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  1. #1
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    Default Fighter/Wizard/Rogue Human Build

    Hi, i'm new to this game and i'm not even done downloading it yet, but before i play, i want to get a good idea of my build so i don't make any big mistakes. I would like to make a human character as a Fighter/Wizard/Rogue and use a greatsword as a weapon. Would this be viable and what level should they all be? What stats should i have and are there any skills that are essential?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonHero View Post
    Hi, i'm new to this game and i'm not even done downloading it yet, but before i play, i want to get a good idea of my build so i don't make any big mistakes. I would like to make a human character as a Fighter/Wizard/Rogue and use a greatsword as a weapon. Would this be viable and what level should they all be? What stats should i have and are there any skills that are essential?
    Human 14 wiz/4 fighter/2 rogue, level order: rogue (skill points), fighter(haste boost+ martial feats), wiz x12(shroud vampire and shroud wraith), fighter x3 (stalwart stance), wiz x2, rogue.

    base stats: 16 str, 16 int, 14 con, level ups +2 str, +2 int

    feats: thf, power attack, cleave, maximice, extend spell, quicken, mental toughness, Ic slashing, Ithf, Gthf, insightful reflexes, toughness, great cleave, oc, etc.

    stalwart around 20-26 pt for greater stance, around 20 pt pale master for shroud wraith for self heal with death aura+ negative burst, around 8 pt kensai for haste boost, extra action boost, human for damage boost, rest on eldritch knight and maybe archmage for displascement sla, etc.

    Playstyle: You go in shroud form, self healing with death aura + negative burst, in stalwart stance swinging your greatsword in medium or heavy armor (take arcane spell failure into consieration), and using spells fo buffsm like haste, displascement, gh, rage, and some dmg spells like firewall, ice storm, chain missiles, eladar, scroching, etc. Capable of disabling traps with the right gear, etc.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    While it's doable, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it's viable, particularly for a newcomer. DDO is certainly a game which encourages specialization, rather than stretching yourself too thin. A lot of crazy MCed combos which work well in PnP doesn't survive the transition to DDO. I think elcagador's build is going in the right direction, but it's important to be clear about the limitations of that approach, too. And frankly, pure pallies and Swashbucklers are so strong right now, I'm reluctant to recommend anything else as a newbie melee build.

    Which is not something I would've expected to say six months ago, and yet, here we are.

    Are you a VIP? If so, you have access to the Harper PrE, which among other things lets you sub INT for STR for melee to-hit & dmg. You may also wish to consider SWF Swashbuckler instead of greatswords, which has a bit more synergy with wizard.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    While it's doable, I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it's viable, particularly for a newcomer. DDO is certainly a game which encourages specialization, rather than stretching yourself too thin. A lot of crazy MCed combos which work well in PnP doesn't survive the transition to DDO. I think elcagador's build is going in the right direction, but it's important to be clear about the limitations of that approach, too. And frankly, pure pallies and Swashbucklers are so strong right now, I'm reluctant to recommend anything else as a newbie melee build.

    Which is not something I would've expected to say six months ago, and yet, here we are.

    Are you a VIP? If so, you have access to the Harper PrE, which among other things lets you sub INT for STR for melee to-hit & dmg. You may also wish to consider SWF Swashbuckler instead of greatswords, which has a bit more synergy with wizard.
    While swashbuckler and paladins can give more meele dmg with the right gear there are no reasons to not play other builds if you want some flavor. This particular build is capable of soloing normal and even hard difficulties with random loot gear from the AH. For newbies, wizard gives very useful buffs like resist energy, blur, haste, displascement, true seeing, tensers, invis, ranged dmg from spells, etc. Also gives decent self healing and immunities with pale master shroud forms. With fighter stalwart stance+ light or medium armor + shroud wraith will have enough defenses even without good gear. With rogue skills like disable device, search and open lock can do most of the traps (at least on normal and hard) with easy gear from the auction house. So I think the build is well suited even for new players because have solid defenses, self heal, sustained damage from Two handed fighting, and some burst from spell dmg + haste boost.
    Last edited by elcagador; 10-29-2014 at 02:57 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the advice.

    Anyways, are there any skills i should not get or skills that i should stop leveling at a certain point?

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonHero View Post
    Thanks for the advice.

    Anyways, are there any skills i should not get or skills that i should stop leveling at a certain point?
    Asuming you want to explore and learn game playing in casual, normal and hard difficulties, having trap skills (disable device, search), open lock and spot can be very helpful to get experience bonuses and secret locations in many quests. For Elite difficulty might be harder to get enough of those skills but doable with good items and tomes, spot would be almost useless on elite but good to have it for Normal or Hard trap locations. Also spellcraft can help a bit on your spellpower, same for heal skill, that help a bit you negative spellpower for self heals. Concentration can help until you get quiken spell and use magical device can be useful at higher levels for some scroll using.(Take into account that you can buy disabling, minute seeing, escape, eagle items that can help you to boost trap skills)

    I would get Search, Disable device and Open lock first, then Spot and use magical device, and if have remaining skills could go with spellcraft or heal or concentration. At first level if you take rogue you can take more skill points so can take some jump and balance or haggle but those skills can stop there after that level.
    Last edited by elcagador; 10-30-2014 at 07:15 PM.

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