Melee Clerics get most of their melee dps from Epic Destinies and twisting. For your GF build here if she likes 2HF fighting that is just fine. I have a CLR17/PAL2/FTR1 that melees just fine. You might also need some tips on gear.
I like to twist Momentum Swing with Cleaves and Great Cleaves. With Thunder Forged Falchions you get lots of critical. If you pug you probably want Aura and Empower for versatility. Divine Punishment is a hog, but great for bosses still and great for versatility for a melee cleric. With static groups you might get away with dropping Empower, but Aura is just such a good enhancement mainly because melees don't get ****ed at you melee'in and dieing as long as your Aura ticks off when you are alive. They will revive you to get your Aura back It means they can melee and self heal less which is really more dps for the group.
Make sure you have a deadly and seeker item and a weapon with a good critical profile to use with enhancements and epic desitiny abilities
With my build I have great saves and enough room for Great Cleave, GTHF, empower along with the essentials like PA and IC and EH. I even have OC.
I have Goat Boots, but a speed item is good. You need a FTR lvl for haste. This stacks with speed items. You put out a lot of damage with THF. Keep in mind as a Cleric you may move more and have to move around to heal others, so your GTHF might not have a chance to go off, but I think they changed it so moving does not negate it?
You should be using Divine Power item clicks for heroic. Cause Aura is just that good.
I have kind a gravitated towards Divine Crusader for melee dps with the 50% boost ticking down along with BAB=character lvl. Unyielding Sentinel has huge synergy with PAL2 for a more healing surviving role, and Legendary Dreadnought for Momentum Swing Twists. Cocoon Twist and Endless Faith for for spell points.
Cocoon saves so much spell points and it is sooooo easy to heal with it through walls not needing line of sight. Healing is such a lesser distraction for your other tasks like melee or casting. Clerics are fun that way multi tasking and the group usually expects you to especially pugs unless there are way too many divines.