Dragon Touch Armor Revamp
This is just some ideas I thought would be a nice way of reviving the Dragon Touched Armor for the player base. The general ideas here are all proposed by me and I would actually love to hear comments and critiques and what others think. Even more so I would love to see a comment by someone from Turbine as to the viability of these ideas. These ideas incorporate not only a revamp but also the opportunity for Turbine to make money from this, we all know nothing will even be considered without money being involved.
Proposal One: Change the minimum level of the armor that currently exists, not necessarily a grandfather effect, just apply to any newly gained armor. This being to lower the ML to 14. Most players today are looking at Dragonscale types of armors at 14 and once they have them they are not going to go out of their way to find another armor just 2 levels higher. Also a great deal of TRs usually hold 18 till they cap then take 20, and a few hours later are 21/22 and putting on epic armor. So DT really only has a life span of 2 or so levels currently. Lowering it to 14 makes it last longer and a more viable option to players.
Proposal Two: Change the locations you can get the Stones that you can apply to the gear. Currently you get Eldritch from Monastery and Kobold, Tempest from Prey and Sovereign only from SOS. (Not counting crunching stones in this)
A) I propose that Monastery continues to give 1 Eldritch in the end chest, but, also has a 50% chance for a 2nd Eldritch or 25% chance for a Tempest or 1% chance for a Sovereign in the optional chest at the end.
B) I propose Kobold continues to give a Eldritch from end chest, but, also has a 50% chance for a 2nd Eldritch or a 25% chance for a Tempest or 1% chance for a Sovereign in the optional locked chest at the end.
C) I propose that Prey continues to have a Tempest in the end chest, but, has a 50% chance for a 2nd Tempest and a 25% chance for a Sovereign in the optional chest at the end, if you choose to kill the dragons.
D) I propose to make all runes Bound to Account and not Bound to Character. Even if you can share all your runes with your other characters, they still have to run the chain and get their own armor or clothing piece, which is Bound to Character.
These changes would go a long way to making the attainment of the runes still a challenge, but much more viable. While giving a very small chance, but still a chance, to attain the higher quality runes without having to farm all the essences to do SOS 500 times to get the Sovereign rune you really wanted.
Here is what I propose as a change and a opportunity for Turbine to make some money. After completing the entire chain, including SOS, the vendor unlocks and allows you to buy armor like it does now. However, also give a single purchase option for say 250 AD of a clothing item, instead of the armor. (i.e. Boots, Gloves, Belt, Cloak or Helm) all of these items can have the same runes applied to them in the same way that the armor can. No need to change any parts of that process. Put item in the proper crafting machine with the rune and apply.
Now I realize this could open up some serious potential for making a lot of overpowered items, but, keep in mind this can be designed the same way the Green Steel system is, placing a "draconic taint" effect on all the items, including the armor, so only 1 item can be worn at a time, unless cleaned. You can then offer a Draconic Cleansing Stone after every 20 SOS runs. This would remove the "draconic taint" effect from one item allowing the player to use 2 such items. Much like Green Steel.
These options and "revamp" would make the entire area, quest chain and items incredibly more viable for the players while still giving Turbine a chance to make some money off it. You would also get an increased money opportunity with this as people that don't currently have this Adventure Pack may want to buy it with this type of system included. Would also be viable for purchase to new players to the game.
If you wanted to get really ambitious with the revamp, you could add a 4th crafting device which requires an item only gotten from your 20th SOS run that when placed in the new machine adds a blue or green augment slot, depending on if the item is armor or clothing. Could alternately be sold in store.
Would love to hear Pros and Cons to these suggestions.