The starting ability points have me a little confused. Why do warforged and half-orcs get shafted? I mean humans start with 8 across the board and elves have 2 taken from con and given to dex. Halflings get 2 from str and given to dex. Drows get -2 to con and +2 to dex, int and cha which turbine justified by giving 4 fewer points to spend upon creation. I understand all that. What I don't understand is that warforged have 2 given to con and -2 to wis and cha. Half-orcs have 2 given to str but -2 int and cha. why don't those 2 races get 30/34 point builds to start or have 1 more ability raised to 10 to start?
Can anyone tell me why turbine nerfed these 2 races? You're not getting true 28/32 point builds with these races. You're getting 26/30 point builds