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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default My joke build, possible now? Iturnundead

    Long time ago, I made a character to turn undead only, just for fun, wasn't meant to be serious, just some fun. Now, with all the Undead content, are they able to be turned? Tell me if I should get something. Here's my rebuilt build. It's been quite some time since I did one of these, so please, tell me if I'm missing something for what my plan is.

    1st Goal: Turn Undead
    2nd Goal: Healing
    3rd Goal: Positive Spells

    Max Possible HD to Turn as well. Feat order did not matter to me, I just took what I wanted soon as I saw it, of course, this would be made in order properly if I decide to do so.
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.23.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 True Neutral Morninglord Male
    (20 Cleric \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 465
    Spell Points: 1387 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 17
    Reflex: 7
    Will: 24
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength              8                    13
    Dexterity             8                    13
    Constitution         16                    21
    Intelligence         12                    17
    Wisdom                8                    15
    Charisma             18                    34
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 8
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
    +4 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 15
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15
    +5 Tome of Charisma used at level 15
    +5 Tome of Strength used at level 20
    +5 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20
    +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 20
    +5 Tome of Intelligence used at level 20
    +5 Tome of Wisdom used at level 20
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               1                    20
    Bluff                 4                    20
    Concentration         7                    36
    Diplomacy             4                    20
    Disable Device        n/a                  n/a
    Haggle                4                    20
    Heal                  2                    33
    Hide                 -1                     9
    Intimidate            4                    20
    Jump                 -1                     9
    Listen               -1                    10
    Move Silently        -1                     9
    Open Lock            n/a                    n/a
    Perform               n/a                  n/a
    Repair                1                    11
    Search                1                    11
    Spellcraft            1                    29
    Spot                 -1                    10
    Swim                 -1                     9
    Tumble               -0.5                   9.5
    Use Magic Device      n/a                  n/a
    Level 1 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Extra Turning
    Feat: (Deity) Favored by Amaunator
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Cleric
    Level 2 (Cleric)
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Turning
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
    Level 22 (Epic)
    Level 23 (Epic)
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell
    Level 25 (Epic)
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Positive
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Hellball
    Enhancement: Morninglord - Elven Accuracy (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Morninglord - Bane of the Restless (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Morninglord - Bane of the Restless (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Morninglord - Bane of the Restless (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Divine Emissary of Light (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Spellpower: Universal (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Spell Critical: Universal (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Spell Points (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Spell Points (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Spell Points (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Efficient Empower (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Divine Disciple (Clr) - Efficient Empower (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Healing Domain (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Pacifism (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Positive Energy Burst (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Improved Empower Healing (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Positive Energy Shield (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Radiant Servant (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Bliss (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Bliss (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Bliss (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Improved Turning (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Improved Turning (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Improved Turning (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Mighty Turning (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Intense Healing (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Intense Healing (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Intense Healing (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Unyielding Sovereignty (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Endless Turning (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Endless Turning (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Endless Turning (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Divine Health (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Positive Energy Aura (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Smite Foe (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Sacred Touch (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Sacred Touch (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Sacred Touch (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Charisma (Rank 1)
    Last edited by vizeroh; 11-09-2014 at 12:34 AM.

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Morning Lord (Sun Elf) can get enhancements to Turn Undead. Any other race will be behind them.

    My character is not heavily Turn-specced, but does have 3 Cleric past lives, Turn-boosting gear, and some enhancements, and I can't Turn anything in EE quests. Mob hit dice just balloon up way faster than you get get your Turn bonuses up. Works fine in lower difficulties though.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Morning Lord (Sun Elf) can get enhancements to Turn Undead. Any other race will be behind them.

    My character is not heavily Turn-specced, but does have 3 Cleric past lives, Turn-boosting gear, and some enhancements, and I can't Turn anything in EE quests. Mob hit dice just balloon up way faster than you get get your Turn bonuses up. Works fine in lower difficulties though.
    Ok. Thanks for the information. Do you notice anything I might be missing from my build? ^_^ Also, the past Cleric lives provide +1 HD per past life?
    Last edited by vizeroh; 11-08-2014 at 07:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member LuKaSu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vizeroh View Post
    Ok. Thanks for the information. Do you notice anything I might be missing from my build? ^_^ Also, the past Cleric lives provide +1 HD per past life?
    I know it's a joke build, but if you used a PDK and the charisma to att and dam, he'd have a decent backup melee ability for those pesky not-undeads
    LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
    SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I have redesigned the build now, on top of putting in enhancements, is what I am doing for my goals in general, or any other suggestions?

  6. #6
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vizeroh View Post
    ...the past Cleric lives provide +1 HD per past life?
    Each Clr past life, up to 3 stacking, provides +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Each Clr past life, up to 3 stacking, provides +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher.
    Wow. Ok. So really worth it to attempt to stack 3 pls of Cleric if I am going to try this. But first I need to get to 20 on my character then TR to see if this is even worth it.

  8. #8
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Axel's DDO Channel
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    Turning spec'd undead killer cleric is certainly viable for most content. You should check out this DDOcast episode where there's a lot of good info on turning builds:

    The 2nd half of the episode there's a dude who runs an undead turning spec cleric. According to him, if you have 3x cleric past lives, morninglord enhancements and all appropriate gear you can reliably turn all undead up through epic elite three barrel cove. But for the more endgame epic elite, turning won't work reliably (or at all) because the monster's CR is too high to turn - even with all possible turning gear/past lives/enhancements.

    Still though, its certainly a viable build except for that endgame EE stuff. A high CHA also gives you a good DC for draconic burst which can give you a nice weapon to use alongside your turning.

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