...new stuff, something worth coming back too...Darksouls 2 and Destiny are losing their appeal...someone give me a few good reasons to play DDO again.
...new stuff, something worth coming back too...Darksouls 2 and Destiny are losing their appeal...someone give me a few good reasons to play DDO again.
Kehgeld of Sarlona
Guess that answers that, 25 views and nothing...probably the same ol **** as every other game...grind this so you can grind that.
Kehgeld of Sarlona
That, or most people have their own reasons for playing the game, and aren't that interested in giving someone else a reason to play, which is pretty hard when you think of it.
If you would give us a complete history of all your game play, let's say only back to age 3, we could probably help more.
Please give a complete, yet concise summary of each game, what you felt were the pros and the cons, along with a short explanation of the game for those who may not have played it.
That'll give us a starting point, anyway.
Come on Sarlonians! Do I have to bring back the strength versus dexterity Monk wars again?!?!? Geez developers let's server merge so us old heads can show them how it's done!
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
LOL same grind, different day, different items.
I've kept the game fun for me by constant TR, when that bores me some epics, when I get bored of that, back to TR's.
But I lose interest few days a week to gtav and cod:aw