is 3 x 6 x 12 inches.
    (Thus, vials of holy water would easily fit,
    but a dagger or wand would not, in most
    Left out Orb of Golden Death and it's gems.

    So, there are several named swords in the actual tabletop module. Hope they can keep true and add them

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  7. #47
    Community Member
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    A variety of weapons with both vampirism (lesser or normal) and bodyfeeder. It would be great if they came up with a new named suffix/prefix that had both so they could start showing up on random weapons.

  8. #48
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    There is mention of some of the named items

    It would be nice and I hope the elemental/planar gems have a outside of quest use. Like summon gems with epic versions of the summons.

  9. #49
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrande View Post
    Manual of new spell(s): Vampiric Feast, Contingency, Spell Sequencer.
    Maybe scrolls of the new spells could only drop in this pack? Would definitely make the pack replayable, for no other reason than for selling for lots on the AH.
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  10. #50
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I'd like to see some spellcaster robes and some monk (like, you know, melee monks) outfits.

    Robes of Insight (robes)
    +2 insight bonus to all spell DC's
    +2 insight bonus to spell penetration
    +3 insight bonus to charisma
    +3 insight bonus to intelligence
    +2 insight bonus to saves against magic
    +5 insight bonus to concentration

    (A good, all-purpose robe for arcane casters)

    Healer's Weave (outfit)
    Hand of Light - 'your melee attacks inflict an additional 3d10 light damage'
    +4 insight bonus to wisdom
    +144 devotion
    Combat Mastery +5
    Healing amplification 30%

    (Useful to shintao/light monks and also to clerics/fvs/druids)

  11. #51
    Community Member
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    Default I like this idea

    Quote Originally Posted by LuKaSu View Post
    Maybe scrolls of the new spells could only drop in this pack? Would definitely make the pack replayable, for no other reason than for selling for lots on the AH.
    Great idea! And if they make any new spells for the game in the near or far future, they add the scrolls to ToEE only.

  12. #52
    Founder & Hero
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    Uska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Since they are converting tabletop to DDO, like them to do the same with the actual named loot that is in ToEE;
    GP Sale Value: 6,000 XP Value: 1,000
    When donned, this garment polymorphs
    the user into a gargoyle, with effect as the
    polymorph self spell. No command word is
    used. Items carried are absorbed within the
    gargoyle form, unusable. Immunities, flying
    ability, and all other gargoyle characteristics
    are bestowed. Armor Class is likewise
    altered, but is modified by the user's true
    Dexterity, magical effects, and protective
    devices worn or carried (but excluding modifications
    from armor and shield).
    The cloak's effects may be produced up to
    a maximum of three times per day. The
    polymorph occurs within 1 segment after
    the cloak is donned, without the sparkling
    lights usually accompanying a polymorph.
    After the first full turn of use, there is a 10%
    chance per turn (cumulative) of the wearer
    being mentally changed into a gargoyle as
    well. If this occurs, the user either attacks or
    flies off (just as would a real gargoyle). Only
    a wish or death can then return the victim to
    normal form.
    The cloak is easily damaged by any edged
    weapon, fire, and other hazards. If the
    wearer takes 20 or more points of damage
    from such attacks, consider the cloak
    destroyed. The cloak may be repaired magically
    (via limited wish or similar enchantment)
    but not by normal means.
    As a final note, other cloaks of polymorphing
    may be found. Each is designed to
    change the user into one specific creature.
    Each confers benefits and hazards in the
    manner given above—a full polymorph self
    (lacking only the spell's curative effects),
    with the given chance of permanent mental
    change as well.
    GP Sale Value: 90,000 XP Value: 18,000
    (plus scabbard value: 35,000 gp)
    This hefty steel broadsword bears a mighty
    enchantment. It was originally fashioned
    for a demigod of elsewhen, and eventually
    passed into the WORLD OF
    GREYHAWK™ Setting. It served well for a
    short time, all too soon falling into the
    hands of the minions of Chaotic Evil. It has
    been in their grasp for a decade or more,
    resting in hiding in the Temple of Elemental
    Evil, guarded by the worst of elemental
    grues. Fragarach means "The Answerer."
    The sword is of Chaotic Good alignment.
    Any Lawful creature trying to grasp it takes
    1-6 points of damage and falls senseless for
    1-10 rounds. A Neutral creature holding it
    takes only 1-3 points and swoons for 1-4
    rounds. In evil hands, Fragarach has no "to
    hit" bonus whatsoever; in Chaotic Neutral
    hands, it will strike but one opponent per
    round. The sword functions perfectly only
    for a Chaotic Good user. In such hands, its
    + 4 bonus always operates, and it will strike.
    GP Sale Value: 50,000 XP Value: 10,000
    (plus scabbard: 16,000 gp)
    When Fragarach first came to this world, it
    received immediate attention and quick
    renown; so much so, in fact, that six other
    swords like it were forged and enchanted.
    These are lesser weapons, of course, and
    their alignments vary. Each has a + 2 bonus
    (and cannot hit opponents struck only by
    + 3 or better weapons). On a natural "to
    hit" roll of 1, no bonus applies; on a natural
    20, like their predecessor, the bonus is doubled
    (to + 4). These lesser swords are identified
    by the differing gems set in guard and
    pommel. They are reported to be amethyst,
    aquamarine, garnet, peridot, topaz, and
    tourmaline stones, with combined value of
    about 24,000 gp per weapon, 16,000 gp per
    scabbard. These weapons are named Rebutter,
    Scather, Replier, Retorter, Squelcher,
    and Back-Talker, in honor of Fragarach.
    GP Sale Value: 25,000 XP Value: 5,000
    This copper-bound box is two feet wide and
    tall, and three feet long. Invisible runes are
    scribed upon its front; these reveal four
    command words. The first shrinks the box
    to a twelfth of normal size, with all contents
    likewise becoming minute. The weight of
    the shrunken chest, empty or filled, is 30
    pounds. The second word causes the chest
    (if of normal size) to function as one upon
    which a Leomund's secret chest spell has
    been placed (but with no smaller replica
    necessary!). The third word causes the box
    to return to full size or normal place, as
    applicable. The fourth word causes growth
    to quadruple dimensions, with sides, top,
    and bottom of one foot thickness, huge copper
    bands, and a weight of 1,200 pounds.
    GP Sale Value: 10,000 XP Value: 6,000
    Quite similar to its cousin, the ever- popular
    wand of wonder, this item produces strange
    and unpredictable results for users of any
    class or type. The exact effect produced in
    any single use is determined by a random
    1d100 roll, with reference to the following
    chart. The wand uses 1 charge per function.
    It may not be recharged. Allow saving
    throws wherever applicable, vs. wands
    unless the effect suggests another category.
    The wand performs at 6th level of experience,
    as is normal for such devices, and all
    physical changes produced (growths, polymorphs,
    etc.) are dispellable at normal
    GP Sale Value: 4,000
    XP Value: 800 (per pouch)
    These apparently normal leather or cloth
    pouches are found in groups of 3-6 (1d4 + 2)
    attached to a belt. Each pouch can hold 100
    gp (or ten pounds weight) as if it were but 1
    gp (or a tenth of a pound). However, nothing
    larger than 1 x 2 x 3 inches can fit into
    a pocket, and the maximum cubic volume 
    capacity for a pocket is 3 x 6 x 12 inches.
    (Thus, vials of holy water would easily fit,
    but a dagger or wand would not, in most
    Left out Orb of Golden Death and it's gems.

    So, there are several named swords in the actual tabletop module. Hope they can keep true and add them
    I liked the druid item that allowed druids to shapeshift into monsters

    Beware the Sleepeater

  13. #53
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    I'd like to see some items that drop exclusively on EE. So, that this can last a while...

    Maybe if they add a 16 hour timer on it, then it would add to this contents longevity and promote cycling alternate characters.
    I would like that too!

    Exit surveys from casuals complained that to get that EE loot they felt they were being forced into EE content to get it.

    Why we don't have difficulty specific loot anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  14. #54
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    I liked the druid item that allowed druids to shapeshift into monsters
    Ohh, I don't remember that one Uska!

    Can you copy/paste stats on that?

    That one excites my Druid!

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  15. #55
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    Default The Sword of Vechna......

    Oh yes....with serious life stealing abilities. Watch those levels you suddenly feel better.

    Not usable by those Good aligned of course.
    Last edited by Baron; 12-06-2014 at 10:14 AM.

  16. #56
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Ohh, I don't remember that one Uska!

    Can you copy/paste stats on that?

    That one excites my Druid!
    Wish I could my ex kept our copy of the module when we got divorced and it was a couple of years before I could afford gaming materials agsin. I didnt get the module since I had played it. I remember a NPC had the item with a description of it I think it was called phylactrey of the Druids or something like that

    Beware the Sleepeater

  17. #57
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoukchuk View Post
    Robe of eyes:
    True Seeing
    +20 spot
    +20 search
    360 Vision: while this robe is worn you will never receive the message "You are not facing your target". Ever.
    i would make it a set, so u need to wear 10 items at the same time to get the 360 vision

    and i would equip em, just to get rid of such annoyance

    however, +100 to your item
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  18. #58
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Wish I could my ex kept our copy of the module when we got divorced and it was a couple of years before I could afford gaming materials agsin. I didnt get the module since I had played it. I remember a NPC had the item with a description of it I think it was called phylactrey of the Druids or something like that

    Hmm, sounds like something the Druid in Hommlet might be wearing....

    I will see if I can find some info.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    two things -

    1. A good medium armor for barb types fvs types and beyond
    2. a thf weapon that just spanks the esos. not just sparks debate on it, but makes it no contest what is better.

    2. is bound to happen, i mean come on . I want a new 2H Sword that can finally replace that utter piece of design error .

  20. #60
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post

    Hmm, sounds like something the Druid in Hommlet might be wearing....

    I will see if I can find some info.
    If you find please share I am hunting to when I am not working or job hunting for a better job

    Beware the Sleepeater

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