LF 0 Black Stones (Got them already sorry) and TP points. Still looking for TP pts though.
EN Ring of the Djinn
Slaver's Hand Crossbow
Health +10 Boots Protection +10 ML 28
Health +9 Gloves Protection +9 ML 26
EH Arkat's Cord
EH Mountain's Fist
EH Silver Ingt Arcaum x2
Charismatic +9 Goggles of the Archmagi ML 27 Yellow slot
EH Copper Ingot Arcanum
EE Mountains Fist
EH Iron beads
EN Daggertooth's Belt
EE Silver Ingot Arcanum
EE Iron Beads x 2
EE Arkat's Cord
EH Mangle of the Dragonfriend
EH Gloves of the Forgotten Craft
EH Hammer of the Leaden Clouds
EN Whisperchain
EH Axe of Adaxus
EH Allegiance
EE Madstone Skull
EE Dream Visor
Deadly Compass of Wizardry X (+10 damage bonus +250sp) ML 27
EE Shade's Hood
Can trade Multiple Items for TP points as well
I have plat and named items for trade. Best to reach me in game on Siltharius, Threefang, Lawbane, Lazerfist, Shieldfist, Aeolayndria.