Hi all!
Two years ago I built a dex-based weapon finesse hafling Favored Soul with a 2 monk splash. It was awesome at lower levels, and now is considerably less awesome. I can barely stand up to epic damage, and soloing is a thing of the past.
She's only a 1st lifer, and while I'm not opposed to getting some past lives on her this is the toon I keep at 28 while Tring my other toons. I'll epic TR into whatever I need too.
I'm looking for suggestions on a melee hand-to-hand build. I have a lot of really nice handwraps, but I guess depending on the build I would be willing to switch weapons. I know that I'm unlikely to be able to solo everything without past lives, but would at least be able to contribute in a party. I have a +20 Lesser Heart of wood, and wouldn't be opposed to a deeper splash if I can still keep the party up.
I have some nice items on her, but would also like some gear suggestions.