I got a couple of requests to post the Melee/Caster FvS that I have been running around with .. so here it is. I need to give credit to Serthcore for the builds inspiration.
The goal was to have a build that could fill (nearly) any role in a party and be able to quickly solo content when I am being anti-social.
Let me know your thoughts:
Name: Ashanii
Class Split: 15 FvS / 3 Pally / 2 Monk
Race: Drow Elf
Str: 52 -- (13 base + 5 tome +8 item +1 GoTIB +2 Profane +2 ship +21 Divine Might)
Dex: 30 -- (13 base + 4 tome +8 item +1 GoTIB +2 insightful +2 profane +2 ship – 2 stance )
Con: 40 -- (13 base +6 tome* +11 item +2 insight +2 profane +1 GoTIB +2 Ship +3 stance)
Int: 19 / 28 -- (10 base +4 tome +1 GoTIB +2 profane +2 ship / +7 item +2 insight)
Wis: 24/27-- (8 base +3 tome +8/11 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 profane +2 ship)
Cha: 52 -- (20 base +5 tome +7 levels +2 enhancements +10 item +2 insightful +2 profane +1 Destiny +1 GoTIB +2 ship)
Feats: Past Life: Fighter x1, Past Life: Arty x1, Past Life: FvS x1
ETR: Martial: Double strike x3, Colors x3, Brace x3, Life and Death x3, Block Energy x1
Base: Maximize (1), Empower (3), Quicken (6), ITWF (9), Adept of Forms (12), IC: Pierce (15), GTWF (18), Master of Forms (21), Overwhelming Critical (24), Ruin (27)
Epic Destiny: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (26), Hell ball (28)
Monk: Precision (7), TWF (11),
FvS: Angel of Vengeance (27 ap):
C: Font of Power (1), Shield of Condemnation (1), Aura of Menace (1), Summon Archon (1)
I: Scourge III (3), Smiting (2), Angelic Resistance III (3), Animus III (3)
II: Smiting (2)
III: Smiting (2), Charisma (2),
IV: Smiting (2), Intense Faith II (4)
FvS: War Priest (23 ap):
C: Smith Foe (1), Resilience of Battle (1), Sanctuary (1), Blur (1),
I: Divine Might III (3), Righteous Weapons (2),
II: Smite Weakness (2), Wall of Steel III (3), Righteous Weapons (2), Inflame (1)
III: Righteous Weapons (2), Charisma (2)
IV: Ameliorating Strike (2)
Monk: Shinto (9 ap):
C: Bastion of Purity (1)
I: Deft Strikes III (6)
II: Fist of Iron (2),
Monk: Ninja Spy (1 ap):
C: Basis Ninja Training (1)
Paladin: Knight of the Chalice (13 ap)
C: Slayer of Evil (1), Courage of Heaven (1)
I: Exalted Smite II (2), Divine Light III (3)
II: Action Boost: Damage III (3)
III: Diving Sacrifice III (3),
Paladin: Sacred Defender (7 ap)
C: Holy Bastion (1), Sacred Defense (1)
I: Improved Sacred Defense: PRR III (3), Item defense I (1)
II: Improved Sacred Defense: Saves I (1)
Core Stats:
HP: 826 Standing (166 levels +15 auto grants +80 epic +420 con +25 heroic +10 draconic +40 False Life +50 Divine Crusader +20 Vitality)
Lore: 22% positive; 24% Light 32% Fire, 23% Force
Dodge: 15% standing (11% Item +4% Furry of blows)
PRR: 94 (12 master of Earth + 10 Wall of Steel + 15 Durable Defense +10 Sacred Defense + 16 Augment + 10 Heavenly Presence +21 EPL )
Fortification: 189%
Skill points: Balance: 9 Heal/Spell craft: 23 UMD: 8, Tumble: 1 || Search Skill (no points): 68 (+8 epic skills + 9 int + 10 find traps +4 tome +1 profane + 20 item + 6 exceptional + 4 morale + 2 luck + 3 guild ship + 1 arty PL)
Saves: (+3 to all saves if it is magic based | -10 to saves when they nerf Divine Grace)
Fort: 83 – (15 base +4 epic +15 con +4 morale +11 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 aura +21 divine grace +3 ship +4 insightful +1 Sacred +3 EPLs +2 Brace for impact)
Ref: 77 – (13 base +4 epic +10 dex +4 morale +11 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 aura +21 divine grace +3 Ship +1 sacred +4 insightful +3 EPL +2 Brace for impact)
Will: 73 – (13 base +4 epic +8/9 wis +4 morale +11 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 aura +21 divine grace +2 ship +1 sacred +4 insightful +3 EPL +2 Brace for impact)
Epic Destiny – Divine Crusader: (Normal Questing)
I: Charisma (2), Interrogation (1), Purge the Wicked (1), Bane of Undeath (2)
II: Consecration III (3),
III: Sacred Ground (2), Empyrean Magic (1)
IV: No Regret (2), Crusade (2)
V: Castigation (2), Celestial Champion (2), Heavenly Presence (2)
VI: Strike down (2)
Twists: Draconic: Energy Burst: Fire (4), Primal Avatar: Balanced Attacks (3), GMoF: A Dance of Flowers (1), US: Brace for Impact (1)
Epic Destiny – Exalted Angel: (Heal bot mode)
I: Radiant Power III (3), Healing Power III (3), Endless Faith III (3)
II: Soundburst III (3)
III: Purity of Essence I (1)
IV: Blood and radiance III (3)
V: Leap of Faith (2), Charisma (2)
VI: Sun Blot (2), Divine Wrath (2)
Twists: Draconic: Energy Burst: Fire (4), US: Renewal (3), Primal Avatar: Rejuvenation Cocoon (1), US: Brace for Impact (1)
Epic Destiny – Unyielding Sentinel: (Tank mode)
I: Commanding Presence III (3), Brace for Impact II (4)
II: Endless Smiting III (3)
III: Renewal III (3), Intolerant Blows (2), Endless Lay on hands II (2)
IV: Charisma (2),
V: Strength of Vitality III (3),
VI: Undying Vanguard (2)
Twists: Divine Crusader: Crusade (4), Divine Crusader: Sacred Ground (3), Divine Crusader: Consecration (2)
Augments: Open Slots: 1 Green, 3 Blue or Yellow
Trinket: Epic Litany (Blue/Yellow: Green: ) // Epic Treasure Hunters Spy Glass (+7 int) // PLIS
Head: Dragon Masque (Yellow: Draconic Soul Gem; Colorless: Globe of True Imperial Blood)
Neck: Epic Noxious Embers [combustion 150, EM – Enlarge, Spell lore 17%] (Blue: Good Luck +2; Green: False Life +40)
Goggles: Epic Glimpse of the Soul (Yellow/Blue: Green: Blind Immune) | Epic Mentau’s Goggles (Blue/yellow: Green: Blind Immune)
Bracers: Greater Covelsance (30%) of Superior Parrying
Body: Shadow Scale (Blue: PRR 16; Green: Golem’s Heart)
Cloak: Cha 10 of Accuracy 10 // Prismatic Cloaks (+8 cha) // Jeweled (+8 cha)
Ring: Avithoul +2iDex / Lantern Ring (Colorless: +2 iCon Green: +8 Wisdom)
Boots: EE Goatskin +8 Dex (Green: +2 iCha; Colorless: Balance +15)
Gloves: Guantlets of Immortality (Yellow: 250 Spell points; Colorless: Vitality 20)
Belt: Epic Thoughtful Remembrance (Blue/Yellow: Green: Fear Immune)
TF Shortsword 1st Degree Burns, Dragons Edge (Orange: Meteoric Star Ruby); Mortal Fear (Colorless: Spell craft +15)
TF Shortsword Touch of Flames, (Red: Impluse, Orange: Meridian Frag); Mortal Fear (Colorless: +8 Str )