Here's a summary of the new Occult Slayer Weapon Bond feature, for reference.You gain 1 weapon bond per hit, up to 200, with no time limit. (So you can easily get 90-180 per minute).
core1: spend 1 Bond to get +5 hit for 12 sec, cd 120.
t1: Bond 10 gives +6 AC and +3 MRR.
t2: Bond 60/120/180 gives 4/8/12 PRR and MRR.
t3: Bond 20 gives ~10 damage per hit (times MP, maybe limited to 1hz)
t4: Spend 30 Bond for 10 sec of +10 Meleepower.
t5: Bond 150 gives 20 temphp on hits, 6 icd.
t5: Spend all Bond to heal Bond*2 hp.
t5: Spend 50 Bond to attack with +5W +1 crit range +1 crit mult.
Feedback on new OS Weapon Bond features- The core1 active effect for +5 attack with 120 cooldown is silly. No reason to ever click it, so no reason to put the icon on your bar (except to see your remaining points). Suggested change: don't try to make this active effect truly powerful, but raise the Bond cost to 5, lower the cooldown to 30, give it a bonus to attack, damage, duration equal to your number of OS cores. If you have further OS cores, the buff also grants Ghost Touch, True Seeing, and so on.
- About Parrying Bond and Kinetic Bond. Those features require only 10 and 20 Bond, which is very fast to earn, so it's almost the same as them being passively on. The only times they won't be on is at the very beginning, or immediately after casting Ancestral Bond. Maybe heavy use of Hated Enemies can also get you down there, if you choose to use it that much. So anyway, these things have only a weak connection to the Weapon Bond system raising a question of it if makes sense to have them like this.
- About t2 Guarding Bond. The thresholds are 60,120,180. The only way you'll be below 180 for long is if you use Hated Enemies or Ancestral Bond, which requires being t4-t5 in Occult Slayer. So Barbs who are lower-level or focused more in Ravager/Berserker can treat this as always-on. Someone with more Occult Slayer will probably spend their Bond and stay mostly below 180, or often below 120. So people strong OS focus probably will just skip the 3rd and/or 2nd clicks of this enhancement. In general, I dislike when the higher clicks of an enhancement merely give you permission to reach a higher stack size.
- Tier5 Vampiric Bond: Seems good I guess. You'll stay above 150 consistently, unless you decide to Ancestral Bond for a hp refill or Hated Enemies for more damage. So this gives players an obvious realtime tradeoff between damage and survivability: stop clicking Hated Enemies when you need the Vampiric temp hp instead.
- Comparing Vampiric Bond with Ravager t5 Blood Strength. Well, Blood Strength gives ~2.5 hp per hit, which multiplies by Heal Amp to be more like ~5, and Meleepower might make it ~6. Vampiric Bond gives 20 temp hp, which Meleepower could change to 28. But Blood Strength has no internal cooldown and is self-stacking, so it can trigger over 18 times as much.
Vampiric Bond 28 vs Blood Strength 6 * 18 = 108. So Ravager's t5 Blood Strength is around 108/28 = 380% as good as OS t5 Vampiric Bond (moreso because it doesn't interfere with other uses for Bond points). However, Occult Slayer has a second self-heal in t5, so it's not like Vampiric Bond is alone here.
- Compare Ancestral Bond with Ravager t5 Blood Strength. Ancestral Bond gives you +2 hp per hit (delayed until you decide to cast the effect). Blood Strength gives +2.5 hp per hit, but Meleepower boosts it a little, say to 3. So in general Blood Strength is about 150% as good as Ancestral Bond. (Ancestral has the downside of needing active clicking to get the effect, but the upside of being able to click for a big heal right after you rolled a natural 1 on an enemy spell)
If we measured Blood Strength against the pair of Ancestral Bond + Vampiric Bond, they do turn out pretty similar in total protectiveness.
- Let's compare t5 Seeker's Strike with t4 Hated Enemies. Seeker's Strike is 50 Bond for 1-2 attacks with +5W +1 mult +1 range. Hated Enemies is 30 Bond for 10 sec of +10 Meleepower, which is 20-30 attacks worth (and can benefit special attacks you made in that period). I'm not going to do the math right now, but I've been told that +10 Meleepower is more than 20% as good as +5W +1 mult +1 range. Let's assume it's true that Seeker's Strike improves an attack 5x as much as Hated Enemies does. Seeker's Strike = (5*1 swing) / 50 cost = 0.1 vs Hated Enemies (1*15 swings) / 30 cost = 0.5.
So Hated Enemies is maybe 5x as good as Seeker's Strike, in terms of damage benefit per Bond spent. Even if the 20% figure was incorrect, it still seems very likely that Hated Enemies is several times more powerful (boost per bond) than Seeker's Strike. Since even a high-speed TWF Barb will need over 10 seconds to earn 30 Bond, you will never have enough Bond to freely use both Hated Enemies and Seeker's Strike. Therefore, it's mostly always a mistake to click Seeker's Strike instead of saving the points for Hated Enemies. So it's also pretty much a mistake to spend AP on Seeker's Strike. (The exception might be if you'll use it in conjunction with Adrenaline, although Slaughter from the Ravager tree might be better for that purpose).
- Compare t5 Seeker's Strike to t5 Ancestral Bond. Well, clicking Seeker's Strike costs enough Bond to heal yourself 100 points. Would most people be willing to spend 100 self-damage on a mediocre active attack?
- Let's compare t5 Seeker's Strike with Acrobat t1 Sly Flourish. SeekerStrike is 5W +1 range +1 mult 3 cd 50 Bond cost, while SlyFlourish is 1.5W +3 range 12 cd zero cost. Assuming your weapon is 19-20x3 (CP 4), SeekerStrike is 18-20x4 (CP 9) and SlyFlourish is 16-20x3 (CP 10). So although SeekerStrike is quite superior with 4.5 more +W, it actually gives a bit less multiplier to all your damage. And if your weapon is Heartseeker or another thing that causes big damage on every crit, then SlyFlourish is indeed better.
It's pretty undesirable that a t5 attack which costs 50 Bond isn't really superior to a t1 attack that's cost-free. As a start, I'd suggest lowering the Bond cost to be 20-30 instead of 50. And then merge in the benefits of Ear Smash and Knockout (if you have them), putting Ear Smash on its regular cooldown.
- Compare t5 Seeker's Strike with Paladin14 Holy Sword. Well obviously on a per-swing basis, Seeker's Strike is better because it gives more +W while the crit bonuses are the same. But of course Holy Sword's benefit can be used more than 20 times as much, including at the same time as other active attacks. Oh wait: if Holy Sword gives net +2 crit range while Seeker Strike only gives +1 crit range, then even one single swing with Holy Sword is better than using this active special attack...
General feedback: It's good to not lose all Weapon Bond by switching items, and it's good to have some icons that spend a lot of Bond points for a benefit. But the Weapon Bond thresholds and costs are all over the map. Soon I will post a suggestion to make it more unified.