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  1. #1
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    Default Help me making this monk with rogue splash

    Friend wana try monk, and I haven't played one so looking for feedback:

    Race should be halfling,mostly solo build so would be nice if had at least open lock. search/disable is a bonus as well as umd.

    So one rogue level at least. Then i was thinking if he takes one rogue he might as well specialize for staff because there is a nice synergy there. And if He can't take the capstone He might as well look for a third class and druid seem to offer a lot just for one level (rams might and that quarterstaff enchant). A second rogue would give access to +1 att +2 dmg, enhancement the quickstrike with lower cooldown and haste boost.

    I think It would begood to invest in dragonmarks for this halfling and even in empower heal (first maximize then swapped to empower heal later).

    monk3-?? I guess cleave is not a monkfeat, right?

    7 other: 2*THWF, dragonmark, empower heal, imp crit, ??

    third monk feat probably dodge, last feat probably cleave, but want to hear other ideas. (edit* if less than 18 monk levels then I might go for grandmaster of forms here..not sure if it's worth a feat though..)

    Stats: 14 starting str, level ups here. Dexterity build would benice, but overall I think str is the way to go.. 17 needed for GTHWF anyway + rams migth,+fire stance quite good.

    Wisdom is lowish.. I'm not sure this build needs it at all, excpet for some ac and will save.

    Some questions/feedbackasking:
    -how to split the 3 classes? maybe an other good monk/rogue combo?
    -how important is to use the monk finishers? i rolled up a veteran lvl 7 char and got overhelmed with the many differnt attack
    -What i really miss in this build is the cc ability. A thief acrobat would have at least a good trip attack. Is there a good option for this character?
    -I'm not sure monk has good surviability without prr/mrr.. am I right?
    -how good are the monk spell like abilities? Is it worth to try to invest in spellcraft?
    -how to give this character some good ranged dps without changing too much. Doesn't ned to be great, but usable occasionally.
    Last edited by matezzo; 10-31-2014 at 07:46 AM.

  2. #2


    Lot of builds here on forums--try either
    1) stun rogue--just 2 levels of monk and the rest rogue, or 1 monk 1 fighter 18 rogue. Stun, then sneak attack . wipes them out as they are helpless. Wisdom-based.
    2) staff build--lots of threads debating them--not even sure where to begin
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  3. #3
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    I realized that my build seriously lacks bab for feat requirements. I'm leaning forward a15 monk/4rogue/1 druid split, taking druid quite early for niceboost, but then I won't be able to took both grandmaster form and GTHWF at heroic levels .

    at 12 I can take I-THWF, and 15 I-crit:B

    So now I havea monk feat, and my lvl 6-9 feats which I have no idea what to spend on..

    Is whrilwind attack worth a consideration instead of the THWF feats?

    something else?

  4. #4
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    For a Staff build, my thoughts

    Decide to go STR or DEX, str will do more damage by about 10-25 per swing, Dex will be more survivable,
    If you can get Dex crazy high the sweeping strikes will cause a knock down.

    I prefer at least 5 rogue because I prefer the Rogue acrobat tree to the monk one

    rogue choices
    • 1 - attack speed
    • 2 - shorter cool down on double strike strike
    • 3 - sweeping strike (free cleave)
    • 5 - +1 crits
    • 10 - Improved evasion / Opportunist
    • 13 - Improved evasion / Opportunist

    Monk choices
    • 1 - feat
    • 2 - feat
    • 4 - light healing
    • 6 - feat & Shadow Veil
    • 9 - Improved evasion
    • 12 - abundant step

    other classes
    • Fighter - feats & SD
    • Paly - saves & SD & DM
    • Wiz - Blur/Displacement & some EK things
    • Cleric/fSoul - DM
    • Druid/Ranger - Shillelagh / Rams might (does not work with sireth)

    I used to use the base of
    • 6/5/6 monk/rogue/pally for mine & the last 3 levels didn't really matter,

    With the changed to SD enhancement line only 3 are needed so a base of

    • 6/5/3 monk/rogue/Pally would be the base I would work off of though the 3 could be any of the ones I listed in the other classes section & I have done them all but prefer having the SD tree to the others & using cocoon for healing

    Though I am wondering on how I would do a 15 Pally staff build, I just have not figured out how I would do it yet.

    I feel the important part for how I like to play a staff build since I play them as front line max damage builds is
    • Shadow Veil
    • level 5 rouge acrobat tree
    • PA, Cleave, gCleave, sweeping strikes (cleave), & momentum swing + lay waste
    • Stalwart Defender
    • Dodge - you should get close to 30%
    • Attack speed (base enhancements and clickie abilities)
    • Double strike
    • As much AC/PRR/MR/Dodge as can be gotten & add Incorp & at least blur you should be pretty indestructible

    With this type of set up you hit a group of mobs with 4 cleaves & then hit them again with 4 cleaves you do have to work out the right order for keeping them going though.
    Last edited by Theolin; 10-31-2014 at 09:57 AM.

  5. #5
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    For that 3 pally/fighter defense stance you need to wear medium armor or using shield.. isn't that a problem?

    Is there a point having attack speed bonus at all if you have so many cleave attack? or the speed bonus applies to cleave too?

    and two more questions: how can i increase dodge cap? Does uncanny dodge goes beyond dodge cap? Uncanny dodge is one reason to go for rog 4. (btw the 1% dodge bonus for every 4 levels are for only rogue levels or character levels?)
    Last edited by matezzo; 10-31-2014 at 10:28 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by matezzo View Post
    For that 3 pally/fighter defense stance you need to wear medium armor or using shield.. isn't that a problem?

    Is there a point having attack speed bonus at all if you have so many cleave attack? or the speed bonus applies to cleave too?

    and two more questions: how can i increase dodge cap? Does uncanny dodge goes beyond dodge cap? Uncanny dodge is one reason to go for rog 4. (btw the 1% dodge bonus for every 4 levels are for only rogue levels or character levels?)
    SD: the first stuff does not require armour & i just take the PRR part
    Attack speed: sometimes for single targets it is best to not cleave & It appears to speeds up the delay between cleaves, though I may be deceiving myself
    Dodge: there are some enhancement in both rogue & monk trees that give bonus to dodge & max dodge, there was one in a fighter tree but not sure if it is still there. other than that, monk & rogue levels give some, so do a few feats.
    Last edited by Theolin; 10-31-2014 at 12:37 PM.

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