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  1. #1
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Nov 2013

    Default Augments for Ki-Users

    Topaz of Ki, ML20: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 1
    Topaz of Ki, ML24: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 2
    Topaz of Ki, ML28: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 3

    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML20: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 1
    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML24: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 2
    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML28: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 3

    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML20: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 1
    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML24: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 2
    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML28: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 3

    Many other classes have Augments supporting their main-class-abilities. And Monks Need ki, you can´t find pots that you guzzle when you Need some.
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 10-24-2014 at 10:18 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Topaz of Ki, ML20: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 1
    Topaz of Ki, ML24: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 2
    Topaz of Ki, ML28: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 3

    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML20: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 1
    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML24: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 2
    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML28: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 3

    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML20: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 1
    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML24: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 2
    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML28: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 3

    Many other classes have Augments supporting their main-class-abilities. And Monks Need ki, you can´t find pots that you guzzle when you Need some.
    I agree it would be nice, being a monk it's nice to slot in enhanced ki and reinforced fists, which usually takes multiple slots. There is spider spun caparison which IMO is still nice, it caters to concentration, reinforced fists, and enhanced ki, but there needs to be more options. While I like the idea of ki augments, this seems like overkill. Enhanced ki 1 is really nice for keeping up ki but with 3 you would be at max ki full time even if you are spamming ki strikes non stop.

    Edit: Monks need a big overhaul on ki strikes, finishers, and ki abilities, so if they ever make better ones that are more costly then this would be great.
    Last edited by moo_cow; 10-24-2014 at 01:03 PM.

  3. #3


    I wouldn't be against a rare L20 +1 passive ki augment, or even a +1 on being attacked augment, but the rest are generally overkill.

    The class that goes through ki like mages through spell points is the Henshin Mystic. A fully trained Heroic one can gain these passive ki bonuses without any cross-tree training:

    -Animal Form: Way of the Tenacious Badger: +1 if HP is <50%
    -Contemplation: 3 ranks to +1
    -Ultimate Ocean Stance: +1
    -Serenity (last core ability): +1

    By this time you also (should) have higher WIS and Concentration so it takes quite a while for your regeneration effects to balance. At level 20 with no EDs, this is typically at least half of your ki bar. You should also retain excess ki from attacking to about 3/4 of your bar before you start to bleed it out.

    But the ki bar on my Mystic at level 24, with Grandmaster of Flowers active, gains additional ki.

    -Enlightenment: +1
    -Balance in all Things (last core): +1

    I've got +6 ki rolling in. As a result, my ki bar is continually regenerating and will naturally go to about 95% capacity around (I think) 300 Ki, just by standing. I did train in the Ninja Spy option to go +7 if needed. When mediating (and Mystics can train in 3 additional ones), it rockets to +10 ki regeneration or so.

    But the Mystic needs this power since they're speclal (as you know) and there's no other source as mages have. Other classes should train the Ninja Spy's Stealthy for a cheap +1 very early on, adding in Mystic's Contemplation that should tide them over well into L12 where they'll get their Ocean Stance bonus. The L16 Frozen Tunic use is also an excellent idea since you can't find Enhanced Ki elsewhere until the Alchemist's Pendant at L18.

    I'm pretty certain that Enhanced Ki effects do not stack; it's a one-time special effect.
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
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  4. #4
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencerian View Post
    I wouldn't be against a rare L20 +1 passive ki augment, or even a +1 on being attacked augment, but the rest are generally overkill.
    Hi spencerian,

    i admit that my Suggestion was intentionally exaggerated with all those listed augemnts, but i think we should get "something". You always Need to demand more than you will gain later.
    I just wanted to Point out, that in comparison to other Augment-Options, ki is left out. Talking about gear, ki-regen-Options simply stuck with ML16 as it is, there is no way better to get.
    Epic gear, besides spiderspund and vestments, is non better on that and withheld to us.

    Of couse i get a lot of Options to increase ki-regen to make use of, but it´s at last a ML16 Thing on epic stuff, what feels a bit "aw man, come on guys, that´s all?" I love spiderspun in set, but i find it hard to set for 25+ or end-game.
    You know everyone is running in flawless Dragon or shadow, and i´m forced to Slot in "crappy-old" ML18 oremis or pendant (which are pretty nice for sure and work "ok" on my lvl28 Setup now)

    So we (don´t ?)

    a) lack of an augement to make up:

    Topaz of Critical-Ki, ML20: Generate additional Ki on critical hits by 1 (yes, ML20, coz it´s of nice use, but not thaaat Overkill)

    Topaz of Ki, ML25: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 1 ( I think ML25 would be fair when flawless Dragon Comes into Play and like True Imperial blood is set same ML25)
    [Topaz of Ki, ML29+: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 2]

    Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML25: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 1
    [Topaz of Enhanced-Ki, ML29+: Increases the rate at which the user gains Ki with each successful attack by 2]

    b) lack of items too!

    Passive Ki+1 and enhanced Ki+1 are not what i like to see on ML20+ gear. My suggested +3 ponyfarm-dreams might be too strong, but Augments like this (maybe even +2 for endgame or LVL30 cap) at all should be introduced.
    I would lke to read a honest opinion from a dev about this, too.
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 10-29-2014 at 07:58 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  5. #5


    I understand.

    Since you can do so much with ki, it always seems that the devs don't want overdo our ability to regenerate it without properly investing what's already required to sustain it. It might be like a L2 spellcasting character being able to wear Archmagi items.

    I just think that too much ki generation before level 12 might be a bit overpowered.

    I could go for a critical on-hit bonus augment for level 6 since it's a very dry time between there and level 12 with a lot of combat.
    Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide
    (Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)
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