that was on topic, but since the dev's don't seem to understand that the barb is lagging behind a paladin and a bard in terms of dps. since words weren't getting us their i thought big pictures might.
to be honnest:
after being vocal for a whille and being ignored (as many others were here) during the U19 lam period i was suprised, no downright pumped to see what they had in store for the barbarian.
After all the good work and dps increase on what in pnp and ddo have been known as the tank and bufbot classes i couldn't wait to see what was in store for barbarians.
looks like most fun is to be had on heroics for the poor old barb, still no propper EE type of dps
kinda sad for a class that is supposed to be for melee what sorcerer is for arcane classes, raw damage output still can't do the only thing it was designed for in the first place
even a paladin can fall back to defences, healing, diplomacie, umd etc when his dps isn't needed/working.
even a bard can fall back to spelcasting, healing, buffing, crowdcontrolling, a plethora of skills, a good defence when his dps fails
The barbarian has nothing to fall back on when his dps
wil fail