I would like to get a build for the following
0- best race other than human if possible- human if necessary
1- WF,Arti with xxx if needed to get other stuff below
2- minimum be able to self heal, best case self heal and friend heal
3- what start stats to take
4. what feats to take
5. what enhanvcements to take
6. what equipment to get/buy on AH if possible
7. whatever I forgot that you see immediately. I am old so miss stuff regularly
8. my current goal is to get to 20, run whatever possible solo to get there, then figure out this LR/TR thing- if I am still alive by then. lol
9. also traps/secret doors open locks et c
I realize this may not be possible but....
if this is not possible or more likely that I am asking too much, just tell me and I will go away. I have asked for builds before but failed to explain exactly what I wanted or changed in middle of discussion. I sincerely hope that is not the case here. thanks for whatever I get.