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  1. #1

    Default Order of Syncletica: The Hermit

    The Monk, as I've claimed in my guide, is powerful enough to fight without any items equipped.

    That's what I claimed, anyway. But talk is cheap.

    So Syncletica enters her third life in a special way. No guild buffs. No use of any items in her Reincarnation Cache.

    >>>And that's not all that my very first character will give up to show how tough the Monk class can be, all the way up through level 20.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 11-10-2014 at 10:47 AM. Reason: fixed url
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
    The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more

  2. #2


    I think it would be fun to include the Vow of Poverty feature for DDO and offer some special bonus for achieving it, especially over several lives e.g. let the character have a nimbus of light toggle.
    Even if it were just cosmetic, you KNOW you would grind it out! Like:
    1) 5 past lives VoP: Light Nimbus
    2) 10 past lives VoP: character name gains suffix of choice like --the Blessed, the Holy, the Sacred
    3) 25 past lives VoP: prefix to name like His/His (something sacred)

    Mechanics: Can't equip anything, no $, no access to TR cache, no bag space, and a special enhancement tree that has special features like Eschew materials feat, +1 all abilities every 4 levels, eschew thieve's tools, deathblock, skill bonuses, etc. to slightly compensate the loss of gear

    I would do it in a heartbeat
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    I think it would be fun to include the Vow of Poverty feature for DDO and offer some special bonus for achieving it, especially over several lives e.g. let the character have a nimbus of light toggle.
    Even if it were just cosmetic, you KNOW you would grind it out! Like:
    1) 5 past lives VoP: Light Nimbus
    2) 10 past lives VoP: character name gains suffix of choice like --the Blessed, the Holy, the Sacred
    3) 25 past lives VoP: prefix to name like His/His (something sacred)

    Mechanics: Can't equip anything, no $, no access to TR cache, no bag space, and a special enhancement tree that has special features like Eschew materials feat, +1 all abilities every 4 levels, eschew thieve's tools, deathblock, skill bonuses, etc. to slightly compensate the loss of gear

    I would do it in a heartbeat
    Interesting idea. I think the number should be much lower. On a first life with no equipment at 28-point would demonstrate neutron-star-mass cojones that would deserve +1 to all abilities on the next life. I'd love to toss in Deathblock as a free granted feat at level 6 on the 2nd life for such an achievement. Then, +1 to all abilities after doing the same trick with three past lives total.

    But such achievements are the stuff of crazy completionists. I'd want to make this challenge very hard to attain.

    Not sure if a Nimbus of Light SLA would be all that great, but then, why did you consider it?
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
    The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Spencerian View Post
    Interesting idea. I think the number should be much lower. On a first life with no equipment at 28-point would demonstrate neutron-star-mass cojones that would deserve +1 to all abilities on the next life. I'd love to toss in Deathblock as a free granted feat at level 6 on the 2nd life for such an achievement. Then, +1 to all abilities after doing the same trick with three past lives total.

    But such achievements are the stuff of crazy completionists. I'd want to make this challenge very hard to attain.

    Not sure if a Nimbus of Light SLA would be all that great, but then, why did you consider it?
    I was suggesting the +1 to abilities as just a temporary enhancement as one moved up levels using the tree--it would not be permanent, just to offset the complete lack of gear (e.g. no Greater false life, +6 stat gear, etc so this would help). It would just be tree stuff.
    The only thing that would continue to future lives would be the nimbus, earned named titles, etc. and they would just be cosmetic. But the idea of having earned a luminous nimbus of light around your toon for playing out pure poverty and pure skill? I love the idea.

    Here is the actual PnP version:
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    I was suggesting the +1 to abilities as just a temporary enhancement as one moved up levels using the tree--it would not be permanent, just to offset the complete lack of gear (e.g. no Greater false life, +6 stat gear, etc so this would help). It would just be tree stuff.
    The only thing that would continue to future lives would be the nimbus, earned named titles, etc. and they would just be cosmetic. But the idea of having earned a luminous nimbus of light around your toon for playing out pure poverty and pure skill? I love the idea.

    Here is the actual PnP version:
    Holy ****, that's an awesome thing. Never seen this before.

    In fact, that's something that should be a Monk enhancement tree all by itself. It would be interesting if activating this enhancement could cause an anti-prerequisite where even fewer items can be noted as Centered. For combat reasons, using potions should be allowed for this in DDO. Clickies, maybe not. Rarer things such as Death Ward would be harder to do. No multiclassing for clear reasons.

    Such a tree would be anti-prerequisite for any other class enhancement tree.

    And ship buffs should somehow be disallowed, but how? Or should they be?
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
    The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more

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