Adventurers of the Sacred Heart
This is a private guild. By Orien in-game mail, inquire with Dockerman, a level 18 cleric, for specifics.
Dockerman is a founding character. He started in Stormreach when Stormreach was first available for new adventurers. Before that, he traveled in time to heal the wounded, adventuring comrade. He has visited other worlds from many different adventures settings. Distant periods of time has he been to, including 2112ad, 3000bc & 1985ad. In other galaxies, he has traveled hundreds of thousands years ago. He has seen the future in what he calls an Earthease.
AotSH is the acronym for Adventurers of the Sacred Heart.
AotSH is a role playing guild. There is a short quiz that one must pass in order to become a member. The questions are these: One, will you help new DDO members? The answer must be yes; Two, are you comfortable role playing? The answer must be yes.
Thank you for your attention. I have been distracting you; So, Tinsnip the rogue assassinate your bacon.